Questions tagged [google-plus-signin]

Google Sign-In is a secure authentication system which reduces the burden of login for your users, by allowing them to login with their Google account. To sign users into an app that integrates Google+ features, Google Sign-In helps with social scopes

Google Sign-In increases conversions by reducing the burden and friction of login. Ecspecially for mobile users, all while helping users keep their accounts secure. With minimal effort, user can add a trusted registration system that's familiar to users and consistent across devices. Google Sign-In lets users skip high drop-off registration forms and avoid having to remember yet another username and password. This makes registration faster and more secure, and reduces support costs for forgotten usernames and passwords.

By requesting social scopes through Google Sign In, your app can provide a social experience for your users through the use of the Google+ Profile and Social Graph APIs.

Steps to integrate Google+ Platform

276 questions
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Login with google in website shows error "The Web server is configured to not list the contents of this directory or you do not have enough permissions to access the resource" Please click below link show error message enter link description here
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1 answer

Get user's google(gmail profile pic or google+) avatar profile image

I guess Gmail API doesn't provide any way to get users profile image. I can use Google+ API to get the url but I should have user's google+ username. I only have user's email id and his/her account access token(gmail). The answer to this question…
1 answer

iOS CocoaPod warning - "Google has been deprecated" - when using pod 'Google/SignIn'

I am following this official Google doc: which states to use pod 'Google/SignIn' However, I get the following warning: [!] Google has been deprecated On Google's documents, I don't…
0 answers

Google API: Using OAuth to get the user's country

I'm trying to retrieve the user's country through Google's API. Using '', I'd suspect that the user's country would be returned but it does not. I've looked through the docs and StackOverflow, all the the…
Pav Sidhu
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3 answers

How to prevent multiple accounts with social media login?

Next to a regular username/email/password system I want to have social media buttons for signing in. But how do I prevent users from creating multiple accounts? Let's say someone logs into my app through Facebook first and does things in the app…
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1 answer

Google plus appears like google signing in button android

I have a project that i like to use login by google plus. As in Google guides "created in console and open google plus api " Like shown here…
2 answers

How to show google plus profile picture on navigation drawer?

The below code is from github to log in via gmail in android app.I did some modification to show profile picture using volley. Its working fine. I just want to shows these things in navigation drawer. Profile picture,name and email id. I used the…
Shwetabh Singh
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2 answers

GoogleApiClient has an optional Plus.API and is not connected to Plus with new Google sign introduced in Play Services 8.3

I'm getting lots of reports of my app crashing when trying to use Plus' People Api to access user's basic profile information. Here's my setup of GoogleApiClient GoogleSignInOptions gso = new…
2 answers

Difference between GoogleSignInApi and PLUS API for Android

Hi It is probably a silly question but I just can't find the difference between those two APIs. On seems to do exactly what the other does. I tried reading on the google developer website but It is just confusing. I want to facilitate log in to my…
2 answers

Null pointer exception in google plus login

I am new to android. I am integrating google plus login in my application. But it shows null pointer exception at mConnectionResult.hasResolution This is my code btnSignIn = (SignInButton) findViewById(; …
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Why Doesn't AWS let me authenticate with Google Plus?

I have an Android project and i am trying to authenticate with AWS Cognito with Google Plus. I have set up Facebook authentication and that is working, but when i login with Google Plus i get a 400 : Unauthorized error At the moment i have to set…
0 answers

How to use URL Shortener API Client Library for Java in android studio?

I am using Google+ Sign-In in my Android app and i want to send auth token to my web server.I follow the link [][1] and uses the following code to generate idToken. private class…
0 answers

How to get birthday info using google integration in ios

I am able to access Google user's email, display name, and profile picture but while accessing the about me and birthday I get nil. Is there any special permission required? I am using below code on IBAction -…
Anupam Gupta
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2 answers

GoogleApiClient.isConnected() returns true after calling Plus.AccountApi.revokeAccessAndDisconnect()

Ok, so I'm current implementing Google Drive API connectivity within my app and as a result I have the user sign in through their Google Plus Account. My problem is that GoogleApiClient.isConnected() does not always seem to be accurate. The problem…
0 answers

Upgrade from Google+ sign-in to Google sign-in in Node.js

I have a NodeJs Google cloud project that works fine and i'm using Google+ sign-in to get user profile but i got a message from google saying that Google+ Sign-in has been fully deprecated and will also be shut down on March 7, 2019. How can i get…