Questions tagged [google-maps-api-3]

Google Maps JavaScript API Version 3 lets you embed the functionality of Google Maps into your own website. Version 3 provides greatly improved support for mobile devices. Ask non-programming and licensing questions in the Maps API Google Group (see full description for a link)

The Google Maps JavaScript API Version 3 is now the official JavaScript API. Version 2 of the API has been officially deprecated as per Google's deprecation policy. Version 3 of the API is designed to be faster and more applicable to mobile devices, as well as traditional desktop browser applications.

For support questions unrelated to programming as defined in the Stack Overflow usage guidelines, there is a Maps API Google Group.

Google has established two licensing models for use of the Google Maps JavaScript API v3:

  1. The Google Maps API Standard Plan requires an API key and is free up to 25K Map Loads per day. If you need more than 25K Map Loads per day you need to enable billing on your project. After exceeding the free usage limits, billing at $0.50 USD / 1000 additional requests, up to 100,000 per 24 hours is enforced. You can find more info about Google Maps API JavaScript quotas in the developer docs. When using the Google Maps API Services in JavaScript (Directions, GeoCoding, etc.) and Places API quota restrictions also apply, please check this document for more info on Services usage limits.
    If you need more than 100,000 daily Map Loads you should switch to the Google Maps API Premium Plan.
    To use the Standard Plan you need to provide public accessibility to your Google Maps API implementation.
    Note: Quota exceptions may apply. Learn more here.

  2. The Google Maps API Premium Plan provides higher quotas, enhanced features, reporting and analytics and added support to organizations that wish to add maps to their fee-based websites, mobile apps, or to their internal websites. To learn more about this option, contact Google Maps API Premium Plan Sales.

Check out the showcase site to see examples of what is possible with the Google Maps APIs.

Customize your own map with the help of Google Maps APIs Styling Wizard!

The Google Maps JavaScript API v3 also provides support for Keyhole Mark-Up Language (KML) and Google also provides information about the v3 API's KML Support.

More detailed information is available at the Google Maps JavaScript API v3 Documentation page and includes:

24687 questions
2 answers

Google maps - using custom json styling *and* TERRAIN view

So I've created some custom JSON to make the oceans a more saturated blue but now can't seem to get the map to default to TERRAIN view, it just goes to the standard ROADMAP view, can't seem to work out why this is happening, any ideas? function…
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4 answers

How to set google.maps.MapTypeId to earth view in Google Maps

How can I configure Google Maps to show in Earth View? I am using Google Maps V3
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Changing the Multiple Polyline stroke color on google map v3

I need to create multiple polylines ,each with its own color, and their markers are connected to each other,I am using google map v3. For example,I have five markers and they are all the connected to each other through red color polylines. Now I…
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1 answer

How can I get x and y number at every click event on Google Maps?

I want to retrieve x/y coordinates at every click-event on Google Maps. Could someone help me please?
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3 answers

How to detect that the 25000 request per day limit has been reached in Google Maps?

I'm working on a website using the Google Maps Javascript API v3. The free version of the API is limited by 25000 requests a day. But what happens if this limit is reached? Is there a way to detect that the request limit has been reached so a…
Guillaume Flandre
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Google Maps Api V3 - Assigning Multiple Listeners to Same Marker Object

Currently working on a project to upgrade our Goole Maps API from v2 to v3 and ran into an issue and need confirmation on whether it's possible to register multiple listeners to the same marker. Can anyone confirm whether Goole Maps API v3 supports…
Mike Purcell
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3 answers

Zooming to center on a map in Google Maps API V3

I'm new to using google maps and am trying to find out how to restrict the zoom function so that it does not zoom anywhere except of the center of the map and not zoom to the mouse point. Basically it zooms to the center of the returned map no…
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2 answers

How can I make google map marker grow bigger when the mouseover it?

In Google Map API v3, as the title, I only saw 2 types of animation in google map api, but I saw in some places the map marker animate like grow big when mouse over it? How to implement this?
2 answers

GoogleMaps loses mouseUp event if rectangle redrawn in mouseMove event

The following code sample has me baffled. It's the simplest version of a larger piece of code that I can use to demonstrate my problem. Basically I want the user to be able to draw a bounding box by holding down the mouse key and dragging it. If…
2 answers

how to disable/enable dragging, zooming and change the cursor in Google maps v3

how can i disable/enable dragging, zooming in a 'map' object. also how can i change the cursor to for example a plus sign and then change it back to default. I have tried these but doesn't work: =…
Sami Al-Subhi
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1 answer

Google Maps Api V3 - Change map div

I wanted to ask if anyone knows how to move map from one div to another. Why you would ask... let's say i created complex map, with many tools, letting user to add markers, lines, polygones, save the map position, add infowindows and much more. I am…
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1 answer

How to print Google Maps with cluster (clusterer) icons?

I have to print some Google Maps displayed within PHP application. Basically, I can print it, and what is important markers are printed correctly. But problem occurs if I need to print cluster. Instead of cluster icon, only a white box is printed…
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Google Maps API V3 fromDivPixelToLatLng not consistent

I need to place a marker at a fixed pixel location within the map's div. To instantiate a marker, you need a LatLng. I understand that fromDivPixelToLatLng() is the way to convert from pixel co-ordinates to a LatLng, but I can't get it to behave…
5 answers

Max url length with Google Maps static image

I need to create a static image of google map with several markers, and each marker has a custom icon. In the Api DOC there is the note: Static Map URLs are restricted to 2048 characters in size. In practice, you will probably not have need for URLs…
1 answer

Using a Relative Path in Javascript to Set Google Map Icon

I've set the icon image in my Google map using an absolute url as follows: icon: 'http://mysite/wp-content/plugins/my_plugin/images/icon1.png' I set the image in this script: http://mysite/wp-content/plugins/my_plugin/js/myscript.js Is it…
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