Questions tagged [iaas]

IAAS (Infrastructure as a Service) is a provision model in which an organization outsources the equipment used to support operations, including storage, hardware, servers and networking components. The service provider owns the equipment and is responsible for housing, running and maintaining it.

In the most basic cloud-service model, providers of IaaS offer computers - physical or (more often) virtual machines - and other resources. IaaS clouds often offer additional resources such as a virtual-machine disk image library, raw (block) and file-based storage, firewalls, load balancers, IP addresses, virtual local area networks (VLANs), and software bundles. IaaS-cloud providers supply these resources on-demand from their large pools installed in data centers. For wide-area connectivity, customers can use either the Internet or carrier clouds (dedicated virtual private networks).

To deploy their applications, cloud users install operating-system images and their application software on the cloud infrastructure. In this model, the cloud user patches and maintains the operating systems and the application software. Cloud providers typically bill IaaS services on a utility computing basis[citation needed]: cost reflects the amount of resources allocated and consumed.

Examples of IaaS providers include: Amazon EC2, Azure Services Platform, DynDNS, Google Compute Engine, HP Cloud, iland, Joyent, LeaseWeb, Linode, NaviSite, Oracle Infrastructure as a Service, Rackspace Cloud, ReadySpace Cloud Services, ReliaCloud, SAVVIS, SingleHop, and Terremark

170 questions
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Faulting module name: clr.dll, version: 4.6.1055.0, time stamp: 0x563c12de

Trying to launch Iaas IIS hosted application. getting below error. any idea please? Faulting application name: w3wp.exe, version: 8.5.9600.16384, time stamp: 0x5215df96 Faulting module name: clr.dll, version: 4.6.1055.0, time stamp:…
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Successful cloud computing migrations

I'm looking for examples of successful cloud computing migrations with any of these attributes: High traffic In depth explanation of what they did: Did the go with an internal cloud, IaaS, PaaS, or some hybrid approach? Did they have to rewrite…
Abdullah Jibaly
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Recommendations for Cloud Hosting Service for

I'm currently evaluating the different cloud service providers to determine which is best for the use of NodeJS backend with Socket.IO implementation that is speedy. While i know that is really dependent on the physical location of their servers, i…
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Can Windows Azure IaaS virtual machines persist memory state?

I don't quite get to which extent Azure IaaS virtual machines (not VM roles) can persist state. Clearly files on local disks are preserved. Is memory state also preserved? Can I "suspend" a VM like in VMWare and then resume it with all programs…
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Vault - Assign multiple aliases for one identity group

I've been trying to assign multiple group aliases, meaning, multiple AD groups in our company, into one identity group. So far we've had an identity group for each alias, and we realized that doesn't make sense, as they all carry the same…
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Curly brace is missing in a json, while saving the json in azurestorage blob using rest api

I have tried to save a json which has the following json with a special character 'ø'. The json is {"username":"Jøhn"}. I have used this api to save the json in azure blob ==> …
0 answers

Azure VM custom script extension - failing randomly

I have been troubleshooting the CustomScriptExtension using Terraform I am using it to deploy and run a powershell script that works 80% of the times I deploy. I have tested 48 VM deployments. When it fails on say VM2 for example the next time I run…
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MDM and Information as a Service (IaaS)

MDM (Master Data Management) has been a buzz word past several years. Most of the Information/Data Architects are beginning to understand how to design and implement MDM and use it as an SOA enabler. There is another concept called Information as a…
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Terraform to create multiple vpc by re-executing same

I am trying to create a terraform script which will create a vpc and other resources. I am passing the parameters for scripts from a .tfvars file. I have successfully created the vpc and resources by executing the script. Now I want to create…
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Iaas vs Paas in context of AWS

This is not a duplicate question. I am just confused in Iaas,Saas with respect to AWS services like Dynamo, RDS, RedShift and Kinesis etc. They helps users to create database So, should we categorize them in Iaas or Saas? Thanks
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How to create an azure image from a snapshot?

I have taken a snapshot of a VM running as a managed disk. Now i want to create multiple vm's using that snapshot. Can someone tell me how to create an image from that snapshot ?
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Scale out my application in cloud, how i can do that?

i have a medium SaaS project and need scale out, where i can find materials to get started my cloud project? ps: i dont want work with a PaaS, like App engine or Azure...i will use IaaS like ec2 or rackspace
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deis Register without external IP

Deis register need a external IP, but I install k8s by docker-multinode, I can't get the external IP for my IaaS, how to use deis in this solution ? $ kubectl --namespace=deis get svc deis-router NAME CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) …
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executing applications in the cloud

Lately I have been working with predictive analytics and in many cases my PC runs out of memory. For the analysis I use several tools such as Matlab, custom algorithms written in c++ or C#. Anyway I was thinking about running these algorithms in the…
Niko Gamulin
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High Availability VM Azure

I am currently working on achieving 99.95 % Availability of my application residing on Azure Virtual Machine. What I want to achieve is that whenever the machine is restarted due to windows update or fault restart, another machine in a different…
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