Questions tagged [googlesigninaccount]

Class that holds the basic account information of the signed in Google user. Used since the version 8.3 of Google Play Services.

86 questions
13 answers

Google SignIn API Exception 10

Approaching to the final stage of the authentification, but something is going wrong in handleSignInResult method. It returns Exception code 10 (Developer error) in logs. Google provides comprehensive description: The application is misconfigured.…
3 answers

Silent sign in to retrieve token with GoogleApiClient

I am using "Google Sign-In" in my app. Hence I use the class GoogleApiClient to get the user email and the ID token that I need for my backend. When the user signs in, then I have access to an Activity (of course) and I use that Activity to let the…
3 answers

Token null Sign-in Google Account

I am following the example of google to get the token but without success. Always fails to acquire the token. This is latest way Google displays on your page developers I believe the error is not in my code private String CLIENTE_ID =…
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1 answer

Crash inside GoogleSignInAccount in latest PlayServices 8.3

The latest release on play services (8.3) has an issue related to GoogleSignInAccount. We received a crash generated from it. Here it is the stacktrace. Android: 4.4.4 Manufacturer: Sony Model: D5503 Date: Thu Nov 12 16:36:06 GMT-08:00…
2 answers

google sign-in Storagerelay URI is not allowed for 'NATIVE' client type

I have been trying this simple google sign-in by following this tutorials: The code is very simple and I'm exactly following…
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Android: GoogleAuthUtil.getToken - where is the account object supposed to come from?

GoogleAuthUtil.getToken requires for it's second parameter an account object, but when you connect with Google SignIn what you get back in the result is a GoogleSignInAccount - which isn't the same thing. Is there a way to convert the…
9 answers

PlatformException (PlatformException(sign_in_failed, 12500: , null))

The line where is going to crash: GoogleSignInAccount googleUser = await _googleSignIn.signIn(); What have I tried: I've generated my SH1 key with this command keytool -list -v \ -alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore Adding…
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2 answers

Logout from Google Sign In Integration android

I am learning to implement Google Sign In Integration. I am following the demo from Google Developers. Here is my code for Login Page : public class LoginActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements GoogleApiClient.OnConnectionFailedListener,…
Nir Patel
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6 answers 16:

I try to learn how i can use google sign in in my android App, but i catch 16 And i can't find on stackoveflow answer, what is it and why i catch it. In documentation i read, what it "was canceled by…
3 answers

Google Sign In error Status{statusCode=DEVELOPER_ERROR, resolution=null} from same play store app not from same signed apk

I think this is a bug in android, android studio or google. I am able to login to google through the signed apk. But If I upload the same apk on play store it says me Status{statusCode=DEVELOPER_ERROR, resolution=null}. I want to know how can it be…
Rakesh Yadav
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2 answers

Google SignIn user authentication opening in Popup window, need to open in same Tab itself using OAuth 2.0

I am using OAuth 2.0 for google SingIn, it is opening a popup window for user authentication but i want to open in same tab itself, please help me. Thanks in advance.
2 answers

Google Sign-In for Android Invalid ID Token

I am following the instructions on the Google Sign-In for Android guide (, and I am trying to validate my ID token. When I go to…
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1 answer

Use authorized Google Cloud Endpoints with Google Sign in

I have an app that uses Google Cloud Endpoints. Some methods need authorization so I followed this tutorial. This requires the GET_ACCOUNTS permissions. I am updating the app to work with runtime permissions. I do not like to request permission to…
1 answer

Google Sign in doesn't return any result when 'Use another account' to sign in

This seems to be a basic feature but after following the signing-in tutorial, it only works if I choose the account that is already registered on the device. After choosing 'Use another account' and completing some steps to authenticate it looses…
1 answer

Google Signin returns display name as null only when Add account in the flow

In my current project I have implemented google sign in feature. Am fetching user information when logged in. In the flow, there is option to Add Account in google dialog. When user trying to add account on that time I am getting the email properly…
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