Questions tagged [italic]

italic type is a cursive font.

Italic can be used for example to put Emphasis on a word.

The HTML tag is <i></i>.

132 questions
4 answers

Set Edittexts hint text style as italic

I need to set the hint of a EditText as italic style, but I can't find any place how to do it. Some one here has a clue how to do it or do I have to accept that is impossible?
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4 answers

Right Aligned Italic Text in textbox cut off

I have a few textboxes that are read-only. I've made that text italic but for numeric fields where I've also right aligned the text the last number gets cut off. Adding padding only makes the textbox larger but doesn't fix the issue as you can see…
Rodney Maspoch
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3 answers

Completely disable italic text in GVim

In GVim I'm using a fixedsys-like font which looks good, but with italic text it breaks (chars partially unreadable, especially the last italic one if the next one is regular). For this reason (and because I dislike italic text anyway) I'd like to…
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6 answers

Ios Swift making font toggle bold, italic, boldItalic, normal without change other attributes

I am surprised, that simply setting bold and italic for existing font is so complicated in Swift. I just want to simplify things by having following methods on font class. I want the below methods to be added to existing font which has font-family…
Sujay U N
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2 answers

How do draw italic text on Android canvas?

In my app I am drawing text on Android Canvas; Now to support underline and bold I am taking help of paint object; Paint paint = new Paint(); paint.setUnderlineText(true); paint.setFakeBoldText(true); paint.setColor(color); …
Swarnendu Paul
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6 answers

How to italicize text backward?

I would like to italicize text backwards or the left the opposite way of this current text. Is this possible to do in HTML/CSS or even with Javascript/jQuery?
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4 answers

Samsung devices supporting setTypeface(Typeface.Italic)?

I have in application that makes use of a custom View component that drawas some text onto the screen via Paint/Canvas. I am using the following code (before I call canvas.drawText()) to make my text…
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3 answers

Android Paint.setTypeface isn't working for italic

The Paint.setTypeface is not working for italic or I'm doing something the wrong way. I can create normal, bold, monospace, and serif text, but I can't create italic text. It always looks normal (or in the case of bold-italic, it looks bold). …
A. Masson
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2 answers

Changing the font of a Delphi TLabel to Italic chops off the tail - why?

A simple demo of a default TLabel with font set to Arial Regular 16 is shown below. The code when the button is clicked is: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Label1.Font.Style := Label1.Font.Style + [fsItalic]; end; When you…
Brian Frost
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4 answers

What is the proper use case for html element?

At first this question seem simple, from all the real life examples I have seen, is used for displaying icons. For example the twitter bootstrap icons. However, when I search tag in google, the w3c school says is for italic text. I am confused,…
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2 answers

Contenteditable div with bold option

I want to make contenteditable div with bold and italic options to display content in another div on keyup with the same options. I managed to display text, but not options. Please help html:
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2 answers

Font face in sublime text 3 using Elementary OS

I have a problem. Earlier I used Ubuntu, but now I've installed an Elementary OS to my notebook and then installed a sublime text 3. But I don't like a font_face in new OS. It is not so good, like it was in Ubuntu, e.g. Zero sign is not striped. And…
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3 answers

Custom font sometimes renders in italics in IE8 / IE7

In IE7 and IE8, when using a custom web font, text is sometimes rendered in italics, even when I explicitly set font-style: normal. The issue is sporadic - it will render fine a few times, then I refresh and everything is in italics, then I refresh…
5 answers

iOS: Bold and Italic on the same word

Background: I have been trying to display a sentence with Bold and Italic font as well as normal ones. Question: How can I display something like this "Hello, my name is Byte". Notice that Byte is both bold and italic, while other words remains…
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