Questions tagged [ios7]

iOS 7 is the seventh version of Apple's iOS mobile operating system and is the successor to iOS 6. It was announced at the company's Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) on June 10, 2013, and was released on September 18, 2013.

iOS 7 is the seventh version of Apple's mobile operating system and is the successor to . It was announced at the company's Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) on June 10, 2013, and was released on September 18, 2013. It includes a redesigned user interface and a number of changes to the operating system's functionality. The design of iOS 7's new elements was led by Jony Ive, Apple's Senior Vice President of Design.

iOS 7 was unveiled during the opening keynote of the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) on June 10, 2013. Billed as the "biggest change to iOS since the introduction of the iPhone", the most noticeable change was an overhaul of the user interface. In a promotional video shown during the keynote, Ive described the update as "bringing order to complexity", highlighting features such as refined typography, new icons, translucency, layering, physics, and gyroscope-driven parallaxing as some of the major changes to the design. The design of both iOS 7 and OS X Mavericks (version 10.9) noticeably depart from skeuomorphic elements such as green felt in Game Center, wood in Newsstand, and leather in Calendar, in favor of flatter graphic design. The UI itself is not flat, but rather a multi-plane 2.5D zooming user interface. In his segment of the iOS presentation, Federighi emphasized ten major feature additions and changes.

The icons for iOS 7 were reportedly designed by Apple's marketing team, with them being told to design the apps around the color palette of the icons; straying from the usual design methodology of iOS. iOS 7 uses a similar color palette to that of the original Apple logo. It was also noted that Apple's website displayed different icons for several iOS 7 apps for a period of time, leading to speculation that the icons were already in the process of being changed as the design continues to develop.


iOS 7 supports the following devices:

  • iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5C, iPhone 5S
  • iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad Mini, iPad Mini 2, iPad Air
  • Apple TV 2nd and 3rd generation
  • iPod Touch 5th generation

iOS 7 References

iOS 7 Latest Version

14789 questions
2 answers

AVPlayer not finishing the stream track

I am using AVPlayer to play long audio mp3 stream music (8 minutes), short musics (1 to 3 minutes) plays perfectly, but with these bigger musics the music starts playing, but after play some random minutes (between 2 and 3:20) the player starts the…
Roberto Ferraz
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6 answers

Selected state of tab bar icon in IOS 7

I'm having fun learning to build my first iPhone app and wonder if someone would kindly point me in the right direction. I have basically added in custom icons for my tab bar (IOS 7). Now I want to add in a custom selected state icon for each of…
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4 answers

installing in-house apps stuck/looping on iOS 7

I create an in-house apps using enterprise plan.I facing a problem when install apps in ios7 it pop up 2 same apps ,1 is installing and another 1 is finish.I install the apps via link
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6 answers

How can I change the UIWebView background color after sliding down UIWebView to fix the iOS7 status bar overlay issue?

I'm writing a Phonegap 3.0+ app. There is an issue with the status bar overlapping views in iOS7 which user Ludwig Kristoffersson provided a working answer here Now that I have UIWebView with a 20px top margin, how can I change the UIWebView…
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3 answers

Mysterious Crash (NSAttributedString, iOS 7)

In my app I have a homegrown version of UICollectionView (I wrote it before UICollectionView existed, and it seems to be more performant than UICollectionView for my use case). It consists of several tiles in a scrollview. To aid in scrolling…
Nick Locking
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1 answer

Should it be possible to implement topLayoutGuide and bottomLayoutGuide in subclases of UIViewController?

I've been trying to create a container view controller which provides some overlaid views like UINavigationController and UITabBarController do for view controllers in iOS 7. To make the contained views layout properly I've tried just about…
Stefan Fisk
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1 answer

UITextView content Inset Bottom not working iOS7

UITextView content Inset bottom value is not working in iOS 7. By not working i mean if i keep typing in UITextView and cursor reaches at end then it hides and i cant see text which i am typing. I tried [myTextView …
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3 answers

Can't use volume button to mute on iOS7

I've migrated my VoIP application to iOS7 recently, and there's an open bug still remaining which I can't understand. When in VoIP call, in iOS6 you can push the physical volume button to lower the volume, down to Zero. Now, in iOS7, I can lower the…
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1 answer

iOS7 XIB issue. blank space at top and bottom

I am having a view on which I am setting an ImageView. Auto layout is checked. It looks good in the preview, but when app actually runs on the simulator, there is blank space is showing at the top as well as bottom only in the iPHone retina 4 inch…
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4 answers

Incorrect vertical position for UIBarButtonItems in UIToolbar for iOS 7

I have this piece of code for an iPad application that works fine for any iOS below iOS 7 UIToolbar* tools = [[UIToolbar alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 75, 44)]; NSMutableArray* buttons = [[NSMutableArray alloc]…
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1 answer

tableview:heightForRowAtIndexPath: Incorrect reporting content view size with AutoLayout

I have a UITableViewCell with a custom label using AutoLayout. It's constraints are set with a constant leading, trailing, bottom, and top space to the content view. The table view controller that these cells appear in is inside a…
Wayne Hartman
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2 answers

iPhone iOS7 system sound (ringer and alert) volume control

This question appears to be asked and answered many times but with no specific or accurate answer. Hence I will reframe the question for iOS7 and hope for some help. I need to use AudioServicesPlaySystemSound to play sounds as timing is critical and…
Paul Pivec
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1 answer

MFMailComposeViewController ignoring some of UIAppearance protocol in iOS 7

I have an iOS 7 only application that uses UIAppearance to style the UINavigationBar's throughout the app. I have the following code in my AppDelegate: [[UINavigationBar appearance] setBackgroundImage:redImage…
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2 answers

iOS 7: Proper iPad icons for iPhone app?

We have an app for iPhone only, but often users install it on their iPads. With iOS7 and the asset groups, it no longer respects our new iPad icon image sizes (76px and 152px). If we don't use asset groups and have our old icons (72px), it will load…
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3 answers

Not able to load the file(doc,pdf etc) from url in UIWebview for ios 7

I am loading different file types like PDF, Excel, Doc etc in UIWebview. Some files requires authorization and passed the value in header. This works fine in ios 6. Not working in ios 7. Below is the code and error message. NSURL *url =[NSURL…
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