Questions tagged [heightmap]

Heightmap is texture containing individual heights used to store terrain data.

Heightmaps textures are used to store geometric detail like terrain, object surface etc. It is used to simplify manipulation of such geometry and even speed up its rendering (if mesh generation moved into shaders).

In case the heightmap is stored in common raster image formats then for proper geometry restoration we need also additional info like: scale,position and orientation for such textures which are not stored in them. So those are usually stored in some separate config file, encoded into filename, or hardcoded into application that uses them.

180 questions
1 answer

Mapping Heightmap to "Chunks" of Quadrilateralized Spherical Cube

I have a procedural planet generator in the works and my setup is I have a quadtree set up that splits the six faces of the cube into smaller, manageable quads. As the camera approaches the terrain, these quads split and as it recedes away from…
1 answer

Connect two procedurally generated landscape pieces

I'm working on a procedural generation of a continuous world. Recently I've been advised to use height map combinations to apply some constraints on my landscape. The next step is connecting two procedurally generated pieces to each other so that…
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Weird normal generation on height map based terrain

I'm working on terrain generation using libnoise and OpenGL. I have made a somewhat complex normal generation algorithm as it seems: list = glGenLists(1); glNewList(list,…
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Create heightmap in C# based on elevation data

I recently came accross a site which gives me the elevation data of each point of any earth's location. Now I want to build a desktop application in C# , using google maps api or…
Sameek Kundu
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HLSL heightmap terrain normal recalculation for diffuse light

I need to apply diffuse light to heightmap based terrain, but I can't figure out how to recalculate normals. Shader code:
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Three.js scene does not seem to render after first pass

I'm currently working on a web-based height map generator with Three.js. I use one canvas to show the actual generated height map, several others for displaying the separate octaves the height map consists of and another one for demonstrating the…
1 answer

Big-Endian Conversion from a texture

I am trying to extract the height from a file like this: The pixels are loaded into an Int32 array private Int16[] heights; private int Width, Height; public TextureData(Texture2D t) { …
Henrique Rocha
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How to perturbate surface normal from height map

I'm working on a bumpmapping implementation in my own 3D tracer. And to be really short - I want this result: I've been reading pages and pages about bumpmapping, heightmaps, normal maps, ... and I think I understand most of the subject, the…
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1 answer

Normal averaging of heightmap

i have the following code for calculating Heightmap normals void CalcMapNormals(HeightMap * map, Vec3f normals[]) { int dst, i, j, right, bottom; Vec3f p0, p1, p2; Vec3f n0; /* Avoid writing map->rows|cols - 1 all the time */ right =…
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1 answer

Three.js r60 Height Map

So I have a heightmap system which works well enough, however since the THREE.js has updated to r60 which removed the Face4 object, I am having issues. My code is something like this: this.buildGeometry = function(){ var geo, len, i, f, y; geo…
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opengl texturing a height map

I can't seem to find any tutorials or information on how to properly texture a terrain generated from a height map. Texture mapping is not the problem, what I want to know is how to texture the entire terrain with difference elevations having…
Anthony Raimondo
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1 answer

Three.js, GLSL, HeightMaps + Alphamaps

I am using three.js to attempt and learn more about OpenGL. Anyway, I've created a fragment shader which actually works for blending textures with an alphamap but I am having issues with the heightmap portion. If anyone has any ideas please let me…
1 answer

Heightmap Generation using Perlin Noise returns black bitmap

i'm making a Heightmap Generator using Perlin Noise, as the title says. i've used a pseudocode from this site -> and turned in to C# code. so far i've done all the variable type assignment…
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Converting a heightmap to mesh for rendering in XNA for WP7

As I'm sure most of you know WP7 doesn't support custom shader files which to me unless I'm missing something means that I can't draw anything from just vertex and indices data like I can on Windows, I need to use a Model either loaded in or parsed…
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3 answers

artefacts during heightmap generation using plasma style fractal

I've spent a few hours today researching how random terrain generation tends to be done and after reading about the plasma fractal (midpoint displacement and diamond square algo's) I decided to try and have a go at implementing one. My result was…
David Burford
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