Questions tagged [janus-gateway]

janus-gateway is an open-source WebRTC gateway

janus-gateway is an open-source, small footprint, gateway :

It contains sample plugins and allow integration of specific plugins.

107 questions
1 answer

ICE failed for component 1 in stream

I have configured janus server for video call. configured all setups and installed all dependencies as per the Docs successfully established the connection but unable to stream the video. After starts the new session ICE failed error throws error…
Shihabudheen K M
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2 answers

H264 WebRTC video streamed from ffmpeg through Janus is very choppy on playback

Trying to stream video through following chain: h264/mp4 file on local instance storage (AWS)->ffmpeg->rtp->Janus on same instance->WebRTC playback (Chrome/mac). Resulting video is choppy even as none of the resources seem overloaded…
1 answer

WebRTC Screensharing in electron

We have a web app to which I'm building electron app by loading URL in browserWindow. But when i try to share the screen it will give me a popup saying Please install the janus webRTC screen sharing plugin and restart the browser. Please help !
Sumukha Aithal K
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Live video stream using GStreamer with Janus or WebRTC on Web Browser

First let me begin by saying - I am new to Janus / GStreamer / WebRTC. I have to stream a remote camera connected on robot hardware using GStreamer and WebRTC on to a browser. But as a proof of concept, I first wanted to achieve the same with…
Pawan Pillai
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1 answer

Streaming RTMP to JANUS-Gateway only showing bitrate but no video

I'm currently using the streaming plugin as follows Fancy artchitecture here OBS--------RTMP--------->NGINX-Server------FFMPEG(input RTMP output RTP)--------->JANUS---------webrtc-------->Client When using the ffmpeg command (bellow), on the Janus…
1 answer

Ant Media, Jitsi and Janus Which one is best to start live voice stream one to many in Mobile Applications?

I want to build a mobile application where one of the participating users can broadcast audio at a time to other participants can only listen audio, Ant Media, Jitsi and Janus Which one is best to start live voice stream one to many in Mobile…
Zero Cool
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UV4L on RPI WebRTC with Janus Gateway ICE error

I need to stream from the RPI Camera to a Janus room with webrtc. I installed UV4L on my PI, and try the demo with the gateway url : it's work. I installed janus-gateway on a server (demos here :…
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3 answers

Janus WebRTC installation issue

I am installing Janus WebRTC Gateway in a Ubuntu Machine (14.04 64 bit). I followed the instructions as in the following link: However, I get the following error when trying to execute janus: (…
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3 answers

How to combine audio and video mjr files to generate one file?

I am using janus-gateway for recording in web-browser. Once the recording is completed, two files are generated, one is audio and another is a video. Both have format mjr. How can I combine both these files to create a single file?
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3 answers

which gstreamer pipeline settings are needed to process chrome's rtp stream?

I'm streaming a webcam from a browser using webrtc to a server where the following setup works: using firefox and a modified echo-test html from janus gateway I send the webcam stream to a janus server the janus server is running using a modified…
John Doe
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1 answer

Remote video streaming using Janus-gateway not displaying in react-native

I am trying to display a remote streaming video using janus gateway in my react native project. I am using this package: to display the streaming video in my component and janus library (…
2 answers

Janus-Gateway WebRTC Resolution

I installed Janus-WebRTC gateway on ubuntu server and started created a multiuser chat and broadcast. When is run this example Janus example In my own server i always getting a bad resolution 640x480 whatever my uploading bandwidth. I tried to…
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Audio call's ICE failed after getting Video Call connected in Same Activity in Android using WebRTC and JanusGateway

I am getting a Video Stream including audio and a separate Audio Stream. Both from same server. I started with video stream and connected the call on one screen - Working fine. Then worked with Audio Stream to connect call on another screen - Worked…
Sajid Zeb
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3 answers

How to send RTP stream to Janus from NGINX RTMP module?

This is my first post here, even though this platform has already helped me a lot. So, i'm trying to create a stream and display it in a browser. I have already configured NGINX with the rtmp module and my stream works very well with HLS (between 5…
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0 answers

How to properly close WebRTC peerConnection in iOS?

I'm using 'GoogleWebRTC' pod with version '1.1.29400'. I've been facing issues in closing peer connections. Whichever thread tries to close the connection gets stuck with the following line forever. self.peerConnection?.close() So I chose not to…
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