Questions tagged [jira-rest-api]

JIRA REST APIs are for developers who want to integrate JIRA with other standalone or web applications and administrators who want to script interactions with the JIRA server.

The Atlassian REST APIs provide a standard interface for interacting with JIRA and our other applications.

REST APIs provide access to resources (data entities) via URI paths. To use a REST API, your application will make an HTTP request and parse the response. Your methods will be the standard HTTP methods like GET, PUT, POST and DELETE. REST APIs operate over HTTP(s) making it easy to use with any programming language or framework.

The input and output format for the JIRA REST APIs is JSON.

JIRA uses the Atlassian REST plugin to implement the JIRA APIs. The REST plugin is bundled with JIRA. You can add your own REST APIs to JIRA by creating a JIRA plugin that includes the REST plugin module. See the basic principles we employ in our REST API design.


1188 questions
2 answers

JIRA REST API -- How to Query On Issue Status Name

I'm using the JIRA REST API and I would like to query for all issues in "Resolved" status. The status field looks like this: "status": { "self": "https:\/\/\/rest\/api\/2\/status\/5", "description": "A resolution has…
Steve Murphy
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5 answers

Get list of all JIRA issues (python)

I am trying to get a list of all JIRA issues so that I may iterate through them in the following manner: from jira import JIRA jira = JIRA(basic_auth=('username', 'password'), options={'server':''}) issue =…
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3 answers

How to add a flag to jira issue via rest api

I would like to be able to add a flag to an issue via the Jira API. I was unable to find any documentation regarding this issue. Does anyone know how this works?
Carlos Pliego
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3 answers

Cannot create AsynchronousJiraRestClientFactory (Dependency Issue)

I previously made a restful client application in Java to mass-manipulate tickets and expedite workflow, however, I want to create a more holistic application that utilizes the actual JIRA api instead of parsing JSON in my own solution. I have a…
Paul Nelson Baker
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3 answers

Listing All JIRA Transitions via API

I'm looking to set up smart commits in JIRA, but my developers want to know all the options for their transitions. In order to help them, I'd like to print a cheat-sheet of all transition names (I trust they are smart enough to figure out what does…
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2 answers

Update JIRA ticket status using REST API

I am able to create a ticket in JIRA using CURL command and having a json data handy. curl -D- -u : -X POST --data @< filename> -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://< hostname>:< port>/rest/api/2/issue/ I was now trying to update the status…
Anuj Balan
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3 answers

jira-python - how do you update the fixVersions field?

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here, and am hoping someone else has the same problem. I don't get any error, and my json matches what should be correct both on Jira's docs and jira-python questions online. My versions are valid Jira versions. I…
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3 answers

Update a page in Confluence using REST API

This is what I've currently got and it creates a new Confluence page. It doesn't update it. Also it posts it in the root space, TST, but I want it to be in TST/space1/subsection2/updateThisPage. curl -v -u admin:admin -X POST -H Content-Type:…
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2 answers

HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

I am trying to create a issue in Jira . I am able to make a GET request with a proper response, but the problem arises when i make a POST request.Here is the code.
Vaibhav Desai
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2 answers

Adding attachment to Jira via API

I am using Jira's API to add an attachment file to a case. My issue is after my code attaches a file, and I go to the JIRA case to confirm, I see two things. First, if it is an image, I can see a thumbnail of the image. If I click it, though, I…
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1 answer

How to change transitions to a issue in ruby, using jira-ruby gem?

I'm trying to access jira in ruby with the Jira-ruby gem (, but i can't find how to change the transitions. I can only change it using the REST-api? There is a Transition class…
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1 answer

Using Jira's Python API, how can I set the epic link for an issue?

I am trying to assign issues to epics using Jira's python API. From the documentation, I found there is an add_issues_to_epic method in the GreenHopper class, but it doesn't seem to work for me. I have the following so far from jira.client import…
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2 answers

Migrate from youtrack to jira

After using youtrack for quite a while my organization is considering a move to JIRA (because of many reasons). However JIRA doesn't seem to include a youtrack importer/migration out of the box (though there seems to be plenty of…
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2 answers

Access Atlassian Jira REST API to run super simple report on a filter

All I want is basically to login, display info from a simple filter like all open bugs in a milestone. Once I get that far ill be able to work off the documentation I'm hoping to use simple PHP, that's because I'm new to PHP so the more complicated…
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1 answer

Disabling JIRA notification emails for REST API updates

I need to perform relatively frequent bulk updates/imports using the JIRA REST API. This has been greatly increasing productivity but also causing immense amounts of spam. Is there any way to disable notifications for emails made through the API or…
Josh - iMedia
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