Questions tagged [internals]

The internals tag denotes questions about how things work, as opposed to how to accomplish something specific. Of course, how something works underneath will have practical implications, but internals questions aren't about how to do something; rather, how to understand something.

If you understand how a database or parser or version control system actually works, you'll be better at using it. Internals questions seek this kind of inside knowledge.

568 questions
1 answer

Does any of C++ implementation make use of multiple inheritance internally?

Just a quick silly question: I was wondering if C++ makes use of the multiple inheritance feature provided by virtual inheritance internally. I know for sure that for the templated implementations such as the Data Structures provided by STL…
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MySQL disk I/O when select execution works

I have question about low level principle about mysql. Let me suppose that I have A table with 4columns and no index. select * from A vs select first column from A. Then is there difference on read I/O as performance. not network I/O. I'm curious…
2 answers

PsGetContextThread returning C0000005(ACCESS_VIOLATION)

I'm trying to use an undocumented function called PsGetContextThread to retrieve the context of a usermode thread from a driver, I know this is possible from usermode but I have my reasons to do this from the kernel and this is not negotiable so…
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Computer Architecture: How do applications communicate with an operating system?

Prelude: This is admittedly a fairly broad question regarding computer architecture, but one that I hear from others and wonder about quite often myself. I also don't think that there is a direct or quick answer to this. However, I was hoping…
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2 answers

Find if imaged OS had been installed from software copied with the os image

Can we find if our software has been copied in an OS image (windows) and then deployed in another machine. The hardware details do change but it may be due to hardware upgrade or change. Is there anything at software level which indicates that the…
1 answer

Java11, what shall MalformedByteSequenceException be replaced with?

I'm moving a project to Java11 I already changed sun.reflect.generics.reflectiveObjects.ParameterizedTypeImpl with java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType (as specified here), now is the turn of MalformedByteSequenceException: warning:…
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Why do the hooking libraries work only occasionally for API Calls in Windows 10?

I used multiple Hooking libraries e.g. Microsoft Detours Express, Mhook, etc. to hook NtWriteVirtualMemory API calls. I wrote following code to hook the API: #include #include #include #include…
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STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_HASH (0xc0000428) on valid PE files

I tried loading the DLL file "bcryptprimitives.dll" (which in my case, originally sits under "C:\Windows\syswow64\bcryptprimitives.dll") from another location, with this snippet of code: LoadLibraryW(L"
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1 answer

Why is the vptr discarded when I copy objects?

Example #include #include #include #include struct father { int variable; father(){variable=0xEEEEEEEE;}; virtual void sing(){printf("trollolo,%x\n",variable);} ~father(){}; }; struct…
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Internal Server Error when visiting the WordPress admin page

I'm working on this site and the front page works ok: but if I go to the admin panel, I see this: What might be causing this issue? Thanks
1 answer

Access a variable from different classes that are in different namespaces

I have a MVVM application, and I need to declare a variable somewhere and access it from everywhere in my assembly, that is, from different classes in different namespaces. I have tried to declare an internal variable in the main class but it does…
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1 answer

'removeChild' is inaccessible due to 'internal' protection level

'removeChild' is inaccessible due to 'internal' protection level Extra argument 'in' in call removeChild(bottomSheet) addChild(bottomSheet, in: view)
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2 answers

Relation between "new" and "operator new"

string *ptr = new string("Hello"); What happens when we call the new operator? explain in simple points.
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