Questions tagged [heap-memory]

The heap is process memory set aside for dynamic allocation.

A heap memory pool is an internal memory pool created at start-up that tasks use to dynamically allocate memory as needed. This memory pool is used by tasks that requires a lot of memory from the stack, such as tasks that use wide columns.

For example, in Sybase's Adaptive Server Enterprise, if you make a wide column or row change, the temporary buffer this task uses can be as large as 16K, which is too big to allocate from the stack. Adaptive Server dynamically allocates and frees memory during the task’s runtime.

The heap memory pool dramatically reduces the predeclared stack size for each task, while also improving the efficiency of memory usage in the server. The heap memory the task uses is returned to the heap memory pool when the task is finished.

Microsoft describes a heap for their SQL Server 2008 R2 as a table without a clustered index. Heaps have one row in sys.partitions, with index_id = 0 for each partition used by the heap. By default, a heap has a single partition. When a heap has multiple partitions, each partition has a heap structure that contains the data for that specific partition. For example, if a heap has four partitions, there are four heap structures; one in each partition.

2513 questions
1 answer

Is there any difference on allocating memory like this?

I think i have a beginner doubt. I don't know if it is a very stupid question, but there is any difference between this two cases: Generic struct: typedef struct { void* data; } Object; 1st case: This case allocates memory on a pointer and…
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Heap Memory Handling in C++

I am implementing a c++ camera recording app with Directshow. I created a class and implemented functions and from main I initialize objects in sequence to watch heap memory in visual studio.. Example camera clas(0,…
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Assign array elements to an array created in Heap Memory

I want to create an array in heap memory with values {5,8,7,6,9}, but I am unable to do so, please tell me what is wrong with this code. Please tell how to do it without using vectors. I know that using vectors is easier, but I just want to know how…
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Out of heap space Jenkins (Maven)

I have a little problem with my Jenkins heap. I am now running with the number of tests out of memory. At the moment it tells me, that the Jenkins have a heap space of 485MB but I would like to increase it to 1GB or 2GB. I have already tried to…
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JavaScript heap out of memory - nodejs and postman

I'm using newman to run postman tests in a nodejs app (v10.15.3). There are 4 separate postman collections. I can run any of them individually without issue but when running them is series, either one at a time in the postman runner or in bitbucket…
1 answer

Analyze what heap consumes JUnit JavaFx

Is there any tool to check if I have a memory leak in my JUnit Test? Or is there a tool where I can check what the whole heap is used up? My problem is this: I have many tests, but I just wrote new ones and now at some point I get…
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Heap space full when running JUnit Tests Javafx

I am writing a lot of JUnit tests for my Javafx application. I have reached 170 tests by now, but from now on I always get a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space when I run all my tests. Then I took a look at the resource consumption when I…
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1 answer

Rcpp Function - SegFault Error & Memory management

I need to loop through columns in a matrix and sum all values in each row where column index is higher. I've done it fine using a for loop and rowSums without issue as I'm familiar with basic R code. I wrote a C++ function to speed up runtime -…
2 answers

C problem with memory leaks (realloc function)

scanFolderPath - path of folder with files. filesToScan - array of strings with the files name. I have problem with the realloc line (the third line in the for loop). And I don't understand why! Thank you for helping programmers community ;) char*…
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How to heap buffer flow to find first and last positon of element in sorted array

Here is my code I have used P as the array containing elements, l - low, h - high, returning last and first address through r, used binary search to find the element(target element is T). Getting heap memory overflow, can someone explain the error…
2 answers

Memory Location of a Pointer Declared Inside a Function

If I declare a pointer inside a function, is it located in the function stack or on the heap? Ex: typedef uint32 my_element[16]; void foo() { my_element element* CSAAddress = 5; } In this case, where is the element my_element located in memory?
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heap space issue with spring boot startup

I created a spring boot project and have no problems with it locally, but when I deploy it, I get an outofmemory heap space error on bean creation of my entity manager. I have used all the -Xms and -Xmx arguments but nothing changes. I have the…
0 answers

JavaScript Memory heap error on SSR build

Is there a parameter or command to optimize memory while running an Angular SSR build? This command I am using is as follows: npm run universal:build:q1 Where q1 is the environment name. I am getting a JavaScript memory heap error with…
2 answers

Dynamically allocated array

I'm learning pointers in but I'm stuck on dynamic allocation of arrays. The code below provides a function to find the element with the lowest value. A dynamically allocated array is passed as a parameter to it. #include #include…
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1 answer

Memory Leak (Stack/Linked List Data Structure)

pretty self explanatory. I need assistance solving the memory leak problem. Please have a look at the codes and screenshots below. I am happy to answer any additional questions or clarify more :) I am tasked with building a Stack Data structure…
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