Questions tagged [hypnotoad]

hypnotoad is a pre-forking production server from the Mojolicious framework.

16 questions
3 answers

How can you invoke interactive Perl debugging with hypnotoad or morbo?

I'm new to mojolicious but have been using Perl for some time. I have to jump through some hoops but I can get the interactive Perl debugger (and Komodo) working with remote connections for Apache but I can't find anything about interactive…
3 answers

Why is my use of hypnotoad crashing on Heroku?

I'm trying to get hypnotoad with a Mojolicious::Lite app running on Heroku with Perloku. There's something that doesn't happen when hypnotoad gets into its run loop that causes it to crash. I figure I'm missing something simple, but the Heroku docs…
brian d foy
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1 answer

Mojolicious(hypnotoad) - enforce TLS v1.2

How to enforce Mojolicious(hypnotoad) app to use TLS v1.2? mojo version output: CORE Perl (v5.16.3, linux) Mojolicious (8.0, Supervillain) OPTIONAL Cpanel::JSON::XS 4.04+ (n/a) EV 4.0+ (4.22) IO::Socket::Socks…
Sachin Dangol
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1 answer

Why would hot deploy of Hypnotoad rerun old http requests?

The nutshell: When I do a hot deployment of Hypnotoad sometimes the new server immediately processes a slew of HTTP requests that were already handled by the previous server. If a response has been rendered but the thread is still doing some…
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1 answer

How to define on spawn handler for Mojo::Server::Prefork?

I have simple web application written in perl/Mojolicious and running under hypnotoad. I need to define some handler for the "spawn" event (emited by Mojo::Server::Prefork). But i dont know, how to insert this hander definitiion in the code of…
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0 answers

Mojolicious: long subroutine have no effect on my variable

I have some trouble with very long subroutine with hypnotoad. I need to run 1 minute subroutine (hardware connected requirements). Firsly, i discover this behavior with: my $var = 0; Mojo::IOLoop->recurring(60 => sub { $log->debug("starting…
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2 answers

How to exit a program running under a Morbo or Hypnotoad server

In the programs running under the Morbo (and Hypnotoad) server a call of exit() is silently ignored and effectively works as a return from the callback. An END block fires as usually but a program itself never exits. #!/usr/bin/perl use…
0 answers

Hypnotoad and main namespace

How to handle the main namespace under the Hypnotoad ? I have this small server: #!/usr/bin/perl use Modern::Perl; use Mojolicious::Lite; use extmod; sub hello { say "hello"; } get "/" => sub { my $c = shift; extmod::put(); …
0 answers

Mojolicious Hypnotoad Nginx reverse proxy is not accessible form browser

Application is running in server. But it is not accessible from browser. sample config file -- server { listen [::]:80; server_name ..; access_log /var/log/..; error_log /var/log/..; location / { proxy_pass http://localhost-app; …
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0 answers

Using Mojo::Pg::Pubsub under hypnotoad

I have a table with tokens in Pg database and to not to overload DB with permanent SELECTs I decided to cache tokens in RAM using few simple mojo helpers(for checking is token valid, deleting and adding tokens to such cache) in my app. I'm using…
1 answer

Nginx unable to render static files from Mojolicous

Using morbo, the static files are rendered for all pages. However with the hypnotoad server using Nginx as a proxy, a page is loaded but static files within are not rendered – not even the favicon, but calling a static html page within the same app,…
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2 answers

Mojolicious - minion worker doesn't start automatically

I am using Mojolicious full app and loading Minion (backend sqlite). My question is why minion worker doesn't start by itself when I start mojolicious app with hypnotoad. According to the documentation Minion it should: Background worker processes…
Sachin Dangol
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1 answer

How do I reference LD_LIBRARY_PATH with Hypnotoad?

I have a Mojolicious application which accesses Net::LDAP. The application fails to find the How do I add the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to Hypnotoad? I did this with Apache to solve a similar problem but can't find how to do it for the Hypnotoad…
1 answer

Selecting specific worker for connection

So, I'm using a hypnotoad server for my application and is trying to maintain state for connections. Turns out for every connection a different worker is spawned/selected. Can I somehow make this selection explicit? Also is there a way to know which…
Apoorv Joshi
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1 answer

How to tell Supervisor that there's no need to stop a program?

Perl Mojo Hypnotoad server has a hot restart feature. To update a program you only need to start Hypnotoad again and it eventually will replace all running copies. How to tell Supervisor that there is no need to stop my server while restarting it?