Questions tagged [indoor-positioning-system]

Indoor Positioning Systems (IPS) are used to determine the position of mobile devices (smartphones) inside a closed space (a building), where GPS cannot be used. IPSs normally use wi-fi and GSM antennas as reference points instead of GPS satellites. They are also known as Indoor Navigation Systems.

This tag should be used to categorize questions regarding the techniques and tools used to determine the position of a mobile device inside a building, the libraries and tools used to perform such positioning, the techniques used to reach the required accuracy and so on.

Nowadays, most existing smartphones and mobile devices have a built-in GPS antenna and can determine their own geographic position with a quite good accuracy (usually less than 100 m).

Unfortunately, GPS systems require a clean view of the sky to contact GPS satellites and cannot be used in a closed space (a building).

For this reason, many others techniques have been developed to determine the position (location) os a mobile device inside a building. Almost all of these systems use some kind of beacons as reference points and calculate the mobile device position using a multilateration algorithm or a fingerprint one. The main difference is represented by the kind of reference beacon that is used.

Most used reference points (beacons) are:

  1. wi-fi access points (wi-fi ADSL routers/modems)
  2. GSM/3G cell phone antennas (BTS or Node-b)
  3. Bluetooth dongles

These systems are mainly used to guide the user through the map of the building to a specific room or even to a specific shelf ("indoor navigation").

Since 2011 (Google Maps 6.0), a first kind of IPS is available with Google Maps. It is a hybrid system that uses both cell phone antennas and wi-fi access points as reference points. Microsoft (Bing) and other companies are following.

Other IPSs exist that use magnetometer (compass), accelerometer (inertial navigation) and other sensor or techniques to perform such indoor positioning and navigation.

Usually, precision (accuracy) is in these ranges:

  1. phone-cells-based systems: 1 to 2 Km
  2. wi-fi-based systems: 10 to 150 m (most often 40 to 150 m)
  3. Bluetooth-based: 4 to 10 m (room-level)

A few techniques can be used to improve accuracy, like map pathfinding (the same kind of pathfinding used in many 2D and 3D games) and inertial navigation (based on accelerometers).

Many existing systems use more than one sensor and more than one algorithm to perform positioning and should be classified as "hybrid IPS systems". A few of them use what it is known as "sensor fusion" technique. This term is used to refer to IPSs that integrate signals (and location-related information) that comes from different sensors (accelerometers plus wi-fi antenna plus others).

Google Maps 6.0 API can be used both on the web (via javascript) and on Android devices (via Java/Dalvik). Indoor positioning is supplied transparently wherever a "floor map" is available. No specific code is required and indoor navigation merge smoothly with the outdoor one.

272 questions
3 answers

How does Google Indoor Navigation work?

For a project at my university I have to collect information about Google Indoor Maps. I spent several hours searching information about how Google Indoor Navigation really works. I've found several links on how to create Google Floor Plans like…
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How to design an Android indoor map of a building?

I want to design an Android application which can help students and others navigate their way around a particular building(with one floor) showing walking directions to classrooms. I need help with it.
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Distance between two mobile devices in Javasacript (Ionic)

For one of my projects, I'm currently wanting to build an Ionic application to code once for both iOS and Android platforms. I'm looking for a way to measure the distance between two mobile devices. One device should be placed into a specific…
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Indoor positioning on iOS with Core Location - not accurate?

Using the sample code provided from WWDC, I've been trying to write a simple proof-of-concept app that performs indoor positioning in my office building. I have a floor plan image and replaced the standard image in the demo code. I've also done…
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1 answer

How to improve accuracy of indoor positioning?

I should be developing an indoor positioning system for some place , so I started by gathering info about how to develop such a system , the question I am up to now is : what controls the accuracy of positioning and how to improve it ? I found…
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Multi-point trilateration algorithm in Java

I'm trying to implement a trilateration algorithm into my Android app to determine a user's indoor location. I'm using ultra-wideband beacons to get the distances to fixed points. I was able to adapt the method suggested in Trilateration Method…
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Ble scanning callback only get called several times then stopped

I have 2 phones with Android 5.0.2, they both installed the latest Radius Beacon's App: Locate Beacon, meanwhile, I turned on 2 IBeacon sender, and can see the RSSI keep changing in both phone with the App. But when I tried to write some sample code…
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How to get user location using accelerometer, gryoscope, and magnetometer in iPhone?

The simple equation for user location using inbuilt inertial measurement unit (IMU) which is also called pedestrian dead reckoning (PDR) is given as: x= x(previous)+step length * sin(heading direction) y= y(previous)+step length *cos(heading…
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Better result in Google map using beacons in Indoor search

Would it be possible make Google maps aware of our beacons via their registry or api or something, so that google map can accurately give indoor direction to users in a facility that is under our control(where we can deploy beacons)? Example: In a…
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Multi-points Trilateration to be used with beacon data on Android

I've been struggling for a while with this, I'm currently using Estimote Beacon on Android and I'm collecting their RSSI and TxPower to calculate their range. Once I got this data and I know their position (latitude, longitude, altitude), I need to…
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Use Apache Commons Kalman Filter for 2D Positioning Estmation

I want to improve the accuracy of my indoor positioning framework and therefore apply the kalmanfilter. I found that the apache commons math library supports Kalmanfilter so I tried to use it and followed the tutorials:…
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Weird behaviour of the magnetic field measurements while rotating the device

The situation: I'm trying to create an indoor localisation system with the use of the magnetic field variations inside a building via fingerprinting. As a sensor I'm using my mobile phone a Galaxy Nexus. Basically the idea to get my fingerprints is…
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Is wifi/bluetooth Triangulation(not trilateration) using a mobile device possible?

Well for triangulation you need to have the direction from which your device is receiving the signal.We can calculate Angle of Arrival for that but calculating that angle requires an array of receivers. Is a cell phone capable of calculating Angle…
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iOS indoor positioning app and WiFi signals

I'd like to develop an indoor positioning system for iOS by using WiFi signals instead of iBeacon. I read here that the feature was recently introduced. It says: You can sign up to learn more about how you can work with Apple to enable indoor…
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Facing new iOS indoor positioning capability

I want to develop an indoor positioning-based iOS app intended to help users to find the different rooms in an offices building. I've seen here that Apple now offers a way to get indoor positions for iOS 8 devices. It takes me to Maps Connect, and…
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