Questions tagged [hsb]

57 questions
2 answers

Objective-C RGB to HSB

Let's say I've got the colour FF0000, which is red. Finding a darker colour is easy, I just type maybe CC instead of the FF, but let's say I've got the colour AE83FC, which is a complicated colour, how the heck would I find a lighter or darker…
Johannes Jensen
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3 answers

Colour patterns or functions, pyxplot

I'm using a program called pyxplot and I'm doing some colourmaps. To specify the colors, I can use RGB, HSB or CMYK patterns using set colourmap ( rgb:: | hsb:: | cmyk::: ) All values…
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1 answer

Changing Contrast and Saturation for a given Color Channel in JavaScript

I know how to build color channels in JavaScript (iterate through an image and place each color value in an array). I would like to be able to change Contrast and Saturation for a given color channel. For example, use the CSS3 Contrast or…
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Cannot register hbs Partials by hbs.registerPartials()

While I'm accessing header using {{>header}} in help.hbs I'm getting the error The partial header could not be found List item error: C:\Users\sridhar\Desktop\learning nodejs\nodelab\express\templates\views\help.hbs: The partial header could…
0 answers

Java change saturation giving distorted colors

I am trying to change the saturation of an image by a certain amount but I am getting some strange results. I am using the following code // shiftAmount should be a float value between -1 and 1 public static int[] saturation( int[] pixels, float…
1 answer

how to directly convert between HSB color and Lab color in Processing / Java

I am trying to convert back and forth between HSB color and Lab color in Processing / Java. I know that I can first convert HSB to RGB then to Lab, is it possible to directly convert from HSB to Lab? If so, how to do that? Thanks a lot!
John Stone
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1 answer

How to convert HSB to hex in Swift 5

I have a Color with HSB(Hue, Saturation, Brightness) values, and I want the convert RBG into a Hexadecimal string directly. How can I do that? Is there an approach without using the UIColor APIs, I'd like to implement my own function Like: func…
Difeng Chen
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1 answer

How can I make a HSB colour that was acquired from the COLOR class to become translucent (semi-transparent)?

So I have made a health bar that changes colour depending on the health of the individual. But I wanna make it so that when the player walks under the health bar, it turns it translucent and I am wondering how do I do that if the health bar is made…
0 answers

How do i convert an RGB color or Hex into HSB?

I'm trying to find a way that i can get the HSB values of an RGB color. Anybody know how to do this?
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1 answer

Java hsb degrees or 255

I was wondering if when you call color.HSBtoRGB if the hue value would be entered as a range of 0-255, 0-1, 0-360? I am inquiring because I am trying to convert an edge angle to a color but it is only giving me blue or purple? can anyone explain…
1 answer

How can I duplicate Sass color functions in

Is there a way to use the equivalent of Sass color functions, like lighten and darken, to create color swatches in For example, original color #02284B with Sass, I can use darken(#02284B, 2%); which will render as #022341 Is there an…
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1 answer

PGraphics set different colormode not working

I have the following code: import*; import oscP5.*; import netP5.*; //sending the data to wekinator int numPixelsOrig, numPixels, boxWidth = 64, boxHeight = 48, numHoriz = 640/boxWidth, numVert = 480/boxHeight; color[] downPix =…
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Converting RGB ff/80/80 does not return HSV (HSB) 0/50/100

I know that the direct conversion from RGB to HSV/HSB is difficult. But the values I get are far away from my expectation. compare to and…
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1 answer

Colors (h,s,b) from 360 to 0 and from 0 to (-360) and from (-360) to (-720) and so on

I've got a HSB color problem and don't know how to calculate it in the right way. I've got Hue of a color between 360 and 0 and if i substrate -1 from 0 i get the value -1 and not 360. I'think i've to do something with modulo to get the right…
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1 answer

Feed Jquery a hex code, dynamically generate similar colors

I am using Chart.js to create some donut charts for an app i'm building. I want the chart to be based on a single color like #5a2a97. Then I'm thinking that I want to use HSB (i'm getting this term from photoshop color sliders) to dynamically change…
Daniel White
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