Questions tagged [jboss-weld]

Weld is the reference implementation (RI) for JSR-299: Java Contexts and Dependency Injection for the Java EE platform (CDI)

Weld is the reference implementation (RI) for JSR-299: Java Contexts and Dependency Injection for the Java EE platform (CDI). CDI is the Java standard for dependency injection and contextual lifecycle management, a Java Community Process (JCP) specification that integrates cleanly with the Java EE platform. Any Java EE 6-compliant application server provides support for JSR-299 (even the web profile).

See also

375 questions
1 answer

Weld Instance<> and garbage collector

My question will be quite simple : How to avoid JBoss Weld (1.1.5) to keep references to objects produced by Instance ? Typically, the following code : class B{} class A { @Inject private Instance instanceB; public B produce(){ return…
Rémi Doolaeghe
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WELD: Two beans cannot specialize the same Managed Bean

I found this error trying to have two beans that specializes a third one in the same project. Even when one is activated through the beans.xml and other doesn't. I haven´t found any reference of this behavior in the documentation and seems very…
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weld-se with StartMain not working

I am trying to make weld-se work in a very simple example, which basically follows this one. However, I can't get it work. I use gradle for building. Here is my build.gradle: apply plugin: 'java' version='1.0-SNAPSHOT' repositories { …
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ClassCastException when using Bean Validation with weld

I'm running an application in Tomcat using Weld (org.jboss.weld.servlet:weld-servlet:2.0.2.Final with maven) to produces ValidatorFactory and Validator components like this: @Produces @Default @javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped public…
Otávio Garcia
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Issues while deploying a seam 2.3 application on jboss 7.1.1 and Weld

I have an application that I'm trying to migrate from seam 2.1 to 2.3, and deploy to Jboss 7.1.1. I have managed to resolve many issues that I faced while doing so. The issue that I'm here to ask about is pertaining to coexistence of seam 2.3 and…
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Tomcat with unpackWARs="false" fails to deploy CDI Weld based application

I'm a java developer and I'm working on a java based web application project. We're using tomcat 7.0.40 application server. Since I migrated the application to support jsr299 provided by jboss-weld 1.1.10.Final, I'm having troubles with the…
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Declarative conversation management on GlassFish 3, Java EE

I'm relying on @ConversationScoped EntityManagers in one of my applications. However, I now need to access said EntityManagers from outside a conversation (Timer EJB). I read a tutorial on how to write an Interceptor which opens a new conversation…
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Weld CDI : Using @Alternative @Singleton

I have a Producers class annotated with @Singleton, containing a method annotated with @Produces. I want to write unit test using an alternative of this method, but can't manage to do it. here's a summary of my code : package…
Rémi Doolaeghe
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0 answers

How to discover a CDI producer in a WAR context?

I'm stuck with a CDI problem. I've deployed a war that contains various jars in its WEB-INF/lib folder. One of those jars has a Logger producer (a class with a method which is annotated with @Produces) and some custom qualifier annotations, some…
Andreas Dolk
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WELD Exception when using SLSB interface

I have a Java EE 6 CDI based application running on JBoss AS 7.1.1 which contains some Session Beans too. @Stateless public class OrderService { @Inject private Logger log; @Inject private EntityManager em; . . . . . } Everything worked…
Max Korn
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How to select between different CDI-bean implementations runtime

I have a messageListener which purpose is to start clients implementing the Client-interface. The different implementations of the Client-interface is not know at compile time. The messageListener uses the Launcher-bean to start the clients. So my…
Aksel Willgert
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CDI and WELD in java-web-start APP (java se)

Im trying to use CDI in a Java-web-start app but get stuck at classloading. Looks like FileSystemURLHandler treats the URLs in the web-start cache as files. - could not read…
Aksel Willgert
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0 answers

JSF2.0 h:commandlink action attribute not binding to a method

I have an application running JSF2.0 on the front end. In the backend instead of using managed beans I'm using weld's named beans. The bean in question is annotated @Named @Singleton @Startup and is an EJB Singleton. The bean gets the top level…
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1 answer

ERROR [] (DeploymentScanner-threads - 2){"JBAS014653: Composite operation failed and was rolled back.

Hi Every one i have some problem with jboss-as-7.1.1.When i deploy axis2.war in jboss-5.1, jboss-6.1 it's work fine but when i deploy in jboss-as-7.1.1 i am getting error My error log is given below:- 12:03:27,851 INFO …
vivek rai
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2 answers

Spring's SessionFixationProtectionStrategy kills CDI Conversation under JBoss / Weld

I have an object that's marked as @ConversationScoped and is used between many steps of a wizard. This works perfectly except that when my user's are login in, the SessionFixationProtectionStrategy of Spring calls the session.invalidate() method to…
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