Questions tagged [itemssource]

362 questions
1 answer

In WPF I have a TreeView whose ItemsSource is binded to a static resource. How can I change this so that the tree updates when the items change?

I have a TreeView whose ItemsSource is binded to StaticResource, which is a class. This has worked fine for me, but now I have a function that updates the lowest level of the TreeView with possible different values and this update needs to be shown…
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How to bind WPF ContextMenu ItemsSource?

I'm trying to bind Button's context menu this way: (UserControl has Values property). Why…
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Custom Panel InternalChildren order differs from bound ItemsSource

I'm writing a custom ItemsControl and Panel that arranges items vertically in the order in which they were added to the ItemsSource bound to the ItemsControl. Note that this is just a prototype of the final Panel, whose arrangement will be a bit…
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Setting ListBox ItemsSource to an object from StaticResource as shown in MSDN

I was exploring DataTemplate and found Styling and Templating on MSDN. It says - "In this sample application, there is a ListBox control that is bound to a list of photos:
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Setting ItemsSource before or after adding items changes object?

I have a bit of a weird situation, I've implemented a ObservableConcurrentDictionary (based on the ConcurrentDictionary from .NET), which I used to implement ObservableConcurrentCollection (which just automatically sets the Key property in the…
The Cookies Dog
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ComboBox ItemsSource has a different datacontext from SelectedItem

I have ComboBox where I get my ItemsSource from my "Settings" object with the UserTypes ObservableCollection inside, and I need to bind its SelectedItem to my "Employee" object's type property. There are other fields within the window, which binds…
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Creating a databound control through c# code?

I know that in XAML it's possible to create data templates with code so you can style & bind controls to your liking:
Joel Murphy
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Updating ListBox causes delay

I want to display a ListBox with around 10 items in it. Every time I update it by adding an item to a List it causes a little but noticeable delay and the UI freezes for a little while. I also tried using an ObservableCollection instead of a List as…
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Unable to update listbox from database

In my application I have listBox and its items source is ObservableCollection, but when I add data, this listBox won't update. In constructor i use: listBoxPersons.ItemsSource = UserContacts; and user UserContacts is static ObservableCollection,…
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WPF Datagrid -- How to force commit of data in row?

How can I force a commit when a datagrid row loses focus as opposed to requiring the user to press return to commit? I have a MVVM project with a main DataGrid using a RowDetailsTemplate that contains another sub DataGrid. It uses the default…
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WPF ItemsSource binding show only last item of list

How to show only last item of the list in itemssource binding ? below is my current code. xaml
sigmax bpo
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How to eject the class fields from control?

I have my own user control. This control's code:
2 answers

Link ListView Items to Individually Different Lists

I've defined a ListView where each item is displayed with a read-only (i.e. selection-only, no TextBox) ComboBox (as per the ItemTemplate). There is a given list of possible items that can be chosen from each of these combo boxes. The caveat,…
O. R. Mapper
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Same ItemsSource in multiple ComboBox elements, SelectedIndex synced for all ComboBox elements, want separate

I have multiple ComboBox elements. Each ComboBox's ItemsSource is bound to the same property. That property is a ListCollectionView whose underlying list is an ObservableCollection. Each ComboBox's SelectedIndex is bound to a different property. …
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