My overall goal:


  • I have batches of sequential, JPEG-encoded frames (8-16) arriving from time to time, generated at roughly 2 FPS.
  • I would like to host an HLS live stream, where, when a new batch of frames arrives, I encode those new frames as h264 .ts segments with ffmpeg, and have the new .ts segments automatically added to an HLS stream (e.g. .m3u8 file).


  • When the .m3u8 is updated, I would like the video stream being watched to simply "continue", advancing from the point where new .ts segments have been added.
  • I do not need the user to scrub backwards in time, the client just needs to support live observation of the stream.

My current approach:


To generate the "first" few segments of the stream, I'm attempting the below (just command-line for now to get ffmpeg working right, but ultimately will be automated via a Python script):

For reference, I'm using ffmpeg version 3.4.6-0ubuntu0.18.04.1.

ffmpeg -y -framerate 2 -i /frames/batch1/frame_%d.jpg \
       -c:v libx264 -crf 21 -preset veryfast -g 2 \
       -f hls -hls_time 4 -hls_list_size 4 -segment_wrap 4 -segment_list_flags +live video/stream.m3u8

where the /frames/batch1/ folder contains a sequence of frames (e.g. frame_01.jpg, frame_02.jpg, etc...). This already doesn't appear to work correctly, because it keeps adding #EXT-X-ENDLIST to the end of the .m3u8 file, which as I understand is not correct for a live HLS stream - here's what that generates:


I can't figure out how to suppress #EXT-X-ENDLIST here - this is problem #1.

Then, to generate subsequent segments (e.g. when new frames become available), I'm trying this:

ffmpeg -y -framerate 2 -start_number 20 -i /frames/batch2/frame_%d.jpg \
       -c:v libx264 -crf 21 -preset veryfast -g 2 \
       -f hls -hls_time 4 -hls_list_size 4 -segment_wrap 4 -segment_list_flags +live video/stream.m3u8

Unfortunately, this does not work the way I want it to. It simply overwrites stream.m3u8, does and does not advance #EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE, it does not index the new .ts files correctly, and it also includes the undesirable #EXT-X-ENDLIST - this is the output of that command:


Fundamentally, I can't figure out how to "append" to an existing .m3u8 in a way that makes sense for HLS live streaming. That's essentially problem #2.

For hosting the stream, I'm using a simple Flask app - which appears to be working the way I intend - here's what I'm doing for reference:

def stream(file_name):
    video_dir = './video'
    return send_from_directory(directory=video_dir, filename=file_name)


I'm trying HLS.js in Chrome - basically boils down to this:

<video id="video1"></video>


<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/hls.js@latest"></script>
   var video = document.getElementById('video1');
   if (Hls.isSupported()) {
     var hls = new Hls();
     hls.on(Hls.Events.MANIFEST_PARSED, function() {
   else if (video.canPlayType('application/vnd.apple.mpegurl')) {
     video.src = '/video/stream.m3u8';
     video.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', function() {

I'd like to think that what I'm trying to do doesn't require a more complex approach than what I'm trying above, but since what I'm trying to far definitely isn't working, I'm starting to think I need to come at this from a different angle. Any ideas on what I'm missing?


I've also attempted the same (again in Chrome) with video.js, and am seeing similar behavior - in particular, when I manually update the backing stream.m3u8 (with no #EXT-X-ENDLIST tag), videojs never picks up the new changes to the live stream, and just buffers/hangs indefinitely.

<video id="video1" class="video-js vjs-default-skin" muted="muted" controls>
    <source type="application/x-mpegURL" src="/video/stream.m3u8">


    var player = videojs('video1');

For example, if I start with this initial version of stream.m3u8:


and then manually update it server-side to this:


the video.js control just buffers indefinitely after only playing the first 3 segments (stream*.ts 0-2), which isn't what I'd expect to happen (I'd expect it to continue playing stream*.ts 3-5 once stream.m3u8 is updated and video.js makes a request for the latest version of the playlist).

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