Questions tagged [import-csv]

Import_Csv is a PowerShell command that creates a custom, table-like object and populates it with data from a CSV file. DO NOT use this tag for generally reading data from a CSV file. Instead, use the [csv] tag or other language-specific related tags

205 questions
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Out-GridView is showing a blank column where there is actual data

I have this CSV file. The actual CSV data is delimited with a ";" , like this: [2017-04-27 15:45:04] ;x;/x;Succes; You can see there is a column "Terminaison" which contains success or failure information. My goal is to display all columns of the…
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PowerShell: Importing 16MB CSV Into PowerShell Variable Creates >600MB's of PowerShell Memory Usage

I'm trying to understand why PowerShell's memory balloons so much when I import a file that's ~16MB's as a variable. I can understand there's additional memory structure around that variable but I'm just trying to understand why it's THAT high.…
2 answers

How to get data from csv into a python object

I am a beginner python user. Having trouble getting data from csv into python in the required object format to satisfy a python function. If I manually created the data in python (rather than bringing it in from csv) the following code works: class…
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Import-Csv / Export-Csv with german umlauts (ä,ö,ü)

i came across a little issue when dealing with csv-exports which contains mutated vowels like ä,ö,ü (German Language Umlaute) i simply export with Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{Path=$_;ID=4627} -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |export-csv…
Peter Core
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2 answers

Load csv to redshift without passing by S3

I am using SQL workbench /J to interact with a redshift cluster and I would like to load a CSV file (about 500k rows) into a redshift table (I do have insert privilege) without using COPY command (as i do not have privileges to copy into s3). Do…
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Rails CSV IMPORT first_or_create

Hi I have a very basic csv importer that a user uses to import items. Items belong_to a :part_number When the user imports the items I want to add a first or create to the import to find or create a part number by its name. CSV File columns i want…
Jem Built
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How to search imported CSV cell values for each row

I'm attempting to import a csv, search the cell values(columns) in each row and then find and count any null or blank values. Then if the count hits 13, do X. However, when I run this code it appears the cell/column values are a single object and…
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1 answer

Use first row of CSV file as column name SQL

I am using Microsoft SQL Server Management studio and I am currently importing some CSV files in a database. I am importing the CSV files using the BULK INSERT command into already existing tables, using the following query. BULK INSERT myTable …
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PowerShell Import-CSV to Export-CSV with type conversion

I get a bunch of tab-delimited files and I want to convert them to comma-delimited files. I also need only two columns from the file "Date" and "Value1", so I drop the rest of the columns. Date Value1 Value2 Value3 Value4 Sensor 08.07.2010 …
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1 answer

PowerShell and space in expression

I have a field in a CSV that is First Name. However, I want to rename that to Name. I have the following code below. However, I am not sure how to handle that space between the t and N. I've tried using quotes and some other tricks but so far none…
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Creating new column in csv using powershell with dynamic values

Hi I am trying to compare two csv and see the delta between them. I want to create a new column in the csv to capture deactivated and new users comparing the old and new data extract. Though I am able to create new column unable to populate values…
1 answer

PowerShell: Import CSV File, Count Group Sizes, And Output To Original File Appending New Column With Counts

I have a test input csv file, as follows: ID;Name;Level 1;Alpha;A 2;Bravo;A 3;Charlie;A 4;Delta;A 5;Echo;A 6;Foxtrot;A 7;Golf;A 1;Hotel;B 2;India;B 3;Juliet;B 1;Kilo;C 2;Lima;C 3;Mike;C 4;November;C 5;Oscar;C and I would like to generate the…
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Why is Powershell Import-Csv not working properly on this CSV file?

I am importing this CSV file into powershell but it is not importing the headers and also not all the columns. It is only getting the first column but thinks there are no headers. I realize the second line is empty but that is how the software…
Todd Welch
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3 answers

NetSuite - CSV Import

I have this search in NetSuite: Through it down the csv file to update the estimated cost of the invoices. However, it is giving this import error: Invalid entity reference key "2966894" for subsidiary 1 , because in the NetSuite wizard I am not…
2 answers

Import csv file with more than 1024 columns into new SQL Server table

I am trying to upload data from CSV file into SQL Server which is 2GB in size and has more than 10000 columns. Please let me know how to load data with more than 1024 columns in SQL Server. I tried to do through Import/Export wizard,it threw below…
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