Questions tagged [gyp]

GYP is a tool created at Google for the Chromium project that generates native Visual Studio, Xcode and SCons and/or make build files from a platform-independent input format.

GYP is a tool created at Google for the Chromium project that generates native Visual Studio, Xcode and SCons and/or make build files from a platform-independent input format. It is highly specific to Chromium's specific use case and was not created for the general use.

Input configurations are specified in files with the suffix .gyp. Each .gyp file specifies how to build the targets for the "component" defined by that file. Each .gyp file generates one or more output files appropriate to the platform.

155 questions
13 answers

GYP ERR! build error. stack Error: 'make' failed with exit code 2

I am currently working on a nodejs web application I am having trouble pushing the application online with cloud foundry. I did some research on the errors and it seems that maybe some of the packages being installed have some conflicts. This is the…
Michael Vaquier
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3 answers

How to support both vcxproj to cmake on a project?

I'm developing cross-platform c++ project. The original idea is to work with msvc2010 and later compile for other systems with the help of CMake and Hudson. It doesn't seem to be convenient manually change CMake files after changes in studio…
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1 answer

How to compile the Google Courgette tool?

Courgette (description, source) is a Google tool that is used to update Chrome efficiently. It seems like a great and easy-to-use tool, but I cannot manage to compile it. I've tried VS2010, GYP and using a C++ compiler directly but all has…
Nikolai Samteladze
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2 answers

How to Integrate a CMake Project with GYP-Based Libraries

I've been building cross-platform applications using C++ and CMake. Unfortunately many libraries do not include CMake project descriptions. For example Google supported projects frequently use GYP. Here are some of the approaches I've taken for…
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2 answers

gyp - how to specify link library flavor

I'm writing a native node module and I'd like to be able to build it in release and debug versions. The node module links to another library, which has a debug and release version in two different directories. Now this is where I'm stuck - how do I…
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4 answers

using c++11 with GYP project

I am trying to create a simple cross platform C++ project with gyp. Currently I'm just trying this on a mac - but would like to get it to build for windows, Linux, ios and android eventually. HEre is the simple gyp file that I'm using. I would…
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1 answer

gyp Failing when Installing pg-native

I'm trying to install the pg-native package: sudo npm install pg-native but the following error is generated: > libpq@1.7.0 install /Workspace/auth/node_modules/libpq > node-gyp rebuild /bin/sh: pg_config: command not found gyp: Call to 'pg_config…
James Taylor
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1 answer

node-gyp - not finding library headers

I'm trying to use a the gstreamer framework in my node addon. I had the following to my to my binding.gyp, but when i run the build command it, the console states that the header is not found. When i compile my gstreamer files outside of node-gyp,…
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2 answers

Cannot generate solution file of v8 with gyp for visual studio 2013

This is really painful. I followed the instruction from fetch v8 cd v8 And when fetching is finished, set DEPOT_TOOLSPWIN_TOOLCHAIN=0 Instruction said to use command "python build\gyp_v8" but…
Jay Kim
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5 answers

how to add path with module to python?

I try to build V8 javascript engine. When I try to invoke the command python build/git_v8, I get error: File build/gyp_v8, line 48 in < module > import gyp ImportError: No module named GYP How I can tell python where search GYP module and what…
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1 answer

cross compiling with gyp

Does gyp support cross-compiling? If so are there any instuctions? If not, are there any tricks to get it to do cross compile anyways? I am trying to use some of the chromium libraries and their build systems depend on gyp.
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1 answer

How to build google breakpad

I'm totally lost on how to build Google's breakpad. There is a sln file, but it depends on a library that doesn't seem to have an associated sln. It seems to use something called gyp that I haven't figured out how to get working. I tried python…
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2 answers

CMake or gyp for node.js addon development

In most of tutorials, they use gyp as the building system for C++ node.js add-on development. However, compared to gyp, CMake has a long history and have much much more documentations. Therefore, my question is that: which one is better for node.js…
Lin Z
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1 answer

Build googles v8 as shared library on windows?

Is it possible to build googles v8 as a shared library with gyp on windows (msvc 2012)? Everything I tried doesn't work. What I've tried: python build\gyp_v8 -Dcomponent=shared_library python build\gyp_v8 library=shared The second one gives an…
The Wavelength
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2 answers

Run configure in gyp file

Suppose I have a node module which is essentially a wrapper around some standard C library using autotools. So the library by itself would be installed using ./configure and make and perhaps make install. The wrapper code is just a few files, and…
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