
I've got an accordion with arrow icons indicating when a section is open and closed. Once the accordion is opened the arrow points down showing the content below it.

However I've created a close button that gets appended into each section. This sits at the bottom of every section in the accordion.

I want it so that once the close button is pressed the arrow changes it's state back to closed.

$(function() {
$('#accordion h3').each(function(){ 
    var $set = $(this).nextUntil("h3");
    $set.wrapAll('<div />');

$('#accordion').accordion({ collapsible:true, active:true, heightStyle:"content", disabled:true, animated: false});
    theOffset = $(this).offset();
    $(window).scrollTop(theOffset.top - 50);

$('#accordion h3.ui-accordion-header').click(function(){
    var _this = $(this);
    $('.ui-accordion-header-icon', _this).toggleClass('ui-icon-triangle-1-e ui-icon-triangle-1-s');
    return false;

    $('.ui-accordion-content').append('<a href="#" class="close">Close</a><div class="clearfix"></div>');

        $(this).parent().slideUp('slow', function(){
            $(window).scrollTop(theOffset.top - 50);
            var hidecollapsebutton = true;
                if($(this).css('display') == 'block')
                    hidecollapsebutton = false;



        return false;


Any help would be much appreciated. I can provide more information if it's needed. Thanks.


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2 Answers2


As you could have found out yourself with a little simple debugging, $(this).closest('.ui-accordion-content') does not match any element here. (That’s because your close button is within div.ui-accordion-content, and the h3.ui-accordion-header is the previous sibling of that div element.)

Simple to fix: Go up to parent div (.ui-accordion-content), get previous h3 (.ui-accordion-header), and then the span (.ui-accordion-header-icon) element within it:



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  • Thanks. Sorry jQuery's not my strong point but I'm getting there – user2879183 Mar 11 '14 at 11:03
  • No Problem. I first did a `console.log($(this).closest('.ui-accordion-content'))` at the beginning of your click handler function, and got an empty object in console … simple starting point for debugging issues like this. – CBroe Mar 11 '14 at 11:05

I'd try changing click to on:

$(document).on("click", ".close", function(){
   //change arrow state

It's because not every .close element exist as you binding click event.

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