Questions tagged [jmeter-3.2]

Use this tag for questions specific to Apache Jmeter 3.2, released on 14 April 2017. Always specify the jmeter tag as this tag should end up being an alias for 3.2 version.

This release brings a lot of new features and fixes bugs.

Notice JMeter 3.2 requires Java 8 or later to run.

You can read the New and Noteworthy section with some screenshots to illustrate improvements and full list of changes

JMeter artifacts can be downloaded on Maven Central :

276 questions
2 answers

JMeter 3.2 Remove warning of "file already exists" when starting a test

There's was a regression in version JMeter 3.2, I started to get a new warning when running in GUI mode, For every file defined in listeners there's a popup alert warning of "file already exists" How can I remove this warning?
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JMeter to record results on hourly basis

I have a JMeter project with multiple GET and POST requests and assertions for these. I use Aggregate results and View results tree listeners, but none of these can store results on hourly basis. I tried JMeterPlugins-Standard and…
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Jmeter: How to reuse custom java function between different JMX file

Requirement: Post response time of every sampler to Mongo DB, for that created an HttpClient java code(Class function). Problem: Need to call the custom (reuse same code between 150+ jmx file) Java function to be called from Beanshell after every…
Load Stitch
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Jmeter - POST API not working

I am new to Jmeter and have been struggling to get it working to test my POST API. It works fine for a GET API call where I pass the parameters through the Parameters tab. Details here: server name: localhost port: 8080 path…
Arun Krishnan
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1 answer

JMeter 3.2 version - SOAP Request

How I can make test SOAP Request in JMeter version 3.2? In old version I had Soap/XML-RPC Data sampler while in version 3.2 I don't see this option. Please help.
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JMeter How to stop the test when we reach specific error rate

I am running a performance test in JMeter. I wonder how to stop/abort the test exactly when it reaches 5% percentage. Do we have an option like that?
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Ho to increase Java heap space for jmeter

While running my test after some time i got below error like "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" Could some one please help me how to increase java heap space for jmeter. 2018-08-16 18:57:07,765 ERROR o.a.j.JMeter: Uncaught exception:…
Krishna Murthy
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JMeter - If Controller not working for certain string contains condition?

Background: I have an API that returns a response like so: { "status": 1, "errorCode": null, "message": null, "data": [ { "id": 33, "snapshotId": 2, "ceId": 29, "month": "Feb", "corpRcvPayAmt": 100000, …
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How to add a condition in my IF CONTROLLER using jmeter and groovy

I am using jmeter 3.3 and groovy and have a IF CONDITION which filters according to the response code. here is what I am doing and it works: ${__jexl3(${code} != 000)} Now I want to add an AND logic to this condition or an OR logic for instance…
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How to set and get environment variables in Jmeter to test API's

I need to set and get variables in Jmeter for API automation. I am using the groovy script for same. I have achieved same using code as below: import org.apache.jmeter.util.JMeterUtils; JMeterUtils.setProperty("PC_CREATED_PROMO_CODE",…
Shubham Jain
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JMeter - view more results in View Results Tree

In JMeter GUI when I check execution issues over time I'm using View Results Tree When I want to stop and view an issue I can see only ~4000 request, It seems that there's a maximum of requests that is display in GUI, Can number of request in GUI…
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Java class fields, object use in Beanshell

I am using Java with JSF and Beanshell script. I want to use fields and object of java class in beanshell. I have tried my best to get help from google but couldn't find any helpful information. For example import java.util.ArrayList; import…
Karim Narsindani
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1 answer

Jmeter: how to modify properties on the fly while distributed test is running?

WHAT I HAVE: Huge Jmeter agents network, 1 master + many slaves. Master sends tasks to Slaves, they start test execution and report data to Master. WHAT I WANT: Be able to modify inputs (passed as global properties to Master, -G) on the fly, while…
3 answers

No SOAP/XML-RPC Sampler exists in JMeter 3.2

I was a bit surprised that my JMeter 3.1 scripts didn't work in 3.2. What is the reason of removing SOAP/XML-RPC Sampler in JMeter 3.2? Is there some performance issue etc?
Anna Sz
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JMeter share setUp Thread Group variables with normal Thread Group

Imagine I have a simple test plan, like so: setUp Thread Group -- Http Request ---- JSON Extractor Thread Group -- Http Request tearDown Thread Group -- Http Request By default, the variables extracted in the setUp Thread Group will not be…
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