Questions tagged [gradle-android-test-plugi]

21 questions
1 answer

How to obtain coverage for Android project using Espresso tests

I used to write Android tests using Robotium and retrieve the coverage using Emma. Recently I changed to use Espresso tests and I'm having troubles to retrieve coverage of Instrumentation tests. I can only retrieve coverage for Unit tests that use…
5 answers

Support Annotation does not exist after upgrading to Android Studio 3.0

After I upgrade my project to AndroidStudio 3.0-beta1, my androidTest files stopped compiling. A lot of packages are not found, some of them are: error: package does not exist error: cannot find symbol class StringRes …
1 answer

Testing, Issue Tracking, Continuous Integration -- recommended standard tooling for GAE and Android apps

I wanted to solicit some opinions on what would be ideal tools for the job. I'd like to ideally use as few as possible and as tightly integrated as possible. (I've read about 20 different threads on this and have some experience at work as well) For…
2 answers

Don't fail the gradle build if a test is failing with the gradle-android-test-plugin

I set my project up to run with Robolectric and the the gradle-android-test-plugin. This all works fine and first tests are running and failing. If a test fails this will also fail the gradle build. Is there a way to just let the build go on and…
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Android Studio failed linking references

I am getting the following error in my Android Studio. This is after the recent update I did. My Android Studio version is 3.4, Gradle version is 5.5.1, plugin version is 3.4.2 Here is the error: Android resource linking failed warn: removing…
2 answers

Variant debug has no output with type INSTANT_RUN_MERGED_MANIFESTS

What I want to do & the problem I updated my Android Studio and Android Gradle Plugin to 3.0.0 and my Gradle Wrapper to 4.2.1 and want to build & deploy my Android Gradle project on a device via IDE. Building succeeds When I try to deploy my :app…
4 answers

Android Instrumentation Tests Stuck "Running Tests" Forever Android Studio

I use Android Espresso Tests with latest Android Studio 2.1.2 and Tests are running ok but it does not seems like the standalone test app returns back the results to reflect back to Android Studio and it shows Running Tests Forever
4 answers

How to add testCompile dependencies to IDE classpath

I have been struggling with unit-test-android problem for quite a long time. I have seen this, this and that, finally I found the gradle-android-test-plugin and even got it working. I can now run the tests with gradlew test command. But, writing…
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Avoid 'Variant Selection Conflicts' warning when using android test plugin without release variant

What I want to do & the problem I updated my Android Studio and Android Gradle Plugin to 3.0.1 and my Gradle Wrapper to 4.1 and can build & deploy my Android Gradle project in release variant on a device via IDE. However, the following 'Gradle…
2 answers

How to run Uiautomator tests in to multiple devices?

I am trying to Uiautomator android Ui tests in a .bat file. but i could not able them run parallelly. Here is my execution flow and have connected 3 devices -> adb devices XXXX XXXX XXXX -> adb push ./bin/UiautomatorTests.jar /data/local/tmp/ -> adb…
1 answer

How to run unit tests with IDEA+Gradle+Android

I've written some unit tests in my Android projects with Robolectric, and some of them even don't use Android. I've tried first this: robolectric-gradle-plugin, following this template. The result is that I've faced this bug in IDEA, that I reported…
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This multi-apk application requires a device with API level 21+

I want to automate the android test using CI(Jenkins), but I'm getting the following error once I executed the gradle connectedCheck: :app:connectedAndroidTest Unable to install…
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unable to get test coverage report in Espresso

Unable to get Espresso Code coverage report, i am new to android studio and tried following set up for generating the report . Please find the build.gradle setting: apply plugin: 'com.getkeepsafe.dexcount' apply plugin: 'realm-android' apply…
1 answer

Android Unit test are giving wrong result

When I run a unit test for a new created project then it shows me the wrong result (Says All Tests are passed). If you see in the image below 4 is expected while 6+2 surely not 4. Now when I run the same test from Gradle right menu. It shows me the…
0 answers

Gradle test module for Android module

I start develop new Android project using gradle as assemeler. I need to set test enviroment for it. I know way to set test as flavor of my project. But I want to have two different module: app, appTest. app is my project I develop and appTest is…
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