Questions tagged [ipywidgets]

IPython widgets for the Jupyter Notebook

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708 questions
1 answer

graceful interrupt of while loop in ipython notebook

I'm running some data analysis in ipython notebook. A separate machine collects some data and saves them to a server folder, and my notebook scans this server periodically for new files, and analyzes them. I do this in a while loop that checks every…
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Embed widgets with pythreejs: wrong perspective and camera look-at

I am using pythreejs to visualize some 3D models. When visualizing the models on a Jupyter notebook, everything works as expected. But when trying to embed the widget in an HTML document, I am facing two problems: It seems the camera, on load, is…
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Pause Jupyter Notebook widgets, waiting for user input

I have the same issue as TheInterestedOne asked here. I need to create two buttons for the user, and suggest that the user clicks one of the two buttons in the loop; so that the next iteration of the loop occurs only after the user's choice. I…
3 answers

how to fix - error: bad escape \u at position 0

Hello I'm trying to export a gmap html using ipywidgets in jupyter notebook but am encountering the following error: - error: bad escape \u at position 0. I'm new to programing and could use help fixing whatever is causing this error to occur. If…
Rusty Leonard
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How do I change a button label created with 'interact_manual' from 'ipywidgets'? and how do I change the size and color of that button?

How do I change a button label created with 'interact_manual' from 'ipywidgets'? and how do I change the size and colour of that button? Here is what I wrote from ipywidgets import interact,interact_manual def HDI_vs_CrimeRate(): #do some thing…
1 answer

Setting background color of a box in ipywidgets

While creating a layout with ipywidgets I would like to have a HBox with a border and filled with a selected colour. The former is easy to set while the latter is a bit troublesome. I couldn't find a control option for the background fill in the…
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Improve HTML styling of Pandas DataFrames within IPython widgets

How can I generate appropriate HTML to hand to an ipywidgets.HTML object to properly display a Pandas DataFrame?
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No Module Named Ipywidgets Error

I'm new in Ipython and Jupyter Notebook. I installed the ipywidgets module in Jupyter Notebook by using Anaconda prompt window. I tried: pip install ipywidgets It said that the requirements had already satisfied. Then I tried to import the module…
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How to display a pandas dataframe within a VBOX using ipywidgets

i would like to display a pandas dataframe in a interactive way using ipywidgets. So far the code gets some selections and then does some calculation. For this exmaple case, its not really using the input labels. However, my problem is when I would…
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How can Jupyter notebook widgets be made to persist when the notebook browser window is refreshed?

Jupyter widgets, like a HTML progress bar, vanish when a notebook browser window is refreshed (or when one reconnects to a notebook remotely). I'm trying to see how they might be made to persist and re-render when the window is refreshed. Let's say…
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How to upload a large file using the ipywidgets fileupload?

There is a server with Jupyterhub. It has remote access via a browser (IP address ONLY). User can upload large files (several GB) using the ipywidgets.fileupload. But I can't normally upload files more 100MB: Files abouts 200MB upload ~10 minutes.…
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Why is my ipywidget observe being call multiple times on a single state change?

I have some code in a cell in Jupyter notebook using both a radio button and a slider. I have a method which I want called only when the selection is changed (in the case of the radio button); and only when the slider is released (in the case of the…
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How can I alter the style of the Jupyter ipywidgets DatePicker widget?

I am using ipywidgets in a Jupyter Notebook, in particular, the DatePicker widget, and would like to know if there's a way to dig into the guts of the widget to alter its appearance. For example, the DatePicker widget comes wrapped in a box that…
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Child widget creation in ipywidgets produces an error using ViewList and create_child_view

Summary See the toy example Azure notebook hosted at this link. The notebook can be cloned and run, or downloaded and run locally, from there, but all of the code is also below for convenience. When all the cells are run, the javascript console…
1 answer

use ipywidget interactive() with option manual=True

I am updating a jupyter notebooks with interactive widgets to a more recent version (ipywidgets 7.2.1). It used to have interactive() functions that were executed manually by clicking on a button (feature __manual=True). However now I cannot…
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