Questions tagged [ipopt]

Ipopt (Interior Point OPTimizer, pronounced eye-pea-Opt) is a software package for large-scale ​nonlinear optimization. Ipopt is written in C++ and is released as open source code under the Eclipse Public License (EPL). It is available from the ​COIN-OR initiative.


Ipopt (Interior Point OPTimizer, pronounced eye-pea-Opt) is a software package for large-scale nonlinear optimization. It is designed to find (local) solutions of mathematical optimization problems of the form

   min     f(x)
x in R^n

s.t.       g_L <= g(x) <= g_U
           x_L <=  x   <= x_U

where f(x): R^n --> R is the objective function, and g(x): R^n --> R^m are the constraint functions. The vectors g_L and g_U denote the lower and upper bounds on the constraints, and the vectors x_L and x_U are the bounds on the variables x. The functions f(x) and g(x) can be nonlinear and nonconvex, but should be twice continuously differentiable. Note that equality constraints can be formulated in the above formulation by setting the corresponding components of g_L and g_U to the same value.

Ipopt is part of the COIN-OR Initiative.


Ipopt is written in C++ and is released as open source code under the Eclipse Public License (EPL). It is available from the COIN-OR initiative. The code has been written by Andreas Wächter and Carl Laird. The COIN-OR project managers for Ipopt are Andreas Wächter und Stefan Vigerske.

The C++ version has first been released on Aug 26, 2005 as version 3.0.0. The previously released pre-3.0 Fortran version is no longer maintained.

The Ipopt distribution can be used to generate a library that can be linked to one's own C++, C, Fortran, or Java code, as well as a solver executable for the AMPL modeling environment. The package includes interfaces to CUTEr optimization testing environment, as well as the MATLAB and R programming environments. IPOPT can be used on Linux/UNIX, Mac OS X and Windows platforms.

As open source software, the source code for Ipopt is provided without charge. You are free to use it, also for commercial purposes. You are also free to modify the source code (with the restriction that you need to make your changes public if you decide to distribute your version in any way, e.g. as an executable); for details see the EPL license. And we are certainly very keen on feedback from users, including contributions!

In order to compile Ipopt, certain third party code is required (such as some linear algebra routines). Those are available under different conditions/licenses.

Related Projects

COIN-OR/ADOL-C: Using Ipopt via C++ and automatic differentiation (examples).

COIN-OR/AIMMSlinks: Using Ipopt via AIMMS

COIN-OR/CppAD: Using Ipopt via C++ and automatic differentiation (example).

COIN-OR/GAMSlinks: Using Ipopt via GAMS

COIN-OR/Optimization Services: Using Ipopt via OS

APMonitor: MATLAB, Python, and Web Interface to Ipopt with APMonitor for Android, Linux, Mac, and Windows OS

CasADi: Using Ipopt in a symbolic framework for automatic differentiation and numeric optimization.

csipopt: Interfacing Ipopt from .NET languages such as C#, F# and Visual Basic.NET.

GEKKO: Python optimization suite with IPOPT: pip install gekko

JuMP: Algebraic modeling with automatic differentiation in Julia (low-level interface also available)

MADOPT: Light-weight C++ and Python modelling interfaces implementing expression building using operator overloading and automatic differentiation.

mexIPOPT: a rewrite of the MATLAB interface that is contained in Ipopt

OPTI Toolbox: Windows x86 + x64 MATLAB Interface, including binaries

pyipopt: Interfacing Ipopt from Python

sci-ipopt: Interfacing Ipopt from Scilab (a free MATLAB-like environment)

(this description is a stripped-down port of the official page)

172 questions
2 answers

Error in get(as.character(FUN), mode = "function", envir = envir)

I am new to R, so forgive me if the question is a little silly. I am trying to write a simple while loop for a value function iteration. My function (optim.routine) uses the solver ipoptr. Here is my…
Claudia M.
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2 answers

Gekko Non-Linear optimization, object type error in constraint function evaluating if statement

I'm trying to solve a non-linear optimization problem. I've duplicated my issue by creating the code below. Python returns TypeError: object of type 'int' has no len(). How can I include an IF statement in my constraint functions? Console prints the…
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1 answer

What is the performance gap between Matlab fmincons and C++'s NLP solver like ipopt?

