Questions tagged [isolatedstoragefile]

IsolatedStorageFile is class from the .Net framework for accessing files in an isolated environment.

83 questions
1 answer

StorageFile 50 times slower than IsolatedStorageFile

I was just benchmarking multiple algorithms to find the fastest way to load all data in my app when I discovered that the WP7 version of my app running on my Lumia 920 loads the data 2 times as fast as the WP8 version running on the same device. I…
2 answers

Operation not permitted on IsolatedStorageFileStream for CreateFile in isolated storage

I am trying to create a file in the Isolated storage using following code, IsolatedStorageFile storageFile = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication(); storageFile.CreateFile("Html\\index.html"); but I am getting exception while doing the…
2 answers

How do you get a flat listing of all files in IsolatedStorage?

I need to get a list of all files in a given IsolatedStorage folder. There are sub folders off the root of the IsolatedStorage and these need to be included in the list. The usual System.IO classes can't be used with IsolatedStorage.
Tom Robinson
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4 answers

IsolatedStorageFile's MoveFile() method throws IsolatedStorageException

Description: The code below is the simplest code I could write which causes the failure. I've also tried: putting the CreateFile and MoveFile in different using statements, putting them in different xaml pages, moving the file into a subdirectory…
1 answer

Get URI for a stored file in StorageFile (WinRT)

I'm building a metro app, and I'm trying to get a Uri of an Image after saving it in the StorageFile, this is my code: StorageFile file = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.CreateFileAsync("samplefile.dat",…
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Saving a List of Objects in Windows Phone 7 XNA

i need to save a List of Objects, The Objects are created from a class i made. what should i do? i tried the XmlSerializer, and i added the [XmlElement] to the fields i need to be serialized. but it kept giving me "There is an Error in XML…
1 answer

Deploying Files to IsolatedStorage in Windows Phone 7

Hi everyone I would like to know if it's possible to deploy my app assets directly to Isolated Storage once the app get deployed. I'm currently extracting them from code but this make the app's first launch too slow and it will be declined once…
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IsolatedStorageFileStream lead to assert failure

I decided to use isolated storage for temporary files: using (IsolatedStorageFile isoStore = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForDomain()) { using (IsolatedStorageFileStream userStream = new IsolatedStorageFileStream("UserSettings.set",…
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0 answers

event handler on silverlight out of browser uninstalling

I am writing an application using silverlight technology. Using the CheckAndDownloadUpdateCompleted method I can let the sdk handle automatically the update of the client. I also see the installed "application" in the control panel. I can…
1 answer

UWP: Setting the image.source from FilePath in the 'get; & set;'

Each image in the collection has a serialized File Path. When loading the collection I need the image to load from the File Path. The code below will not work because IsolatedStorageFileStream isn't compatible with the IRandomAccessStream used for…
Terry Bennett
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2 answers

Recording sound in temporary file on windows phone 8

This is my code for recording sound in temporary file. when i record sound and then listen to playback, everything goes well, but when i click again on playback button, i get this error: How can i solve this problem? Code: using…
peyman gilmour
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1 answer

Transferring video off the phone from isolated storage

I am making a video recording app. the video is recorded and stored in the isolated storage but i want to enable user to transfer his video off the phone... maybe transferring the video to the "Music+Videos" section of the phone or by some other…
1 answer

IsolatedStorageFile.GetLastAccessTime is crashing on wp7

It sounds like "An error occurred while accessing IsolatedStorage". But there's no such exceptions is msdn: I assume, it can be…
1 answer

File is blank after using StreamWriter

I am trying to write some data to an existing file that is within my project(local file to the project). I used the following code Uri path = new Uri(@"Notes.txt", UriKind.Relative); using (IsolatedStorageFile myIsolatedStorage =…
0 answers

Getting pixel array from isolatedstorage converted from jpeg

Trying to resolve this for days - (WP7) got it working 1st time in Win 8, help appreciated.. Simply I want to read a JPEG from my Isolated Storage, Convert the JPEG to Writable bitmap and then mess with the pixels. The code I'm currently trying is…
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