Questions tagged [grails-3.1]

Version 3.1 of the grails Open Source web application framework that uses the Spring, Hibernate, Groovy programming language, which is in turn based on the Java virtual machine (JVM) and Java. Use it in addition to the grails and grails-3 tags in specific question to grails 3.1.

From the Grails documentation:

What's new in Grails 3.1?

Grails 3.1 is at the milestone stage, but already includes the following new features.

Spring Boot 1.3 and Spring 4.2

Grails 3.1 has been upgraded to Spring Boot 1.3 and Spring 4.2.

Improvements to Grails 3 Profiles

Profile Publishing and Repositories

The following improvements are available in Grails profiles:

  • Profiles are now published as regular JAR files to any Maven compatible repository (Artifactory, Nexus etc.).
  • Additional profiles can be created easiy with the new create-profile command.
  • Profiles can now contribute to the generation of the build
  • Profiles can now have one or many features

For more information see the new section on Profiles in the user guide.

176 questions
2 answers

Why does Gradle downgrade my transitive dependencies in a Grails 3.1 application?

I am having a problem with a transitive dependency of my grails-flyway plugin. org.grails.plugins:grails-flyway:0.2.1 declares a dependency to org.flywaydb:flyway-core:4.0.1. When I include the plugin into my Grails 3.1.6 project Gradle downgrades…
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1 answer

Increase timeout for gradle to get a maven dependency

I am tring to get a jar dependency from Maven via the grails 3.1.5 gradle dependency Resolution . How do I increase timeout that gradle takes to get a maven dependency. Sure I have seen that the dependency takes quiet a longer time to be downloaded.…
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8 answers

Grails 3.1.4 and Docker - grails commands return "No profile found for name web"

I have a simple grails app that runs fine by itself. It does not have a problem using the grails web profile with grails run-app However, when I build a docker image out of the app, the grails commands, such as grails run-app --stacktrace or grails…
Ed J
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2 answers

indirect jar conflict between spring-security-rest and guava causing NoSuchMethod error

I use grails 3.1.16 build.gradle: dependencies { compile "" compile "org.grails.plugins:spring-security-rest:2.0.0.M2" } while running this code: private LoadingCache attempts …
Tom Boldan
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1 answer

Grails Controller / Integration Test succeeds but hangs forever

Absolutey stumped on this. I have two controller integration tests that pass successfully. However, when running in Intellij or via gradle check, the JVM never exits. If I comment out the entire integration tests, the JVM exits cleanly. When…
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grails error: grails.validation.Validateable is not an annotation in @grails.validation.Validateable

Working through upgrading from grails 2.2.5 to 3.1 and we have an interesting error. How do we resolve this? class grails.validation.Validateable is not an annotation in @grails.validation.Validateable @ line 17, column 1. @Validateable ^
Jay P.
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1 answer

Configuring Grails 3 for Log4j2

We would like to use Log4j2 as the log binding with grails 3. From what I can figure out so far. We have many subordinate dependencies that use a variety of loggers, so we need to use the SLF4J API. Then, instead of letting grails / groovy /…
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No transactionManager error in Grails 3 Integration test

I have created a new Grails 3.1.4 angular project along with a few domain objects and controllers extending RestfulController. I have created the Integration test below. When I run grails test-app -integration I get the…
Paul Waldo
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3 answers

Disable reloading in Grails 3.1 / springloaded

I'm trying to disable automatic reload/recompiling in Grails 3.1 as I would like to use JRebel instead. I find springloaded rather limited, but more importantly is constantly fails with File…
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1 answer

render an empty HTTP response with Grails 3

My goal is to render an HTTP response in a Grails 3.1 controller method that has a given status code (mostly 204, but potentially others, like 200) no Content-Type, or Content-Encoding headers (since there is no content, right?) render(status:…
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Grails3 controller template for dynamic scaffolding

In grails 2.4.x there was template named src/templates/scaffolding/Controller.groovy which was used to generate CRUD actions for dynamic scaffolding like: class BookController { static scaffold = domain.Book static responseFormats =…
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1 answer

Use of Sitemesh in Grails 3

I'm migrating a set of grails 2.0.4 applications to version 3.x. All of them are deployed in the same server together with a number of java applications. Both sets of java and grails applications have a common look and feel using sitemesh and…
Juan López
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0 answers

Grails 3 Spring Security No Hibernate Session

I am migrating a grails 2.4.5 application to grails 3.1.11. Application has a custom authprovider which allows users to authenticate from db or a ldap server. If a user is ldap user, login credentials are verified from ldap, if not from db. Roles…
1 answer

grails error: return type of getGrailsApplication() is incompatible

we are upgrading a grails 2.2.5 application to grails 3.1 and have an interesting error. What does this mean and how should it be resolved? /myapp/grails-app/controllers/myapp/admin/AdminProjectController.groovy: -1: The return type of…
Jay P.
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2 answers

Not able to access web-app folder files in Grails 3

I am not able to access web-app folder files in Grails 3. I have robots.txt in the web-app folder and in Grails 2 I was able to access it directly at http://localhost:8080/robots.txt. After migrating to Grails 3 I am not able to access it anymore at…
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