Questions tagged [imagej]

ImageJ is a Java-based open-source image processing program that is used extensively in scientific image analysis, particularly life sciences. Please consider asking ImageJ-specific questions on the forum: This tag should be used for questions about programming in/for ImageJ.

ImageJ is a Java-based open-source image processing program that is used extensively in scientific multidimensional image analysis, particularly life sciences. This tag should be used for questions about ImageJ-related programming.

For questions regarding general ImageJ usage as well as ImageJ-specific questions, the forum is the best place to ask.

ImageJ supports plugins written in Java and scripts in several languages (i.e. Javascript, Python, Beanshell, Groovy, Clojure, Ruby, and the ImageJ1 macro language).

794 questions
2 answers

How to know intensity value of points in images

I'd like to know intensities of specific coordinates in images. For example, when I see an image, if I think "I want to know the intensity of this specific point!", how can I get the intensity? I can use opencv and imageJ, but if you know any other…
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How to convert FITS to JPG in Java?

I need to convert a fits file to jpg in java. I've tried with imageJ but I need a simple library without GUI. I'm developing a web page in java and I need to convert the file in background (headlessly).
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Putting an image in a Java GUI

I'm creating a Java UI for a school project. I have 4 buttons and an image in the JFrame, I want to be able to perform a task on the Image with each button. Each time I press the button it will overwrite the Image using the buttons function. I have…
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Calculate area of a shape in ImageJ when there's a bounding box

I want to calculate the blue area in the below image. It's not clear here but there's a white bounding box surrounding the image so I'd like to be able to remove the white area or take it into account somehow.
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How can I implement ImageJ's Non Local Means Denoising algorithm in Java code?

I'm trying to use this java class from ImageJ to denoise my image in java. My attempts have lead me to this test class in conjunction with these two classes (the github page linked to from ImageJ's website): import ij.ImagePlus; import…
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keep original values when saving matrix to image in Matlab

Let me explain. My program takes an x-ray in a format of the x-ray detector ".his" which goes from 0 to 65535, and from those values it can tell you how much of a certain material is in each pixel "4 cm of aluminum" for example. It does that for…
1 answer

Build image classification library using weka

I am new to Weka and have a Project in which I have to give an image a class after processing it. A class is like a type of image. Like if it's tiger image after processing the image I have to say it's tiger class in animals. After some research I…
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How can i close polyline object in Delphi?

I am using this code listed below: hobj:= ImageEnVect1.AddNewObject(iekPOLYLINE, Blob.BoundingBox, clGreen); ImageEnVect1.PolylineClosingMode:=iecmOnNearFinish; ImageEnVect1.SetObjPolylinePoints(hobj,PPList); And I get these not connected…
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Is there a way to plot linear regression in ImageJ?

I have a coding problem where i want to plot values (x and y) and calculate the linear regression and plot it in imageJ. Can anyone help? I tried this public class Plot implements PlugIn { public void run(String arg) { if…
1 answer

Why my imageJ has no menu?

I would like to use imageJ to read some video files, but I cannot see the menu in the interface, which means there is no "file", "edit"....options. Could any one tell me why? thanks a lot! OS: mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite)
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using files from a specific directory Java

I want to write a macro for Image J using Java I have an error in the first line when trying to use the images from the specific folder, I don´t know how to solve it. Source code: for (File file : new File("E:\\Ghent\\magnel\\Bjorn\\cap…
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ImageJ cannot find symbol

So I have no idea why I get a "cannot find symbol error" for img in the following code. This code is based off an ImageJ Plugin template that works perfectly fine, so something must be eluding me... import ij.*; import ij.process.*; …
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How to make histogram using image? [ImageJ + Netbeans]

I beg You. Please tell me how to create a histogram from B&W image pixels in ImageJ with use of Java (Netbeans)? What code should I use or anything... I have to do a project on Grade. I have only a few hours.
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how to use imageJ to merge different channels and do a z stack average

I have ten tiff files and each of them contains two channels imaging data, I want to labeling different colors for the two channels and after that do a z projection, anyone knows how to do it?
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ImageJ overlay get removed when rotating

I'm learning ImageJ now but I got a problem. First, I added an overlay to an image (using Image-Overlay-AddImage in menu). Now I want to rotate the image and keep the upper overlay remained as a reference. But when I use the rotate…
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