Questions tagged [ipywidgets]

IPython widgets for the Jupyter Notebook

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708 questions
0 answers

Drawing polygon interactively on a picture with ipywidget in Jupyter notebook

I'd like to use ipywidget for drawing on a picture interactively in jupyter notebook. I have to use ipywidget since I have difficulties rendering graphs remotely with packages such as tk or pygame. The matplotlib interactive can also work, but I can…
2 answers

Data selection using a button

I would like to create a button on a Jupyter Notebook in order to replace the if statement used in the following code: from ipywidgets import interact import ipywidgets as widgets import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as…
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0 answers

Is there a way to interactively click the mouse on an image to save a crop of a specific dimensions?

I am trying to use 'open_bits' 'Interactive Image Cropping in Python' to manually save a crop with a specific dimensions. I would want to click on a pixel on the image and automatically save a 256^2 crop around it (128 pixels for each direction).
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