Questions tagged [jnotify]

Library that allows Java applications to listen to file system events

Find more information at

JNotify is a java library that allow java application to listen to file system events, such as:

  • File created
  • File modified
  • File renamed
  • File deleted

Supported platforms

  • Windows (2000 or newer)
  • Linux with INofity support (2.6.14 or newer) Linux notes
  • Mac OS X (10.5 or newer) Mac OS notes

Usage example

JNotify can be tested by simply running the jar file with the followng command:
java -Djava.library.path=. -jar jnotify-VER.jar [dir]

JNotify will then monitor the specified dir (or the current directory if dir is not specified) and print detected events. Note that java.library.path should point to the location of the native libraries that comes with jnotify (dlls, so dylibs etc)...

46 questions
12 answers

javax.activation.UnsupportedDataTypeException: no object DCH for MIME type multipart/mixed; boundary

Currently I'm inline of writing a code that will be listening to a directory. when the directory is updated with .apk file, I'll send a mail with this .apk file to a gmail account. I'm using Jnotify and JAVA Mail in my program. The Error I'm getting…
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2 answers

JNotify on Mac OS X?

I want to try JNotify, the plugin library for watching file system changes, but cannot figure out how to configure it. The web page for JNotify says that "java.library.path should point to the location of the native libraries that comes with jnotify…
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3 answers

Error when trying to run a Play Scala app with sbt after fresh install on Catalina: "Error loading JNotify watch service: null"

After moving to Catalina and re-installing everything, no way to run my Play Scala app. After doing sbt then run, I get this error: [warn] Error loading JNotify watch service: null Everything was installed with brew from this brewfile (I didn't…
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1 answer

Play Framework: Cannot load the JNotify native library

Having issues starting Play project on my Windows 10 machine (worked fine on Win 7) When I do "activator run" I get the following: Error loading library, java.library.path=C:\Program…
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3 answers

Play Framework 2.1 Java/Eclipse: Auto-Reload not working

The Problem/s: Views are being compiled but hitting refresh in a browser won't show the changes without restarting the server manually. Changes to controllers compile automatically using ~run but only a manual server restart will update the…
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Substitute for JNotify?

I have used JNotify on the windows. But I am getting weird exception. An unexpected error has been detected by Java Runtime Environment: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x6d94200c, pid=22944, tid=20528 Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client…
Dhruv Bansal
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3 answers

Using the JNotify library, how can you tell if a deleted file was a file or a directory?

For those unfamiliar with JNotify, this is a library which provides an easy way to monitor events in a directory. For instance, when a file gets deleted in the selected folder, the method "fileDeleted" gets called, along with a few parameters.…
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0 answers

Java API for FileSystem changes?

Possible Duplicate: Java detect changes in filesystem Can anyone suggest a Java API for tracking events in FileSystem? I found one - JNotify, but it doesn't support 64-bit systems. Also, the new java.nio.* library is very new to use in a…
Binaek Sarkar
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3 answers

Getting JNotify into Maven/Archiva

I am currently working on a project that includes using JNotify to monitor when a directory/file has been created, renamed/modified, and deleted. The project is being built in Java 6, not Java 7. JNotify uses JNI to hook into the native OS to…
Edward Kennedy
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1 answer

Tomcat Servlet Jnotify directory monitoring

I want to create a servlet to be contained within Tomcat which uses Jnotify (probably but open to suggestions) to monitor a directory for changes. I would use Java 7 and the NIO stuff but our production systems run Ubuntu 10.04 and I want to stick…
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3 answers

JNotify and File Reader conflicting each other

I implemented JNotify to determine when a new file arrives in a particular directory, and, when a file arrives, to send the filename over to another function, as follows: public class FileDetector { MessageProcessor mp; …
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1 answer

Play framework, typesafe activator: "error loading JNotify watch service: no jnotify in java.library.path"

I am trying to open an existing application through typesafe activator 1.3. The error message says that JNotify is missing in java library but I've also added jnotify_64bit.dll file to the…
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1 answer

Jnotify jquery plugin to use for $_Get message

I am having problem in using this plugin as i,am saving each of my message is Global variable and want to call the jquery function with that message on each transaction, that is added, edited, deleted. Here is what i do on sucessful event …
1 answer

Issue with running jNotify in linux (CentOS 5.4)

I'm trying to setup jnotify in a centos 5.4 (64 bit) box to monitor directories for file change. I followed the instruction by putting the in java library path. Here's my entry java -Xms64m -Xmx2048m -Djava.library.path=.…
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1 answer

Inconsistent behavior of JNotify (a java file watcher)

Using JNotify in project and it fulfill my all requirements, but some times it show inconsistent behavior like Some time when I cut and paste (Drag and drop) any folder to my root folder it only read the folder not child of that folder (I just…
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