Questions tagged [gtk3]

The GIMP ToolKit (GTK+) in its version 3.x. GTK+ is a highly usable, feature-rich toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs) that boasts cross platform compatibility and an easy to use API.

GTK+ is written in C, but has bindings to many other popular programming languages such as C++ (), Python (), and C# among others. GTK+ is licensed under the GNU LGPL 2.1, allowing development of both free and proprietary software with GTK+ without any license fees or royalties.

"GTK" stands for GIMP Tool Kit; it was originally developed to serve as the widget set for The GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program. In the intervening years its usage has expanded greatly.

The latest version is GTK+ 3, released in January, 2011.

For questions not specifically regarding GTK 3, please use instead.

Reference documentation in C

Reference documentation in Python

2924 questions
1 answer

GtkTreeView does not show all rows when in a GtkBox

I have the following MWE: #include //#define USE_BOX int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { gtk_init(&argc, &argv); GtkWidget *window = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL); GtkTreeStore *ts = gtk_tree_store_new(1,…
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Unable to add item to GtkListBox outside of my Gtk.Window

I'm attempting to make a small GTK 3 irc client in Python 2.7 with twisted. Currently, I have a very basic client that can successfully connect to an irc network and display some stuff in the main text area. I'm currently trying to work on…
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Cannot load images in GTK3. Error loading theme icon 'image-missing'

I have recently update Fedora 20 to Fedora 21 and after the update I've been having problems loading images in GTK3. I have tried sample code as follows: #include #include #include int main(int argc,…
Miro Bucko
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Change Textview's Text Upon Change of ComboBoxText Selection - Gtk+ 3.0 in C

I am building a GUI program that allows users to choose between a few software profiles for them to get written to their USB drive. I have chosen GTK+ 3.0 in C, and my supervisor is aware of my chosen method, so I am not changing it. What I am…
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Is there no way to scale GtkImage display through css?

Gtk-3.0 now uses css-like stylesheets to render the UI. But I would like to scale down a GtkImage thanks to css ? is that possible ? I can't find any width/height property.
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GTK3, Pango - rendering mixed case text as uppercase in TextView?

What would be the most efficient way to render text, which in the TextBuffer could be any case, as uppercase in a TextView? It isn't for the entirety of the text, only specific styles within it - and the original capitalization of that section…
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1 answer

Removing multiple rows from a Gtk TreeStore

I am trying to remove multiple rows from a Gtk.TreeStore: data_selection = data_treeview.get_selection() data_model, data_row_list = data_selection.get_selected_rows() treeiter_list = [] for treepath in…
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1 answer

How to do something on window resize in Vala?

I am writing a Vala application.And I want some function to be executed on window resize. I tried to rewrite C example with window resizing callback, it seems to be working (compiling, I mean), but when I run my program it segfaults. Here is my…
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1 answer

Python, Gtk+ deployment for Windows OS (Multiplatform)

Is it possible to write GUI application using Python and GTK+ (GTK 3), and then to distribute that application on different OS (primarily Windows) ? Can it work on different OS.
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1 answer

Gtk3 loading PixbufAnimation inside DrawingArea?

For the purpose of mine gstreamer application I tought about simple loader before I give a handle of DrawingArea widget to sink element.The basic idea was to load an animated .gif inside Gtk.DrawingArea but I run on the problem with documentation.I…
1 answer

Python GTK Color Chooser Widget - Set Color

I am writing a program using Python3 and GTK3 (via gi.repository). I want the color chooser to change its selected color when a RGB value is typed in the entry box and "Convert" is clicked. The "set_rgba()" command (found at…
Devyn Collier Johnson
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3 answers

How to limit number of decimal places to be displayed in Gtk CellRendererText

I am trying to limit the amount of decimal places shown in a Gtk.CellRendererText. Currently a float number field is shown with 6 decimal places, but I would like to have just 1. This test code should work on Linux: #!/usr/bin/python3 from…
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2 answers

GtkTextView select all text on focus

I'm trying to implement a text view that will have all the text selected when the user clicks on it. However, when I tried the following, the text isn't selected when the text view is clicked, although it is selected after dragging the…
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1 answer

Cannot paint paths with cairo on gtk widgets in python 3

I have trouble rendering a custom GTK3 drawing area with custom cairo code. It seems that the cairo context doesn't want to trouble with the shape I specify. It writes the whole source onto the whole destination, regardless of the shape. So for…
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Cannot build gtk-sharp 3 on Mac OS X via Mono

I've been at this for hours and it's really driving me crazy. Cannot find a solution anywhere on the internet. I got the latest gtk-sharp code from their Github repository, but am unable to get past the autoconf stage. At first, it was failing…
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