Questions tagged [hsb]

57 questions
1 answer

Why are HSB values different when querying them than when drawing?

First, I created this utility in order to debug my situation: +(NSString *)hsbaFromColor:(UIColor *)c { CGFloat hue, saturation, brightness, alpha; NSString *returnValue; if ([c getHue:&hue saturation:&saturation brightness:&brightness…
Victor Engel
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1 answer

Max and min values of H, S and B in Flash?

What are the minimum and maximum values of Hue, Staturation and Brightnest when they are modified through AdjustColor class?
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Setting processing color affects whole window color

I'm making a processing application in which some data is interpolated in a separate thread from the main one. In this new thread, I have the line color aColor = color(255-(255*_hue[0]), 255, 255);. (the colorscheme is HSB). This line causes the…
Conor Taylor
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2 answers

BufferedImage does not keep transparency when HSB values for an images is changed

I'm working on a simple image program where the user can alter the HSB values of an image. However, when I change the HSB values of an images and convert back to RGB, it seems to lose it's transparency or alpha values (it goes black where the…
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4 answers

I need to know details of how java implements the function Color.RGBtoHSB(r, g, b, hsb). Does they normalize r,g,b

I do not know whether Color.RGBtoHSB(r, g, b, hsb) function normalize the r,g,b before converting it to H,S,B or where i can get the java implementation of their built in functions.
sayem siam
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ImageMagick's composite on HSL (not HSB nor HSV)

Just I want to do is to replace Photoshop's HSL-based blend modes (color/hue/saturation/luminosity) by writing a CUI tool. Better if I can do it via RMagick. ImageMagick can manage HSL colorspace, but ImageMagick's composite operators…
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convert hsl to hsb

what is the formula to convert HSL to HSB? I could only find code that I could easily port for RGB to HSL. According to this stack overflow answer I can conver hsb to hsl using this formula: (b - s) / 2 but I want to go the other way, and (b+s) * 2…
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0 answers

How to retrieve RGB values from HSB in android?

Ive found answers on conversion from RGB to HSB ...but after manipulating the hsb value I cant find any method in android/java to retrieving the rgb values. I used the code from this link…
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2 answers

UIColor does not match standard RGB color wheel?

Hue in UIColor is not the same as a standard RGB color wheel. What I mean by that is, two opposing colors on a color wheel will match (i.e., yellow and purple), but if you take two opposing colors in UIColor, for example: Color 1: Hue 0.45 Color 2:…
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1 answer

Creating Java Color objects using HSB values

I am trying to use create a Color object using HSB value but I am having some trouble. for(int i = 0; i<255; i++) { Color c = Color.getHSBColor(i,100,100); System.out.println(c); } I would expect this to rotate through all hues, but instead…
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Comparing two HSB colors

I have a project which captures an area and find it's Dominant color in HSB, I used this article to find the dominant color. In my code I get the dominant color at startup of my project, and every second I take a picture of that area and compare it…
Ahmad Afkandeh
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1 answer

Convert from RGB TO HSB in java

I am trying to find the average colour in a picture, and convert the colours to HSB. I am using a bufferedImage and the list function, and I have found the colours red, green and blue in each pixel. Can anyone give me some tips on how to convert to…
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