Questions tagged [jelastic]

Platform-as-a-Service for developers with support of Java, PHP, Ruby, Node.js, Python and Docker-based applications

Jelastic is a robust solution with the benefits of PaaS and CaaS in a single turnkey package. Its rich interface simplifies complex cloud deployments by automating the creation, scaling, clustering and security updates of microservices or monolithic applications. Jelastic has a unique pay-for usage-only pricing model and is available as public, private, hybrid and multi-cloud in more than 55 data centers worldwide. The platform provides support of Java, PHP, Ruby, Node.js, Python, .NET environments and custom Docker containers.

More info is at

343 questions
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NGINX configuration for Rails 5 ActionCable with puma

I am using Jelastic for my development environment (not yet in production). My application is running with Unicorn but I discovered websockets with ActionCable and integrated it in my application. Everything is working fine in local, but when…
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Mercurial on Jenkins, installing and configuring

I have a Mercurial repository (on Bitbucket) with some code (Java) and I want to do CI builds on a cloud-based Jenkins server (at Jelastic, running on CentOS). My problem is that I haven't been able to do a proper installation of Mercurial on the…
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2 answers

Connection refused with Tomcat 7

I have a Tomcat instance running on Jelastic and there are two deployed apps - for '/foo' context and for '/bar' context. During handling request to '/foo' we do a HTTP request to '/bar' (for authorization) and there is always an exception here -…
Nik Matveev
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CORS issue with CouchDB + credentials + origin wildcard

I am trying to move from Cloudant to Jelastic on I am getting CORS errors with pouchdb when testing locally (ionic serve). Is there any other configuration in Jelastic besides CouchDB I am missing? XMLHttpRequest cannot load…
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4 answers

Jelastic Nginx http to https redirect

I have an account in Jelastic and I want to force my site to work only over https. I've created environment nginx + php with nginx balancer and enabled Jelastic SSL (as it described here). Whenever I tried to setup 301 redirect from http to https…
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How to make Ignite act non-blocking with TcpDiscoveryVmIpFinder like it does with TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder?

Background: I have a web app, spring-based. locally on a dev machine I have 2 tomcat instances that runs same app - that way I test how web farm nodes communicates to each other I use Jelastic cloud for app deployment On Jelastic It's not running…
Sergey Karpushin
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Grails Spring Security secureChannel not redirecting https?

I currently have an application I am working on that I am using in the cloud (Jelastic). I have added SSL certs to my Cloud environment and want to be able o now use https on certain pages. I have implemented the below methods of doing this: Method…
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Jelastic - Zero downtime deployment with PM2

Is it possible not to stop nodejs app when updating app source code from GIT? Currently Jelastic stops the server before fetching files from GIT: Stopping nodejs server: [PM2] Applying action deleteProcessId on app [all](ids: 0,1) [PM2] [app](0)…
Ivan Nikitin
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2 answers

Node (maven) to deploy the application to several environments

On Jelastic, I created a node for building an application (maven), there are several identical environments (NGINX + Spring Boot), the difference is in binding to its database and configured SSL. The task is to ensure that after building the…
1 answer

How to set docker run option in jelastic, especialy the max file descriptors (ulimit)

I'm trying to install elasticsearch on jelastic using the official documentation Eventually there is an error when starting the container: ERROR: [1] bootstrap checks failed [1]: max file descriptors [4096] for elasticsearch process is too low,…
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Auto re-deploy Docker container?

I understand how to add a container image in Jelastic and also how to re-deploy, but I'm trying to have a CI/CD setup with Jelastic and I don't see a way to automate the re-deploying of a container image when a new image is updated in my container…
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Jelastic - how to get the environment variables to a Docker container

How do I get the environment placeholders to show up inside a Docker container? The documentation doesn't seem to be exactly clear where those can be used. I have tried to just set those inside the node env as shown in a JPS file that is added to…
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3 answers

Jelastic way to set environment variables

I'm running a jelastic setup to host several Rails applications. In Rails, it is common to store configuration in the environment. Especially secret data, such as passwords or access keys. Where should I place these on a Ruby/Rails jelastic setup? I…
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grails activemq application doesn't work for jelastic paas

Trying to deploy my grails app to jelastic environment and having a proper TomEE app server configured and all the plugins related to activemq I got the following exception on the server: INFO: For help or more information please see:…
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In Jelastic/PHP, do multiple cloudlets on a single node share a file space?

I use Jelastic to host a PHP application. Editors can upload pictures through the application that are stored in the file system. These pictures are stored within the document root and are served on the frontend as e.g.…
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