Questions tagged [http.sys]

http.sys is Microsoft Windows HTTP protocol stack file

The HTTP listener is implemented as a kernel-mode device driver called the HTTP protocol stack (HTTP.sys). IIS uses HTTP.sys, which is part of the networking subsystem of the Windows operating system, as a core component.
When IIS runs in worker process isolation mode, HTTP.sys listens for requests and queues those requests in the appropriate queue. Each request queue corresponds to one application pool. An application pool corresponds to one request queue within HTTP.sys and one or more worker processes.

If a defective application causes the user-mode worker process to terminate unexpectedly, HTTP.sys continues to accept and queue requests, provided that the WWW service is still running, queues are still available, and space remains in the queues.

82 questions
11 answers

What can cause Chrome to give an net::ERR_FAILED on cached content against a server on localhost?

I'm building a web server and trying to test things. The server is running on localhost:888, and the first time I load the web app, everything works. But if I try to reload the page, a bunch of XmlHttpRequest requests fail with net::ERR_FAILED. …
Mason Wheeler
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how exactly does http.sys work

I'm trying to get a deeper understanding of how IIS works. http.sys i understand is one its major components. However, i have been having trouble finding easily digestible information about it. I couldn't get a good mental model going until i heard…
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1 answer

How are threads tied to requests through Http.sys, IIS and ASP.NET

I'm currently reading a lot about node.js. There is a frequent comparison between servers using a traditional thread per request model (Apache), and servers that use an event loop (Nginx, node, Tornado). I would like to learn in detail about how a…
David Padbury
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1 answer

WCF without HTTP.SYS

When using a HTTP binding in WCF, I need to grant myself special permissions to be able to bind to that port/path. I understand this is because WCF accepts HTTP traffic through the http.sys driver. In the olden days, we could new up a socket and…
Paul Stovell
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2 answers

How to maximize http.sys file upload performance

I'm building a tool that transfers very large streaming data sets (possibly on the order of terabytes in a single stream; routinely in the tens of gigabytes) from one server to another. The client portion of the tool will read blocks from the…
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Disabling HTTP/2 / SPDY in HTTP.SYS and IIS in Windows 10

When testing on Windows 10 we were seeing lots of browser incompatibilities that I hadn't seen before with earlier Windows versions. Some browsers would work, but others would report ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR. My quick search for this problem showed I…
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1 answer

difference between kernel mode and user mode caching in IIS 8.0

What is the difference between kernel mode caching and user mode caching and how to track both ?
Prasoon Karunan V
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2 answers

Difference between http://+:8080/ and http://*:8080/

What are the differences between these two prefixes in terms of HttpListener or any other? http://+:8080/ http://*:8080/
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Error 503 with WCF service

I've got a self-hosted WCF service listening on port 80. When I attempt to connect to it, I get a 503 Service Unavailable. My WCF process is running, IIS is running. My URL ACLs are correct. Control never reaches my WCF process. WCF tracing shows…
Roger Lipscombe
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4 answers

C# NET HTTP.SYS web server

I just need to create an extremely basic web server that will basically allow me to go to and browse a list of files in C:\web or something. I found this which…
Michael Pfiffer
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1 answer

Accessing IIS Express from another machine

I want to access the site from another machine, like I found a solution for it, that is: It's working well if I run the project in Web Matrix But doesn't work from…
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2 answers

HttpClient pipelining HTTP GET requests to ServiceStack API

First, I have ServiceStack as my server which provides RESTful HTTP API. Here is an example. public void GET(XXXXXRequest request) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); } Then I use System.Net.Http.HttpClient to access it. As it is said here, …
0 answers

How to find the exact process, which is behind TCP connection to HTTP.SYS process

When I use netstat, I receive info like this - PID 4 means HTTP.SYS Active Connections Proto Local Address Foreign Address State PID TCP LISTENING 4 TCP …
Tom BK Cz
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1 answer

SSL Certificate add failed, Error: 1312

I'm building a C# console app that'll: [1.] Generate a self-signed certificate. [2.] Add it to the Personal (Local Computer Store) [3.] And finally assign that certificate to a port number on the machine with the netsh command. So far, I got parts…
Matt Andrzejczuk
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1 answer

How HTTP.sys forward request to worker process

I wanted to get an overview of the way HTTP.sys forwards request to work process in IIS 7.0 and above. For that purpose I read the post at However, there are…
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