Questions tagged [iis-6]

IIS (Internet Information Services) is a web server application and a set of feature extension modules created by Microsoft as part of Windows. IIS version 6 is shipped with Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP Professional x64 Edition. Both Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 are end of life, so migration to newer releases must be done.

Internet Information Services (IIS) is a web server and a set of feature extension modules created by Microsoft as part of Windows.

IIS version 6 is shipped with Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP Professional x64 Edition.

Both Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 are end of life, so migration to newer Windows releases must be done.

Some IIS Links:

See for more information.

2900 questions
4 answers

IIS6 + HttpModule: This operation requires IIS integrated pipeline mode

I am using IIS6, I've written an HttpModule, and I get this error? After googling the web I find that this problem is caused by the .NET framework 3.5, so I put this on a machine where I didn't install .NET 3.5, but the problem is still there!
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6 answers

ASP.NET Session Mix-up using StateServer (SCARY!)

We store two objects in session. Somehow, one of the objects from another user got loaded into a different user's session. The user should have had no access to this particular data, and as soon as they saw it they knew something was very wrong. We…
Josh Stodola
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8 answers

How can I determine the number of users on an ASP.NET site (IIS)? And their info?

Is there a way to determine the number of users that have active sessions in an ASP.NET application? I have an admin/tools page in a particular application, and I would like to display info regarding all open sessions, such as the number of…
Samuel Meacham
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2 answers

File Security (IP address access restrictions) in IIS7

I have a web service that contains 2 asmx files (public.asmx and private.asmx). On IIS6 I could go to the properties of private.asmx then, from the 'File Security' tab, deny all computers access except the IP address for localhost. In IIS7 I only…
Chris Arnold
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4 answers

What Causes "Internal connection fatal errors"

I've got a number of ASP.Net websites (.Net v3.5) running on a server with a SQL 2000 database backend. For several months, I've been receiving seemingly random InvalidOperationExceptions with the message "Internal connection fatal error". Sometimes…
Chad Gilbert
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1 answer

MVC Mini Profiler on IIS 6

Has anyone been able to get the MVC mini profiler working on IIS 6? I've set up the profiler in my application and it works perfectly in Visual Studio, IIS Express and IIS 7.5 but when I put the exact same application onto IIS 6 it won't work. The…
Adam Flanagan
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3 answers

Hosting WCF on IIS6, does it require any special setup?

Does hosting a WCF service require any special configuration on IIS6?
1 answer

Getting a 404 when using .NET 4 on IIS 6, with or without MVC

I've completed this set up on a fair few IIS 6 boxes, but one is giving me a tough time. The problem occurs when I add the application extension mapping to: c:\windows\\framework\v4.0.21006\aspnet_isapi.dll When this is in place, I get…
3 answers

IIS: web applications warmup

After IIS reset, first hit taking a long time because AppPool is starting and other .NET components, DB connections are initializing. What would be the best way to warm up IIS applications and preload required components (e.g. GAC Assemblies, WCF,…
usman shaheen
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4 answers

Upgrading IIS 5.1 To IIS 6 on Windows XP

Is it possible to update IIS on Windows XP from 5.1 to 6? If so how? Thanks.
David Waters
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3 answers

Classic ASP text substitution and UTF-8 encoding

We have a website that uses Classic ASP. Part of our release process substitutes values in a file and we found a bug in it where it will write the file out as UTF-8. This then causes our application to start spitting out garbage. Apostrophes get…
Derek Ekins
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4 answers

Difference between IIS 6.0 vs IIS 7.0

We are using Windows 2003 server with IIS 6.0 and thinking of migrating to Window Server 2008 with IIS 7.0 to host our .Net applications Is anyone aware what are the benefits or drawbacks of it?
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2 answers

Unable to start debugging on the web server. The debugger cannot connect to the remote computer in MVC

I've just started to work on a MVC project. It's a web portal. I've set my sites on my local IIS 6.0 But when I want to start debugging, I get this error: Unable to start debugging on the web server. The debugger cannot connect to the remote…
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4 answers

Increase file upload size limit in iis6

Is there any other place besides the metabase.xml file where the file upload size can be modified? I am currently running a staging server with IIS6 and it is setup to allow uploading of files up to 20mb. This works perfectly fine. I have a new…
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5 answers

Hosting Mercurial with IIS 6

I'm trying to set up Mercurial repositories to be hosted by IIS under Windows Server 2003. Following this post I installed Python and Mercurial 1.3, set up virtual dir, extracted and created hgwebdir.config. However, when I…
Artem Koshelev
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