Questions tagged [ijulia-notebook]

IJulia is a Julia-language backend combined with the Jupyter interactive environment (also used by IPython). This combination allows to interact with the Julia language using Jupyter/IPython's powerful notebook, which combines code, formatted text, math, and multimedia in a single document.

154 questions
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Hosting interactive jupyter notebook on private website

I currently run a personal website using Wordpress (but hosted on siteground) that is a set of engineering study guides. I would like to move towards making these study guides interactive (i.e. refreshing graphics based on sliders, doing basic…
1 answer

Write output in the same place in the console

I like working in an IJulia notebook and would like to print the status of some process on the same line over and over again. Taking the example given in the link below, we desire some output: Downloading File FooFile.txt [47%] and want to avoid…
3 answers

(x:y) operator in Julia

I am trying to understand this code: r = (1:10) - (4/1) println(r) Output: -3.0:1.0:6.0 I understood why I got -3 and 6. But why I got that value in the middle (1.0)? How does Julia calculate it? Or how I can google it?
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registering kernels in ipython/jupyter notebook - kernel.json

With the latest version of IPython, kernels can be registered by placing a kernel.json file in ~/.ipython/kernels//. I am currently trying to add a julia and a R kernel and I am wondering who is responsible for creating and maintaining…
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function Base.+ must be explicitly imported to be extended

i'm pretty new to julia forgive me if my question is dumb, for exmaple i defined a type like this: type Vector2D x::Float64 y::Float64 end and 2 object w and v: v = Vector2D(3, 4) w = Vector2D(5, 6) if i add them up it will raise this err…
MJ Sameri
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How to make a scatter plot based on the values of a column in the data set?

I am given a data set that looks something like this and I am trying to graph all the points with a 1 on the first column separate from the points with a 0, but I want to put them in the same chart. I know the final result should be something…
4 answers

How to set Julia Environment for IJulia Jupyter notebook?

I am encountering package compatibility issues within my global Julia environment for specific packages I want to use in a Jupyter notebook. Is there a way to tell IJulia to use a different environment instead of my global one?
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Resizing plots in the Julia kernel for Jupyter notebooks

I want to know if there is any way that I can specify the size of the inline-plots in Jupyter. At the moment, I use Vega library and width and height don't work. There is any workaround.
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Julia vs MATLAB: Why is my Julia code so slow?

I just started with Julia and translated my MATLAB code into Julia (basically line-by-line). I noticed that the Julia code is much slower (like 50x). The original problem is a dynamic programming problem in which I interpolate the value function --…
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One-liner or short script to run the code inside a Jupyter notebook?

I like to develop scripts by running them piecemeal in a Jupyter (nee iJulia) notebook. However, sometimes I need to test things on a remote system and need to make a copy of just the code as a .jl file. Has anyone already written a one-liner or…
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How do we convert an array of Unicode values back to it's text form in Julia?

I am learning Julia for my next project because the data really text-heavy and we are looking into making the code run more efficiently and fast. So as experimentation, I am learning Julia. Now I learned that there is a really nice way to enter the…
Amit Amola
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Issues Adding Package in Julia

First off, I'm new to Julia, so I'm still getting used to the language. I'm using Jupyter and I'm trying to add "SpecialPolynomials". This is what I keep getting: using…
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Kernel PCA Implementation in Julia

I am trying to implement the method of kernel principal component analysis (kernel PCA) in a Julia notebook. More specifically, I am trying to replicate the process done in this tutorial:…
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Calling a julia function from jupyter notebook (import Julia jupyter notebook)

With Python I can reuse another Jupyter notebook by importing it directly to a new one as a module (here in Anaconda) or using nbpackage. Can this be done with Julia Jupyter notebooks? How to import functions from one notebook into another?
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real time plotting with Julia

I am trying to plot a function evolving in real time with Julia. For that, I saw that GR package could be used in Julia, when I try to apply exactly the example given here : import GR GR.inline("mov") x = [0:0.01:2*pi] for i = 1:200 …
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