Questions tagged [jnetpcap]

jNetPcap is an open-source Java wrapper for nearly all libpcap library native calls.


126 questions
2 answers

Jnetpcap, preparing UDP/TCP/IP/ICMP packet

Recently, I'm using Jnetpcap to send/receive raw packet over network. Jnetpcap provides sending packets by Pcap.sendPacket(). This method gets raw buffer or bytes to send. On the other hand, there is org.jnetpcap.protocol.* classes which wraps…
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3 answers

Program works in eclipse with libraries but not when extracted to jar

I've made a project in Java using Eclipse using the jnetpcap library which needs WinPCap to be installed to work properly. However, there's no winpcap library included in my project only jnetpcap. But when i extract the project into a generated jar…
Anders Lassen
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5 answers

jnetpcap - java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: com.slytechs.library.NativeLibrary.dlopen(Ljava/lang/String;)J

I am using IntelliJ to run a sample java-jnetpcap application. I have 64 bit JDK in the class path and included the following dependency jnetpcap jnetpcap
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How to read packets in Android using Jnetpcap?

I am working on an Android app where I need to capture the packets. I am using VpnService for this purpose. I am able to write the data to a pcap file. Next I want to decode the pcap file. I am using jnetpcap library version 1.3 for this purpose. I…
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1 answer

PCAP nanosecond resolution from Java

Context Current status For performance analysis, my company is interested in nanosecond resolution. So far, we have been using hardware timestamps and the support of nanoseconds was quickly hacked into the C libpcap library. It seems that the…
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Stopping ARP protocol in window

Is there a way to stop ARP protocol in window , i have developed my own ARP protocol which add authentication to ARP using a java api called jnetpcap. but , still haven't found a way to stop the normal ARP. now i am deleting the ARP entry updated…
Mohammed Falha
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JNetPcap send UDP Packet

A have an issue and since i have worked nearly 3 days to get the library and code to work without exceptions, i'm really disapointed now. I just want to create an Udp Package with an spoofed IPv4 address and send it. Sounds easy, dosn't it? But it…
0 answers

jNetPcap: Cannot extract Complete Http header

I am using jNetPcap library to extract packet information from an offline Pcap file.When I capture packets on Wi-fi network with Microsoft Interface I am able to extract the Http header with all fields. However with Intel Interface(i.e when I am on…
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Centos : java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: com.slytechs.library.NativeLibrary.dlopen(Ljava/lang/String;)J

I have downloaded "jnetpcap-1.4.r1425-1.linux64.x86_64.tgz" The dir tree sturcute is looks like. jnetpcap-1.4.r1425 â   âââ CHANGE_LOG.txt â   âââ COPYING â   âââ COPYING.LESSER â   âââ include â   â   âââ analysis.h â   â   âââ…
2 answers

How to execute maven main class with required user libraries?

I created one maven project in which only one class is available. I want to use jnetpcap API in this class. For this purpose, I followed jnet eclipse setup tutorial with Setup 1 approach (user library) and created one user library and added it to my…
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How to install jnetpcap library on Raspberry pi (Rasbian OS)?

Can anyone help. I want to capture packets using jnetpcap library. But I'm getting Java build path errors. I think i have not installed the library properly. I tried with the jnetpcap library for Debian version. What do I have to download and put…
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Is it a possible what get a PID of running process from given port?

I'm trying to write a packet capturing java program using the jnetpcap library. But I wonder if I can get the PID from a given port? In my case, I'm trying to use Sigar API to get the PID (method name is getProcPort(protocol, port)).…
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0 answers

UDP DNS Packet Sniffing

So I have used jNetPcap to sniff network packets in one of my projects. My question is how do I extract DNS query and response from UDP packets? jNetPcap is just a Java wrapper on libpcap, if that helps. I know to etract DNS packets I need to look…
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How to analyze the network usage of processes separately in windows using java

I am developing a java tool to gather information about network usage of processes in windows. Intention of this project is to filter out unwanted or malicious traffic. As the first step I could create a code to analyze network traffic using jpcap…
0 answers

How to use hadoop-pcap library to extract packet payload data, specifically hexdump of any packet?

I am using a hadoop-pcap library from here: hadoop-pcap-lib But i am unable to extract packet payload data. I need hexdump of each packet. In Jnetpcap i am able to do that by using packet.toHexdump(packet.size(), false, true, false);. I want to use…
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