Questions tagged [jira-rest-api]

JIRA REST APIs are for developers who want to integrate JIRA with other standalone or web applications and administrators who want to script interactions with the JIRA server.

The Atlassian REST APIs provide a standard interface for interacting with JIRA and our other applications.

REST APIs provide access to resources (data entities) via URI paths. To use a REST API, your application will make an HTTP request and parse the response. Your methods will be the standard HTTP methods like GET, PUT, POST and DELETE. REST APIs operate over HTTP(s) making it easy to use with any programming language or framework.

The input and output format for the JIRA REST APIs is JSON.

JIRA uses the Atlassian REST plugin to implement the JIRA APIs. The REST plugin is bundled with JIRA. You can add your own REST APIs to JIRA by creating a JIRA plugin that includes the REST plugin module. See the basic principles we employ in our REST API design.


1188 questions
2 answers

How to display json response from the stream to the console

I'm trying to access all the jira issues using the jira-rest-api url in the following way: URL url; url = new URL(""); URLConnection conn = url.openConnection(); …
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Getting error while creating issue with JIRA REST API

I'm trying to create an issue using the JIRA API, I am trying to POST this using curl: curl -D- -u username:password -X POST --data filename.txt -H "Content-Type: application/json" https:///rest/api/2/issue/ with this data in…
1 answer

How can we get JIRA rest authentication tokens in java class?

We are developing JIRA report plugin in which we are accessing some fields using REST apis. For that we need authentication (i.e. username and password or authentication tokens) so how can we get it and from where. we can't "get" a password from…
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File management handling

I am trying to build a solution where I sync a local directory with a ftp server directory. Then the files in the local directory should be send to Jira as a specific issue. I am trying to understand how I can make script which watches the local…
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I am using JIRA Python API to create Issue

I am using following code to create an issue : from jira import JIRA import pandas as pd user = '' apikey = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' server = '' options = {'server': server} jira =…
1 answer

Is any alternative of unirest java library?

HttpResponse response = Unirest.get("/rest/api/3/applicationrole") .basicAuth("", "") .header("Accept", "application/json") .asJson(); …
1 answer

Execute function after async function is executed

I have three functions, which need to be executed one after another $(document).ready(function(){ // Async function getAllTask(); // Need to call after above function completed its process loadTasks(); initView(); …
2 answers

Jira - XRay- How to get the total of defects created during a test execution

I'm creating a script that goes into all tests into a test execution. I'd like to get the amount of defects for that particular test execution. Is that a way to get it using rest api?
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1 answer

Convert string response to map in golang

I'm using to get a custom field and I'm attempting to consume some of the data. func getsomedata(issue_id string) { issue, _, _ := jiraClient.Issue.Get(issue_id,…
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Why LINQ can't pick up the null value C#

I try to use LINQ to filter the data, the data is from 3rd party API (JIRA Server), and ResolutionDateis DateTime type, I guess it use Nullable, anyway, I am pretty sure the value is null, but when I use LINQ, it just not work at all. The LINQ just…
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1 answer

Json does not contain a definiton for 'stringify'?

I am trying to update a JIRA issue using Visual Studio 2015, Microsoft Razor, and C# with Json.Net 10.0.2. The code is: public String updateJiraIssue(object objJira2) {"PUT", JiraUrl + "/rest/api/2/issue/NPI-24"); …
1 answer

Jira rest api insert custom fields in create issue

I have following custom field. How do i pass it in JSON to create issue in jira using rest api "customfield_10300":{ "required":false, "schema":{ "type":"option", …
2 answers

How to convert curl command to java

I have the following curl command which gives a JSON response: curl --globoff --insecure --silent -u username:password -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' "" I want…
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No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header in Angular

I am using a REST API call to query all open issues in the JIRA server. Below is the query: https://jiraserver/rest/api/2/search?jql=project IN ("Project Name") AND status IN (open) When I pass the query in Google Chrome advanced REST client, I am…
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0 answers

JIRA Rest API to get issues (Python)

I'm getting a 401 response when trying to do a GET for issues. And getting the error message {'errorMessages': ['You do not have the permission to see the specified issue.', 'Login Required'], 'errors': {}} I can access the web point just fine on…
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