Questions tagged [graphql-tag]

GraphQL Tag is a JavaScript template literal tag that parses GraphQL queries.

GraphQL Tag or gql is a open source template literal tag you can use to concisely write a GraphQL query that is parsed into the standard GraphQL AST.


59 questions
1 answer

GraphQLError: Syntax Error: Expected Name, found

I got the above error on a graphql query, I am using apollo-react by the way and using the Query component for rendering the data this is my code const GET_VEHICLE_CHECKS = gql` query getVehicleChecks($uuid: String!) { tripDetails(uuid: $uuid){ …
malik bagwala
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8 answers

GraphQL gql Syntax Error: Expected Name, found }

I'm attempting to set up Apollo GraphQL support in a new React project, but when I try to compile a query using gql I keep receiving the error: Syntax Error: Expected Name, found } This is generated by the following code: import gql from…
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3 answers

GraphQL dynamic query building

I have a GraphQL server which is able to serve timeseries data for a specified source (for example, sensor data). An example query to fetch the data for a sensor might be: query fetchData { timeseriesData(sourceId: "source1") { data { …
Matt Wilson
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1 answer

Graphql-config does not recognize Apollo Graphql @client directive

I'm using Apollo Client with React, graphql-tag loaded with Webpack, and graphql-config to maintain the schema on the client. There is a file ./myclient/src/features/stats/graphql/getStart.graphql query GetStart { start @client } where start…
Adam S
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1 answer

Nextjs-Graphql webpack loader: How to integrate Nextjs with Graphql loader

I am trying to integrate Nextjs with graphql-tag/loader, This is my next.config.js file: const withSass = require('@zeit/next-sass') const graphqlLoader = require('graphql-tag/loader') module.exports = withSass({ webpack: (config, { buildId, dev,…
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3 answers

How to test GraphQL queries with fragments using jest

Problem: I would like to test a GraphQL query that lives in a .graphql file like this: #import '../../fragments/Widget.graphql' query WidgetFragment($id: ID) { readWidgetFragment(id: $id) { ...Widget } } To create a GraphQL schema…
3 answers

Apollo-react compose query is not a function

I am trying to compose a react component with the following queries, but the query getMe is always an object and then I get TypeError: this.props.getMe is not a function. If I change it to a mutation then it all works. If I use the query in the…
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1 answer

graphql-tag/loader: Module build failed with GraphQLError: Syntax Error

Weird issue I am facing. Using Vue-CLI3 npm run serve. Have the following config: // vue.config.js module.exports = { chainWebpack: config => { // GraphQL Loader config.module .rule('graphql') .test(/\.graphql$/) …
Daniel da Rocha
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1 answer

Is it possible to put variables inside a GraphQL-tag?

Right now I have this tag below. It's static and will always get a comment with the id of 3. Is there a possible way to put a variable inside this graphQL-tag. So I can re-use the graphQL-tag, and just change the variable ID? export const…
0 answers

Why I get Argument of undefined passed to parser was not a valid GraphQL DocumentNode?

I do import graphQL query as: import {getStudents} from'./../graphql/Queries.graphql' Queries.graphql file: query getStudents($schoolID: Int!){ allStudents(schoolId: $schoolID){ pickUpLat pickUpLng } } but when I try to pass the query…
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2 answers

graphql-codegen dynamic fields with interpolation

I'm using graphql-codegen to generate typescript types from graphql schema. I'm trying to create a fragment with dynamic fields. schema.ts This is the type generated by graphql-codegen. /** User Type */ export type UserType = { __typename?:…
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2 answers

Why do you need graphql-tag with Apollo

Following some tutorials and examples, I integrated a GraphQL API into a simple Vue application. I'm using Apollo to interact with the API and graphql-tag's provided template literal to write the queries, like so: gql` query getUser($userId: ID)…
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1 answer

Webpack loader for graphql-tag not loading in Angular 8

I have been following this guide but I am getting this error when I execute ng serve: ERROR in ./src/app/shared/queries.graphql 1:6 Module parse failed: Unexpected token (1:6) You may…
Ashkan Hovold
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2 answers

How to get the name of a query from a `gql` object?

I use gql from graphql-tag. Let's say I have a gql object defined like this: const QUERY_ACCOUNT_INFO = gql` query AccountInfo { viewer { lastname firstname email phone id } } ` There must be a way to get…
Vladyslav Zavalykhatko
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Error in Vue graphql: Missing query attribute on result

I want to have multiple queries in one network request. I have put all my queries in vue Apollo but I get this error when data revived(I will get the data in network tab but I cant access it!) error: vue-apollo.esm.js?522d:842 Missing query…
Amir Meimari
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