Questions tagged [java-9]

Use this tag for questions specific to Java 9, which is version 9 of the Java platform, released on the 21st of September 2017. In most cases you should also specify the java tag.

Oracle has released its updated list of proposed or targeted Java 9 enhancements. In addition to previously confirmed Java modularity updates, the most recent list includes a common logging system for all JVM components (JEP 158), more HotSpot JIT compiler controls (JEP 158), and refinements to improve the efficiency of garbage collection (JEP 214), and repair issues introduced by Project Coin language updates in JDK 7 (JEP 213). This is also the first release under the new version-string schema (JEP 223) and will hence be officially be numbered 9, not "1.9.0" as was the case for earlier versions.

Even with delays, Oracle has been steadily moving forward with its plans to modularize the JDK. But the scope of Java modularity took a step up in September, when Oracle announced four new JEPs, including JEP 220: Modular Run-Time Images. Ben Evans, writing for InfoQ, noted that swapping JARs for modules is the "point of no return for modularity," with serious implications for IDEs, toolmakers, and many Java application frameworks:

After this point, The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) will no longer be contained in jar files, and instead will be composed of modules (JSR 376). Files such as rt.jar and tools.jar no longer exist in the JRE. The platform will continue to accept and run applications and libraries packaged in conventional jar files, modular jar files, or in the new module file format. The intention is that over time, application developers wil migrate to the new modular formats as well.

See "Oracle Commit to Java Modularity" for more from Ben Evans on modularity updates in Java 9. Also see Takipi Blog: "Java 9 – The Ultimate Feature List" for a comprehensive (as of November 20, 2014) description of new features accepted or proposed for the next major release of Java, and "What's New in Java 9? (Besides Modules)" for another more recent compilation of features.

The API documentation of the release can be accessed at Oracle's technetwork.

1561 questions
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Crash Ropeytask with Java 9

RopeyTasks fail with the last update of java (9). Source: And if I try to browser, I see: HTTP ERROR: 503 Problem accessing /. Reason: Service Unavailable I can't understand where is the…
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Java 9 plugin from marketplace stuck at requirements calculation

When I try to install Java 9 support plugin for latest Eclipse Oxygen from Eclipse Marketplace it stops on "Calculating requirements and dependencies" step. I have completely fresh instance of Eclipse (JEE package) and both, Java 8 and 9…
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Package conflict when compiling a Java 9 module

I am trying to compile a simple module with a single direct dependency and I am getting many errors about packages that are read from 2 libraries. I am using the latest stable version of the libraries and I see that the package is split between…
2 answers

mvn clean install not working

at org.eclipse.sisu.inject.LazyBeanEntry.getValue( at org.eclipse.sisu.plexus.LazyPlexusBean.getValue( 1) at…
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intellij idea conflicts when add java runtime options

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/bind/JAXBException in Java 9 java 9 does not have java ee packages on the classpath, so I added --add-modules step by step as in configure jvm options However, after reboot IDEA, it prints: by…
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NullPointerException in Run Configuration - Java 9

I am running into some issues with one particular project's run configuration. I have updated Eclipse Oxygen to use Java 9 and was able to clear up any compiler errors. When I go to run/debug, an error occurs and this is what's in the log: !ENTRY…
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Java 9 HttpClient still in incubation?

Saw from Javadoc of HttpClient - Incubating Feature. Will be removed in a future release. And it doesn't seem to support application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data POST. See this post: Java 9 HttpClient send a multipart/form-data…
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Exit jshell in java9 version

I recently upgraded to java9 and I am using the Jshell option which java provides. I find it intuitive but I am not able to close the Jshell window, can someone suggest some command for the same.
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Eclipse Oxygen will not launch in macOS with Java 9

I am trying to install Eclipse for my macOs sierra 10.12. I get an error message on launch asking me to check the log file. The log: eclipse.buildId=4.7.0.I20170612-0950 java.version=9 java.vendor=Oracle Corporation BootLoader constants: OS=macosx,…
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Maven artifact Java 9 migration

I have a couple of artifacts in a personal nexus maven repository and they all work great on Java 8 projects. These artifacts all fail to work when used with a Java 9 maven project: Library Maven:…
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After installing JDK9 my eclipse stopped working

Currently i am using neon eclipse and it was working. Today i installed Java9 and after that i am unable to open my eclipse workspace. When i look at the workspace .metadata/.log i am seeing the below error. How do i resolve this? …
Shravan Ramamurthy
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Java 9 The type URL is not visible

Eclipse oxygen; windows 7; JDK 9 final from 9, 21. Just trying to port an old application written for Java 6 but also compiled with java 8. On the line: String path = Config.class.getResource("").getPath(); With JDK 9 I get the error: "The type URL…
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Java 9 and TLS OCSP stapling

I have installed Java 9 because I want to use the OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) feature with the TLS handshake, aka OCSP stapling. As states,…
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travis ci build failure on java9

I have upgraded my project to jdk-9 env. But when I pushed the branch, I met a building problem that travis-ci didn’t find the package “Javax.json” as following: My configuration: { "language": "java", "install": "mvn install…
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How to get a Module by its name in Java 9?

How to get java.lang.Module by string name in Java 9? For example, we have String name = "some.module"; Module module = //how to get here it?
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