Questions tagged [heidisql]

HeidiSQL is a lightweight, Windows based application for managing MySQL, MariaDB, MS SQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite databases.


HeidiSQL is a useful and reliable tool designed for web developers using the popular MariaDB and MySQL server, Microsoft SQL databases, PostgreSQL and SQLite. It enables you to browse and edit data, create and edit tables, views, procedures, triggers and scheduled events. Also, you can export structure and data either to SQL file, clipboard or to other servers.


enter image description here


Official website
HeidiSQL on Github

340 questions
32 answers

mysql Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed error

I have two tables, table1 is the parent table with a column ID and table2 with a column IDFromTable1 (not the actual name) when I put a FK on IDFromTable1 to ID in table1 I get the error Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed error. I would…
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4 answers

How to copy a database using HeidiSQL?

I have a local installation of MariaDB on a Windows XP. I created an empty database db_y which I wanted to populate with the tables of the database db_x which I exported as a dump-file from a MySQL-instance (with HeidiSQL). When I imported the…
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1 answer

When do I use libmysql-6.1.dll vs libmysql.dll?

I'm using HeidiSQL to edit a MYSQL database, and it's asking which library I want to use for the edits: libmysql-6.1.dll libmysql.dll How do I know which one to use?
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2 answers

HeidiSQL import csv empty fields

I want to import a csv file to my MySQL database with HeidiSQL. But some of my fields are empty. What could I do to let HeidiSQL know these empty values have to be seen as NULL-values? Sample of csv-file (last 2 fields not yet known): …
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1 answer

HeidiSQL won't list my database

My postgres yaml part looking like this: postgres: container_name: 'postgres' image: postgres:10.1 environment: - POSTGRES_USER=postgres - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=root - POSTGRES_DB=myids ports: - "5432:5432" …
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4 answers

Database Import error after exporting

Just like title say. I am using HeidiSQL, and i wan't to duplicate a database so i export the database, create a new empty with name "test". Then i change the name of the database to "test" in the .sql file and try to import the database, then i…
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5 answers

sql if exists update else insert not working

i have a table with 3 generic keys which are also foreign keys. This is my query -- IF (EXISTS(SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE col_1 =4)) BEGIN UPDATE table1 SET col_2 = 3, col_3 = 100 WHERE col_1 = 4 …
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3 answers

HeidiSQL can't connect to my RDS database?

Hoping someone can help me with this issue I am running into. HeidiSQL won't connect to my RDS database. I can connect to it when I'm on my EC2 instance but not using Heidi SQL. The error I keep getting is: Can't connect to MySQL server on…
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1 answer

MySQL Indexing, Different types and when to use them?

Ok, So I have (re)searched a lot regarding MySQL Indexes and their importance and I understand i have to use it to make database queries run faster., And i know the syntax to add index on any filed. But here's what i don't understand, ( I am using…
Dhruv Kumar Jha
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3 answers

HeidiSQL connecting to mysql server - Lost connection...server at reading initial

New to connecting to databases and have no clue to where to begin to troubleshoot - I am currently using HeidiSQL to connect to an external Mysql Database Server hosted on the Amazon Web Service - EC2. I am able to access the database using…
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1 answer

How to securely store HeidiSQL passwords

According to this HeidiSQL stores passwords obfuscated in the registry. I would like to save them in a more secure manner: I have an encrypted VeraCrypt volume and I want HeidiSQL to only access my passwords when the volume is mounted. Is there a…
Tim Pohlmann
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2 answers

Unable to connect to LocalDB with HeidiSQL

I have been trying to connect to a localdb instance with the latest version (at this time) of heidisql to no avail. I have followed the instructions from this answer here but it doesn't seem to work (anymore): HeidiSql connection to MS SQL Server…
Marios T.
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3 answers

How do I create a stored procedure in heidisql?

I'm trying to create a stored procedure in heidisql (mysql). CREATE PROCEDURE SP_FORM20_POST( P_SESSIONID VARCHAR(256) ) BEGIN INSERT INTO tbForm20 ( SESSIONID, RegDT) VALUES ( P_SESSIONID, NOW()); END This is my…
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2 answers

Incorrect syntax near a var

I'm working with HeidiSQL on SQL Server, trying to create an after insert trigger, here is the code. CREATE TRIGGER TR_After_Insert_User ON User1 AFTER INSERT AS BEGIN declare @userName varchar(24) declare @userLName varchar(20) declare…
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2 answers

generate sql using HeidiSQL

I would like to ask is there any config that allow HeidiSQL to generate INSERT query that look like: INSERT INTO state SET ST_ID = NULL, ST_NAME = "lol" instead of: INSERT INTO state (ST_ID, ST_NAME) VALUES (NULL, 'lol')
Syafiq Azwan
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