Questions tagged [jquery-masonry]

Masonry is a dynamic grid layout plugin for jQuery

Masonry is a dynamic grid layout plugin for that works by placing elements in optimal position based on available vertical space.

Think of it as the flip-side of CSS floats: whereas floating arranges elements horizontally then vertically, Masonry arranges elements vertically, positioning each element in the next open spot in the grid.

The result minimizes vertical gaps between elements of varying height, just like a mason fitting stones in a wall.

1239 questions
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jQuery Masonry stretching images

[NOTE: I currently do not have enough reputation to post images, so unfortunately they're posted as links] Alrighty, so, I'm currently developing a Wordpress theme with a little help from the jQuery Masonry plugin. Depending on which page you're…
Julian Laval
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5 answers

For loop with counter in PHP not working

I'm working on a school project to get rss feeds from newspapers and get them styled in a Masonry lay-out. I can get the rss feed to convert in html with the Simplepie class but I want to give each article a column size from 1 to 5 with a…
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Jquery Masonry with PHP content pulled from database

So I'm working on a PHP site that pulls the data from the database and formats it into an html post. This php page then repeats that process for all the posts from the database. The index.php page then pulls all those posts into itself for display.…
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1 answer

How to force infiniteScroll to considered dynamic content added via jQuery.html call

I am using masonry + infinite scroll but when I have to replace the content of a div with a HTML that comes from another ajax call the scroll stops working even tough the nav element is there. So if the content comes when the page first loads the…
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Apply Jquery Masonry and Infinite Scrolling to Tumblr Theme

I am creating a 3-column tumblr theme and trying to apply infinite scrolling and masonry to the posts. The masonry only applies on the number of 'Posts Per Page' (eg. if it's set to 15, masonry will only apply to the first 15 posts). I've looked…
1 answer

Jquery masonry having trouble getting multiple columns

I'm using the Jquery masonry plugin to structure a page so that it has 2 columns. I am not sure that the plugin is only shows 1 column, and if I alter the column width in the Jquery code, nothing happens. Code is below - grateful for…
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imagesLoaded method with JQuery masonry and infinite scroll

I found this post: imagesLoaded method not working with JQuery masonry and infinite scroll and it shows the answer to how to use imagesLoaded method with JQuery masonry and infinite scroll What I would like to know is if anyone has a Tumblr theme…
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mansory + infinitescroll preloder animation to load images from the begin

I use jquery masonry + infinite scroll. I would have the preloading effect with the loader image from the begin (when I open the page), not on 1st scroll, using the infinite scroll library. in alternative can be usefull a gif preloader in the…
1 answer

Infinite Scroll JQuery / PHP (Loading page issue )

How can i load pages dynamically in case of an infinite Scroll. The issue is that i have to manually create the php files. The Script searches for 2.php and then 3.php and then 4.php so on... I don't want to create these pages manually , i want it…
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Masonry JS plug-in - Chrome / Firefox issues

I am attempting to use the Masonry plug-in to replicate a 'Pinterst' display. Everything is displaying great in Safari, but things often appear a mess in Chrome and Firefox. I am unsure on how to approach remedying this. Below is the JavaScript…
1 answer

Incorrect number of columns displayed in jQuery masonry page

I am trying to get the masonry plugin working with a tumblr theme. I need it to have 4 columns but for some reason it is only displaying 2. Can anyone help please? I would create a jsfiddle but time is really…
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2 answers

Can't use javascript variable inside nested function (jquery masonry plugin)

I want to use a javascript variable to calculate the columnWidth variable of the jQuery Masonry plugin. When I view source on my page, I see the variable name in the javascript rather than the variables…
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3 answers

How to calculate each child div height and width

How calculate height and width of child DIVs. I want to calculate height and width of each child DIV then compare its width and height. If Width is greater then Height then add class1 or height is greater then width then add class2. And width is…
Himanshu Vaghela
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1 answer

Masonry Plugin don't work on WordPress gallery

Good evening, I am trying to do a masonry gallery like the on on this website: I have a plugin already developed on this link: To work the structure is:
2 answers

Wordpress post. List images as a masonry grid

I have googled around without finding a good solution for this. What i want to do is to create a masonry-like grid in a post where all images in the post should be in the masonry grid. How could i achieve this?
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