Questions tagged [http-status-code-308]

The HTTP response status code 308 Permanent Redirect is a way of performing a redirection which does not allow the HTTP method to change

The request, and all future requests should be repeated using another URI. 307 and 308 (as proposed) parallel the behaviours of 302 and 301, but do not allow the HTTP method to change. So, for example, submitting a form to a permanently redirected resource may continue smoothly.

14 questions
1 answer

What's the difference between HTTP 301 and 308 status codes?

What's the difference between HTTP 301 and 308 status codes? 301 (Moved Permanently): This and all future requests should be directed to the given URI. 308 (Permanent Redirect): The request and all future requests should be repeated using another…
2 answers

What's the deal with HTTP status code 308?

An IETF RFC draft The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Status Code 308 (Permanent Redirect) defines HTTP status 308 as Permanent Redirect. It should, of course, be noted that this is a draft document and contains in its document header the text…
Chris Morgan
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3 answers

Which browsers support 307/308 redirects and how do they handle them?

307 & 308 redirects ( is accepted by most modern browsers. However upon google-ing a lot, I am unable to find a list of browser versions that support 307/308 redirects. Many of the posts like: What's the deal with…
2 answers

htaccess permanent redirect throws Internal Server Error

In the mod_rewrite documentation for Apache 2.2, the RewriteRule [R] flag states: Any valid HTTP response status code may be specified, using the syntax [R=305], with a 302 status code being used by default if none is specified. The status code…
0 answers

Google App Engine respond with the code 308

Problem 1.I have a sns service which is running on Google App Engine 2.The sns service is using go to run as the back ending side 3.The sns service is using a crob job to request Api A 4.The Api A is adding another http request(request to Api B)…
0 answers

OpenShift route to return a 308 Permanent Redirect

If I set an OpenShift route with insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy to Redirect. Client will be able to redirect http to https. They will receive a 302 Found (temporary redirection). Does route offer the the possibility to tune this behavior and returns…
1 answer

Was HTTP status code 308 ("Permanent Redirect") introduced in HTTP 2?

I have found that Qt doesn't support status code 308. I was wondering why that is. I'm also aware that not all subtasks of the "Implement HTTP 2" Qt task are completed. So, if 308 was introduced in HTTP 2, I will beware that doing a custom…
Stefan Monov
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1 answer

Nginx Ingress Controller trailling slash with HTTPS redirect

Nginx Ingress Controller trailling slash with HTTPS redirect I'm trying to redirect requests from HTTP to HTTPS using an Ingress with Nginx Ingress Controller. My app is written in Django v3.0.7, my Nginx Controller is v0.46.0 and k8s v1.19.8. I…
0 answers

Bypassing 308 permanent redirect

I'm trying to download the content from a URL with some vb .net code Dim httpClientHandler = New HttpClientHandler With httpClientHandler .AllowAutoRedirect = True End With Using request = New HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.[Get], New Uri(url)) …
0 answers

Permanent redirection keeps hitting effective URL everytime

I have created two Rest API's in the backend (same webservice), one for the effective URL and other for the Redirected URL. I'm doing a 308 redirection here when user hits effective URL. Scenario's When I mark the API's as POST or PATCH or…
0 answers

The GET Request is successful through PostMan but is giving a 308 Permanent Redirect through Spring RestTemplate Exchange Method Call

The GET Request contains a JSON Payload similar to below : { "customeId" : "A123", "Status" : "Assigned", "StartDate" : "2020-07-18", "EndDate" : "2020-07-20", "FetchLimit" : "10" } Am using multi-value map to add these inputs along with Headers…
1 answer

com.algorithmia.APIException: 308 unexpected API response

I'm using algorithmia, a repository of trained ML functions on the Internet. Few weeks ago, an issue showed up, and since then, haven't been able to figure out what's going on. I'm executing this code, which can be found on their official…
1 answer

QNetworkAccessManager doesn't handle HTTP Status Code 308

I'm testing my code for compatibility with HTTP 3xx status codes (redirects). I'm interested in codes 301, 302, 303, 307 and 308. All of those work fine with my code, except 308. My client testcase is Qt/C++ based, and my testing server is…
Stefan Monov
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2 answers

Invalid HttpStatusCode

We are using external rest API (Vimeo) to upload video from phone to server. One of the steps in performing this operation is to check how many bytes have been uploaded. To do this, PUT request should be performed on specific URL with headers: -…
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