Questions tagged [iban]

International Bank Account Number

64 questions
7 answers

IBAN Validation check

I need to do an IBAN validation check using JavaScript. The rules I need to follow are: Validating the IBAN An IBAN is validated by converting it into an integer and performing a basic mod-97 operation (as described in ISO 7064) on it. If the IBAN…
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9 answers

Generate BIC from IBAN bank account number

Is there any existing library or script I can use to generate the BIC code from an IBAN bank account number (and other necessary information)? I've searched the web, but found only IBAN generators. Thanks in advance!
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6 answers

Validate IBAN PHP

As designing a new platform we tried to integrate the IBAN numbers. We have to make sure that the IBAN is validated and the IBAN stored to the database is always correct. So what would be a proper way to validate the number?
Peter Fox
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4 answers

IBAN Regex design

Help me please to design Regex that will match all IBANs with all possible whitespaces. Because I've found that one, but it does not work with whitespaces. [a-zA-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}[0-9]{7}([a-zA-Z0-9]?){0,16} I need at least that…
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7 answers

Regex for BIC check

I wrote a regex for php function pregmatch which is like this: ^([a-zA-Z]){4}([a-zA-Z]){2}([0-9a-zA-Z]){2}([0-9a-zA-Z]{3})?$^ Now I need to check the consistency of an BIC string. Something is wrong with it... it is always correct. And I have no…
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Regex for IBAN allowing for white spaces AND checking for exact length

I need to check an input field for a German IBAN. The user should be allowed to leave in white spaces and input should be validated to have a starting DE and then exact 20 characters numbers and letters. Without the white space allowance, I…
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4 answers

How to convert BIC & IBAN to account and sortcode

Now that SEPA requirements are getting people used to BIC & IBAN, there are legacy system that cannot cope with this new data. Is there an algorithm or tool available for converting BIC & IBAN back to sort code and account?
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1 answer

Stripe IBAN Element Error 'The type `sepa_debit` is not a valid source type.'

I tried to implement the Stripe IBAN element, descriped right here: I used the exact same code, change the api key, but I keep getting this error 'The type sepa_debit is not a valid source type.' But…
Henrik Thien
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2 answers

Extract IBAN from text with Python

I want to extract IBAN numbers from text with Python. The challenge here is, that the IBAN itself can be written in so many ways with spaces bewteen the numbers, that I find it difficult to translate this in a usefull regex pattern. I have written a…
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1 answer

Generate BIC number from IBAN Number

In my past research, I found these questions which were not answered to my liking: Generate BIC from IBAN bank account number How to convert BIC & IBAN to account and sortcode The 1st answer, gave an API which used to provide BIC from IBAN number.…
Sarasa Gunawardhana
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1 answer

Storing SEPA (IBAN and BIC) data - requires PCI compliance?

we would like to use a banking API to do SEPA transfers from our bank account to the user's bank account. For that the user needs to enter his IBAN and BIC into the form. We take those data (SSL secured) and transfer the money using the banking REST…
S. F.
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5 answers

calculate european iban with javascript

I have the german "Bankleitzahl" and the account number, now I would like to calculate the corresponding IBAN with javascript, so I don't have to enter my banking-data on an untrustworthy website. How would I calculate this with javascript on my own…
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1 answer

On-the-fly bank account numbers verification

Today I had to copy a bank account number from a real (dead tree) letter to an Emacs buffer and then send it by email. And I made a mistake while copying it from the letter to the Emacs buffer (forgot one digit). Which resulted in one email from a…
Cedric Martin
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4 answers

Validating IBAN in PL/SQL

I'm trying to find some ready-to-use code (yes, I mean teh codez) to validate an IBAN account number in PL/SQL. Does anyone know about some samples? I think someone should have already implemented that... Thanks
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4 answers

IBAN Validator Swift

I am writing an algorithm to validate IBAN (International Bank Account Number) in Swift 3 and not able to figure one of the validation. Example IBAN - BE68539007547034 Here are the rules to validate - Input number should be of length 16. First 2…
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