Questions tagged [javascript-intellisense]

IntelliSense helps you write code faster and with fewer errors by providing information while you code.

IntelliSense helps you write code faster and with fewer errors by providing information while you code. As you work with client script in the JavaScript editor, IntelliSense lists the objects, functions, properties, and parameters that are available based on your current context. You can select a coding option from the pop-up list provided by IntelliSense to complete the code.

IntelliSense makes it easier to complete the following tasks:

  • Find member information.
  • Insert language elements directly into your code.
  • Maintain your context without having to leave the code editor.
  • Support custom IntelliSense with XML documentation comments and JavaScript IntelliSense extensibility.
187 questions
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Intellisense doesn't work for JavaScript in Visual Studio 2012

I have a clean, out-of-the-box installation of Visual Studio 2012 Web Developer Express and for some reason the support for JavaScript (both jQuery, jQuery UI and other libraries) has disappeared. I believe it worked before and then for "no reason"…
3 answers

How to make vs code autocomplete React component's prop types?

How to make VS Code autocomplete React component's prop types while using the component in JSX markup? P.S.: I'm using JS, not TS.
7 answers

How to Import Intellisense files into vsCode (Visual Studio Code)

I'm not sure I understand how the intellisense works for Microsoft's new vsCode text editor. In the docs under the "Great Code Editing Experience" heading, it shows a warning under the node global variable __dir and offers a lightbulb suggestion to…
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How to reference multiple files for javascript IntelliSense in VS2010

I have large solution with about 40 separate javascript files, which are referenced to web page via special js-service. I want to use new IntelliSense features in VS2010, but it is very hard to add about 40 individual references like this: ///…
Victor Haydin
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How an I enable Intellisense for JavaScript in HTML is VSCode?

I want to use VS Code to try out the examples of a JavaScript book, but there's no intellisense, or at least I don't know how to activate it. In Visual Studio this feature works out of the box : But in VS Code, all I got is a message saying…
4 answers

Visual Studio 2017 RTM JavaScript IntelliSense not working

The JavaScript IntelliSense is not working on Visual Studio 2017 RTM editor. I can’t even format the code, nothing is working.
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Referring to JavaScript files in Razor views to get JavaScript Intellisense

Visual Studio offers JavaScript Intellisense. It's smart enough to see that you refer to JavaScript files in your master pages (for example jQuery file) and then offers statement completion in any view of the application. However this doesn't seem…
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Why does IntelliSense keep changing function to Function?

I am having a very strange IntelliSense issue, and I'm not sure if it's Visual Studio 2013 or ReSharper 8.1. When I'm working in views (cshtml) within script tags (javascript), something keeps changing "function" to "Function" with a capital "F." …
5 answers

Why can't you call outerHTML on $(this)?

When you want to get the HTML of an entire DOM element (wrapper included), you can do the following (as explained here): $('#myElementId')[0].outerHTML But what you can't do is call outerHTML on $(this) inside e.g. a click listener or selector…
1 answer

How to document JavaScript configuration objects in Visual Studio Intellisense

I have been using Visual Studio's JavaScript Intellisense functionality for a while now and have mostly been happy with how well it provides suggestions for standard APIs, but I have found that I cannot get Visual Studio to understand configuration…
6 answers

VS Code: enable javascript intellisense in typescript project

Is there a way to enable intellisense for Javascript files in a Typescript project? If I import a function from a javascript package like this: import foo from "js-package" and I'm in index.js, I see the intellisense picking up JsDoc comments and…
2 answers

How to create jsdoc types from json schemas

I have tons of json schema for node.js project. Can I use them in any way for: Accessing them as jsdoc types from ".js" code files to increase webstorm intellisense accuracy Or for creating jsdoc type definitions automatically ?
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Documenting Javascript code in VSCode for Intellisense

I'm trying to get proper Intellisense suggestions for my javascript code in Visual Studio Code. In particular, I have the following AngluarJS service: /// var module = angular.module(…
3 answers

VS Code autocompletion base on word in file

I just begin with VS Code and I'm really happy with it at the moment ! I'm coming from Notepad++ and I didn't found any IDE at the same "level" of it for the things I'm doing.. Until now! I really like what VS Code is doing and how all modern…
1 answer

Is there anyway to define an undefined object in Visual Studio intellisense?

Lets say I have a controller in AngularJS: myApp.controller('SearchController', function ($scope, UserService) { // for intellisense, UserService is undefined here var user = UserService.getUsers().then(function(data){ …
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