Questions tagged [image-resolution]

This tag should be used for questions about image resolution.

From the Wikipedia page for Image Resolution:

Image resolution is the detail an image holds. The term applies to raster digital images, film images, and other types of images. Higher resolution means more image detail.

Image resolution can be measured in various ways. Resolution quantifies how close lines can be to each other and still be visibly resolved. Resolution units can be tied to physical sizes (e.g. lines per mm, lines per inch), to the overall size of a picture (lines per picture height, also known simply as lines, TV lines, or TVL), or to angular subtense. Line pairs are often used instead of lines; a line pair comprises a dark line and an adjacent light line. A line is either a dark line or a light line. A resolution of 10 lines per millimeter means 5 dark lines alternating with 5 light lines, or 5 line pairs per millimeter (5 LP/mm). Photographic lens and film resolution are most often quoted in line pairs per millimeter.

17 questions
1 answer

App crashing due to high resolution image

In my app, I'm giving user the feature to set an image for the app's homescreen background(from gallery). The app works fine if the image if low resolution but if the user sets a high resolution image the app crashes on startup giving this…
1 answer

android: text size changed while combining text and image

I have textView (mTextOnImage) and imageView (mImageView) . I combine them by using the function combineImages , but when I combine , the text size is changed . //generate bitmap of textView by using getDrawingCache() Bitmap bmp =…
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2 answers

How to add/manage multiple image size/resolution in flutter assets

Kindly help with the simplest/shortest way wish to manage multiple images in flutter like hdpi/mdpi... in Android studio How do I include image assets for Flutter? What about multiple resolutions?
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4 answers

PHP cannot upload images bigger than ~ 6500px (the size of the file doesn't matter)

I'm using XAMPP for my project. I'm trying to upload really big images and I've noticed that it doesn't work with all images. After trying it out a few times I came to the conclusion that images which have a higher resolution than something about…
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0 answers

How to know the nominal resolution of an image to use as an asset in flutter?

I have some photos of different sizes for different android and iOS devices. Like, a photo in 800x1280 resolution and in 540x960. Flutter Docs say that if I place those photos in a proper way, Flutter will use the best suiting one to my device as an…
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1 answer

how to create effective header images to adapt to all screen sizes without pixelating

I have been creating a website on my laptop. And I keep the width of header image to 100% and height 400px. I optimize my images of sizes ranging from 800 px x 600 px to 1920 px x 1800 px to fall around 20 Kbs with optimizing tools online and…
0 answers

Image file do not get cleared when the checkResolution condition satisfies

I have to clear the image field after the alert , if the selected img file is not the appropriate size. But now i can see the alert..but when i click on 'ok'(inside the alert),image still retains there itself and i am able to continue with the…
1 answer

Image resolution is bad when max-width:100% in css - resize down

How do I fix the CSS so that the resolution is not lost when I scale down? Here is the HTML: CSS for the : .image.main img { width: 100%; } .image img { …
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0 answers

How to find out image auto height if the desired width is 1024 in PHP from any sized image?

I have an image with an example dimension of 1600x1200, i would like to resize it down to width: 1024 using PHP. How do i calculate the height if i only know the desired width? I know this works on the command line but it calculates the height for…
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1 answer

check image resolution in hapijs

I am using hapi v17.1 .I am not an expert programmer. I need to get the resolution of an image in hapi js for server side image validation . I have tried image-size plugin var sizeOf = require('image-size'); var { promisify } =…
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1 answer

Searching for large images made from a low resolution

I have many product images on my local drive that I got from different sources and some of them are messed up a bit. I'm talking about images that are large in resolution but it is apparent that this resolution has been achieved by resizing the…
Martin L.
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1 answer

Poor image quality after downloading from android asset

I'm trying to get an image to fit nicely on each screen size, the image i'm using an image which is 1351 × 2048 and i have used android asset to achieve this. It has worked fine except from the image quality is a lot more poor on all resolution.…
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C#, how to Draw string on Image inside a rectangle and determine font size according to image size?

i need a solution to draw string on an image inside of a rectangle and setting the font size according to the image size (resolution)? SAMPLE IMAGE as you can see i need to put some text (right-to-left text) inside of that blue rectangle with font…
Khaled Rakhisi
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0 answers

Using Tags for a child object

I have tried to make a model swapping system for a game without having to make scripts for each model that changes , essentially each model changes from a low-quality model to a high-quality one and vise Versa , I was thinking the best way would be…
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1 answer

Retrieve Image Resolution(DPI) of an image (JPEG,PNG,SVG,GIF) without using any PHP extension

I want to Retrieve Image Resolution(DPI) of an image (JPEG,PNG,SVG,GIF) without using any PHP extension (like imageMagick). I searched everywhere, but I couldn't find a perfect solution. I tried below code (got from link) function…
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