Questions tagged [hls.js]

hls.js is a JavaScript library which implements an HTTP Live Streaming client


hls.js is a JavaScript library which implements an HTTP Live Streaming client. It relies on HTML5 video and MediaSource Extensions for playback.

It works by transmuxing MPEG-2 Transport Stream and AAC/MP3 streams into ISO BMFF (MP4) fragments. This transmuxing could be performed asynchronously using Web Worker if available in the browser. hls.js also supports HLS + fmp4, as announced during WWDC2016.


135 questions
2 answers

Why is Chromecast unable to stream this HLS video? "Neither ID3 nor ADTS header was found" / Error NETWORK/315

I'm trying to stream some URLs to my Chromecast through a sender app. They're HLS/m3u8 URLs. Here's one such example URL:…
Doug Smith
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How to HLS-live-stream incoming batches of individual frames, "appending" to a m3u8 playlist in real time, with ffmpeg?

My overall goal: Server-side: I have batches of sequential, JPEG-encoded frames (8-16) arriving from time to time, generated at roughly 2 FPS. I would like to host an HLS live stream, where, when a new batch of frames arrives, I encode those new…
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Can i merge multiple m3u8 files into one m3u8 file?

I have multiple m3u8 files which I want to play one after another in the same video player. Is there a way to include all of them in one m3u8 file? For example, let's say that I have these files: zebra.m3u8, giraffe.m3u8 and lion.m3u8, how can I…
Alon Yeager
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How to record video in electron that is played from my streaming server

First this is not a duplicate I m not reading from camera stream. so I have not found any tutorial or documentation in this subject. I m building a server client application, my server is using ffmpeg to transcode and stream some ipcameras content,…
0 answers

AWS S3 signing for HLS Videos on iOS Safari

I'm using HLS.js to handle HLS streams and I've been able to get it working fine on Android. The issue is that Safari iOS has HLS support built in, so it doesn't support Media Source Extensions (MSE). This means that I can't use the custom loader to…
0 answers

Media player get stuck in the middle of a buffered range on Chrome

WHAT IS MY PROBLEM? My website's live streaming player use hls.js. From my server's stat, there is many case where player get stuck in the middle of a buffered range. Here is my server raw stat log(removed some useless params): tm=2019-09-27…
Feng Yu
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live streaming video goes black when there is no activity on the web-page

I am working on a website which has bunch of live streaming videos in it. After certain time(minutes) of inactivity in the browser, couple of live streaming videos goes black and have to refresh the page or scroll up/down in order to make it…
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2 answers

hls.js CORS using AWS Cloudfront issues with Cookies

I'm trying to set up a video streaming using Cloudfront HLS capabilities but I'm having trouble getting Hls.js to send my credential cookies in the request. I already have Cloudfront configured to forward cookies and to forward Access-control…
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HLS protocol: get absolute elapsed time during a live streaming

I have a very basic question and I didn't get if I googled wrong or if the answer is so simple that I haven't seen it. I'm implementing a web app using hls.js as Javascript library and I need a way to get the absolute elapsed time of a live…
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external audio tracks not streaming via hls.js and m3u8

I have an mp4 video file that I've converted to .ts file with ffmpeg for streaming via m3u8. along with that mp4 I also have multiple audio files as .wav that are the alternate audio files for the video. I have added them to a main m3u8 file like…
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Ffmpeg burnt in subtitles out of sync when converting to hls

I have a file that has subtitles burn into it and they are perfectly in sync. Here is the file. I run this command to convert to hls and it creates the .ts files and the .vtt…
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Failed to read the 'buffered' property from 'SourceBuffer': This SourceBuffer has been removed from the parent media source

i'm trying to play movie by convert to hls stream. I convert movie to hls by ffmpeg using this command: nice -n 19 /usr/bin/ffmpeg -y -i 9e36f618-5775-40ba-b045-66fd16badc3e.mkv -vf…
0 answers

hls.js sample video not working in react application

player.jsx file import React, { Component } from "react"; import Hls from "hls.js"; class Player extends Component { state = {}; componentDidUpdate() { if (Hls.isSupported() && this.player) { const video = this.player; const…
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1 answer

How to use loadSource() with strings instead of m3u8 playlists?

In the demo by galeksandrp: he uses webtorrent and hls.js to create a P2P stream. The demo works perfectly for me but I will need to use the strings variable instead of loading an external…
Marko Nikolov
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1 answer

Include hls.js library in an Angular application

I'm trying to include Videogular2 module to my Angular application and I keep getting an error with hls.js. I have followed the Getting started guide but I'm receiving this error in the developer console : ERROR ReferenceError: Hls is not defined …
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