I am about to write an algorthim for real-time applications, which involves some high dimensional NLPs (nonlinear programmings). before implentations, I need to timing my algorithim to see whether it is feasible for real-time applications, therefore…
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2 answers

How to solve Absolute Value abs() objective with Python Gekko?

An optimization problem with a squared objective solves successfully with IPOPT in Python Gekko. from gekko import GEKKO import numpy as np m = GEKKO() x = m.Var(); y = m.Param(3.2) m.Obj((x-y)**2) m.solve() print(x.value[0],y.value[0]) However,…
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3 answers

Multi-objective optimization example Pyomo

Any example for multi-objective optimization in Pyomo? I am trying to minimize 4 Objectives (Non Linear) and I would like to use pyomo and ipopt. Have also access to Gurobi. I want to see even very simple example where we try to optimize for two…
1 answer

IpOpt Options list not accessible

I'm currently trying to get the IpOpt Interior point solver working. I am running the example, which runs fine, except for the options. Whenever i try to set an option, for example: app->Options()->SetStringValue("mu_strategy", "adaptive"); I get a…
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1 answer

Installing IPOPT for Matlab R2015a on Mac OS X 10.11.1 (El Capitan)

I'm attempting to install the Matlab interface for IPOPT. I'm following the directions on I've successfully configured Matlab to build MEX files. Running mex -setup from Matlab is supposed…
Erik M
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1 answer

Meaning of each column solver output in Gekko

I am curious what each solver output column from IPOPT solver suggests. Is there any material that explains this? Below is solver output from IPOPT solver. And I'd like to know what the inf_pr, inf_du, lg(mu), ||d||, etc. terms mean.
1 answer

To check the convergence of an optimization solver “ipopt” using CheckConvergence() function

I am using ipopt solver for a non-linear optimization problem in Python. The ipopt documentation states a function CheckConvergence() by which the convergence status of the solution can be…
1 answer

Nonlinear constrained optimization package for Python with direct support of matrix variables

I've been looking around for a nonlinear constrained optimization package for Python (to deal with problems that are NOT necessarily convex) that can directly handle matrix variables. More specifically, I'm dealing with optimization problems where…
1 answer

Setting ipopt options through pyomo

I am having trouble setting the ipopt options through pyomo. For some options one can simply use executable = os.getcwd()+'/Ipopt/Ipopt/build/bin/ipopt.exe' opt = SolverFactory("ipopt",…
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1 answer

Julia+JuMP: variable number of arguments to function

I'm trying to use JuMP to solve a non-linear problem, where the number of variables are decided by the user - that is, not known at compile time. To accomplish this, the @NLobjective line looks like this: @eval @JuMP.NLobjective(m, Min,…
Daniel R. Livingston
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1 answer

How to find which constraint is violated from pyomo's ipopt interface?

I am running an optimization problem using pyomo's ipopt solver. My problem is sort of complicated, and it is declared infeasible by IPOPT. I will not post the entire problem unless needed. But, one thing to note is, I am providing a warm start…
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1 answer

How to use (/install) the pardiso linear solver in ipopt using the pyomo modelling framework?

I am developing an optimization model using pyomo with python (python 3 - i manage packages with anaconda on windows). I need to use a non-linear solver, ipopt. It seems that the default linear solver used by ipopt (mumps or ma27) is relatively slow…
1 answer

Gekko optimization package and numpy inverse function

I am using Gekko for selecting A-optimal experiments for a set of reaction kinetics. The objective function is to minimize the trace(inv(Z'Z)) where Z is a scale sensitivity matrix computed by linearizing the ODEs around its parameters. As you can…
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