Questions tagged [icarousel]

iCarousel is a class designed to simplify the implementation of various types of carousel (paged, scrolling views) on iPhone, iPad and Mac OS. iCarousel implements a number of common effects such as cylindrical, flat and "CoverFlow" style carousels, as well as providing hooks to implement your own bespoke effects.

Unlike many other "CoverFlow" libraries, iCarousel can work with any kind of view, not just images, so it is ideal for presenting paged data in a fluid and impressive way in your app. It also makes it extremely easy to swap between different carousel effects with minimal code changes. Supported OS & SDK Versions

Supported build target - iOS 5.1 / Mac OS 10.7 (Xcode 4.4.1, Apple LLVM compiler 4.0)
Earliest supported deployment target - iOS 4.3 / Mac OS 10.7
Earliest compatible deployment target - iOS 3.2 / Mac OS 10.6

Here's the full description & sample of iCarousel

344 questions
3 answers

Scale items with iCarousel

I was trying to use iCarousel for one my solutions, I need to achieve something like the image below It should be exactly the way iCarouselOptionFadeMin iCarouselOptionFadeMax iCarouselOptionFadeRange iCarouselOptionFadeMinAlpha works using -…
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iCarousel Linear Type starts from center

I would like iCarousel to start appearing from left i.e it should be left aligned. I have found that in case of Linear Carousel it starts from center of the screen. How can I make the Linear Carousel to start from left?
Zeeshan Jan
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Hiding back images in iCarouselTypeRotary view for iCarousel

I have set images in iCarousel. When I scroll the carousel, it shows images in front and back. I do not want to display images in back. Please help. Thank you.
iPhone Developer
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2 answers

Making infinite loop using iCarousel

Is it possible to configure that my iCarousel carousel will scroll the items with infinite loops? I haven't found something like that and I need it, Thanks for helping!
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Adding custom UIView with autolayout to iCarousel

Is it possible to add custom UIView with autolayout to iCarousel? If I try to set constraints when custom view is created in iCarousel delegate method -(UIView *)carousel:(iCarousel *)carousel viewForItemAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index reusingView:(UIView…
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1 answer

iCarousel integration to app having Tab bar controller in iOS 6.1

I integrate the iCarousel app with single view application.But when I add the tab bar controller and place this iCarousel code in one tab bar Item viewcontroller.But it does not work(Items are displayed but not scrolled).What is the problem here. I…
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iCarousel Pull to Refresh and Load More

I am successfully able to integrate the iCarousel component but now facing an issue to implement "Pull to Refresh" & "Load More" features. Actually iCarousel is a subclass of UIView whereas "Pull to Refresh" & "Load More" features normally works…
Asif Bilal
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2 answers

is it good to use ViewCntroller's view in icarousel?

in carousel viewForItemAtIndex i am using reuse view something like this- -(UIView *)carousel:(iCarousel *)carousel viewForItemAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index reusingView:(UIView *)view{ if (!view){ UIViewController * viewController =…
Saheb Singh
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2 answers

Mac Dock like magnification for iPad

I am trying to bring out dock like magnification effect for my iPad app thru iCarousel library. With that i am able to zoom in the center item of the carousel with the following piece of code, but trying to zoom the adjacent items of the centre item…
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4 answers

Issue in Using AsyncImageView in icarousel in iOS

I have developed an app which uses Asyncimageview and iCarousel.But my issues is that when i'm trying to load the images from urls only activity indicator loads in each view of my iCarousel and no images are loaded.Here is my code - (UIView…
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How to add array of images to UIImage view programmatically in ios4?

I need to display array of images in a single view which have various effect in icarousel(time machne,coverflow,etc...)i'm going to use single style where all images have to be displayed.. HERE IS MY CODE IN .M FILE.. UIImage *img=[[UIImageView…
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How to load iCarousel view from storyboard or xib?

I am using one 3rd party control iCarousel view to show view with nice animation. Every thing is working fine and i am pretty much aware about this control. But till now I am using manually code to add view in iCarousel view and show it on screen…
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4 answers

iCarousel Not Showing up and Method not being handled

I am trying to achieve a right to left iCarousel object with a fade on both sides. So i imported the GtiHub Project into My application, Assigned a UIView to iCarousel...Linked that to an IBOutLet on my MainViewController and passed the Delegate as…
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1 answer

How to get iCarousel current visible view?

I am using iCarousal in which I have to use three webviews,five imageviews and two Labels on my iCarousal views a total of 10 iCarousal views.What I need to do is fetch the labels,webviews and imageviews on the basis of tag in the below method and…
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1 answer

how to show iCarousel center view only highlighted other nearest view show some dark

i am Displaying Images using iCarousel, and its display type is carousel.type = iCarouselTypeRotary; all working fine but i need some changes in its displaying UI. I want to display only center view show original alpha and color with highlighted…
Nitin Gohel
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