Questions tagged [gradient]

Specifies a range of position-dependent colors, usually used to fill a region.

Specifies a range of position-dependent colors, usually used to fill a region.

enter image description here

3824 questions
4 answers

Gradient of n colors ranging from color 1 and color 2

I often work with ggplot2 that makes gradients nice (click here for an example). I have a need to work in base and I think scales can be used there to create color gradients as well but I'm severely off the mark on how. The basic goal is generate…
Tyler Rinker
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7 answers

Android: Using linear gradient as background looks banded

I'm trying to apply a linear gradient to my ListView. This is the content of my drawable xml:
Francesco Laurita
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2 answers

How do I programmatically set the background color gradient on a Custom Title Bar?

There are many tutorials out there and questions on SO that implement custom title bars. However, in my custom title bar I have a custom gradient for the background and I would like to know how to set it dynamically in my code. Here is where my…
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3 answers

How to make transparent gradient?

I have the following gradient:
Sheehan Alam
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4 answers

angle attribute in android gradient

I am going through test example. Where for some Image background they are using gradient, the code goes like this
Sharanabasu Angadi
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4 answers

Use css gradient over background image

I've been trying to use a linear gradient on top of my background image in order to get a fading effect on the bottom of my background from black to transparent but can't seem to be able to make it show. I've read other cases here and examples but…
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5 answers

Can I apply a gradient along an SVG path?

I'd like to put a simple loading indicator on my website that's triggered by a script. It should be a simple circle arc that's got a gradient and is spinning while the user is waiting. I haven't tried the animation part, but got stuck on the static…
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4 answers

Using CSS, can you apply a gradient mask to fade to the background over text?

I have a full screen fixed background image. I would like the text in my scrolling div to fade out at the top, presumably by applying a gradient mask to the background at only the top part of the div. I'm interested in having the text look like it…
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5 answers

CSS gradient checkerboard pattern

I want to create a checkerboard pattern using gradients. I've found an example and modified it to my needs, however it only works with -moz prefix. When I remove the -moz prefix, the pattern is completely different. How can I make this -moz…
Maciej Krawczyk
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12 answers

Javascript color gradient

Using javascript with or without Jquery, I need to a create a gradient of colours based on a start and finish color. Is this possible to do programmatically? The end colour is only ever going to be darker shade of the start colour and it's for an…
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8 answers

Can you add noise to a CSS3 gradient?

Is it possible to add noise to a gradient in CSS? Here is my code for a radial gradient: body { color: #575757; font: 14px/21px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background-color: #2f3b4b; background: -moz-radial-gradient(center 45deg,…
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3 answers

Colour points in a plot differently depending on a vector of values

I'm plotting the plot below using R's plot function. It is a plot of a vector 'shiftTime' of shift in time. I have another vector 'intensity' of the intensity values ranging from ~3 to ~9. I want to color my points in the plot based on those values…
Niek de Klein
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2 answers

How to set gradient style to paint object?

The code for drawing an arrow with Style: Fill is given below: paint.setColor(Color.parseColor("#bdc0dc")); paint.setStyle(Style.FILL); canvas.drawPath(arrowPath,…
Rohan K
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7 answers

Gradient text color

Is there a generator , or an easy way to generate text like this but without having to define every letter So something like this: .rainbow { background-image: -webkit-gradient( linear, left top, right top, color-stop(0, #f22), color-stop(0.15,…
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7 answers

How to create colour gradient in Python?

I want to create a new colormap which interpolates between green and blue (or any other two colours for that matter). My goal is to get something like: First of all I am really not sure if this can be done using linear interpolation of blue and…
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