Questions tagged [if-statement]

An "if" statement is a flow control structure in most programming languages that branches execution flow depending on a binary condition, generally evaluated at runtime. If statements are also commonly also called conditionals. When using this tag please also include an appropriate language tag, such as e.g. "java" if your question is language-specific.

An if statement is a flow control structure in most programming languages that branches execution flow depending on a binary condition, generally evaluated at runtime. If-statements are also commonly known as conditionals.

When using this tag please also include an appropriate language tag, such as e.g. if your question is language-specific.

Basic Syntax

The if statement has the following syntax:

if <condition>

<condition> may be parenthesized (as it is in JavaScript), the keyword then may be omitted (Python, C-like languages, JavaScript and others).

The else section is optional in most languages.

An example if statement in JavaScript:

var myVariable = 100;

if (myVariable >= 20) {
    console.log('My variable is greater than or equal to 20!');
} else {
    console.log('My variable is less than 20!');

if-else statements may also be nested, where another if may appear in if statement, and/or in else statement. For example:

if ( number1 > 20 )
   if ( number2 > 50 )
      print('Both numbers satisfy condition')
      print('Second number doesn't satisfy condition')
   if( number2 > 50 )
      print('Only Second number satisfies condition')
      print('None of the two numbers satisfy condition')

else+if is used to chain if statements:

if ( number > 20 )
     print('Greater than 20')
else+if ( number > 10 )
     print('Greater than 10')
     print('Less than 11')

else+if statements may simply be an else statement followed by an if (e.g else if; done in JavaScript and many C-like languages), or a special keyword such as elif (Python), or elsif (Perl).

As a ternary operator

In C and C-like languages, conditional expressions can take the form of a ternary operator called the conditional expression operator, ?:, which follows this template:

(condition)?(evaluate if condition was true):(evaluate if condition was false)

In Python, if is used explicitly, and the ordering is slightly different:

(evaluate if condition was true) if (condition) else (evaluate if condition was false)

An example of the ternary operator in JavaScript:

var myVariable = 100;

myVariable>20 ? console.log('Greater than 20!') : console.log('Less than or equal to 20!');

See also:

52698 questions
4 answers

Only allow letters and numbers for a UITextField

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Boolean Not Equal To in Lua programming

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Is there a better way to rewrite this ugly switch and if statement combination?

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IF function with 3 conditions

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In Objective-C Check an array of Boolean Values and see if at least ONE is YES

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Performance Differences of Nested If Else Statements vs. ElseIf Statements

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Shortcut for if else

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A Return inside and outside an If Statement

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