Questions tagged [google-maps-api-3]

Google Maps JavaScript API Version 3 lets you embed the functionality of Google Maps into your own website. Version 3 provides greatly improved support for mobile devices. Ask non-programming and licensing questions in the Maps API Google Group (see full description for a link)

The Google Maps JavaScript API Version 3 is now the official JavaScript API. Version 2 of the API has been officially deprecated as per Google's deprecation policy. Version 3 of the API is designed to be faster and more applicable to mobile devices, as well as traditional desktop browser applications.

For support questions unrelated to programming as defined in the Stack Overflow usage guidelines, there is a Maps API Google Group.

Google has established two licensing models for use of the Google Maps JavaScript API v3:

  1. The Google Maps API Standard Plan requires an API key and is free up to 25K Map Loads per day. If you need more than 25K Map Loads per day you need to enable billing on your project. After exceeding the free usage limits, billing at $0.50 USD / 1000 additional requests, up to 100,000 per 24 hours is enforced. You can find more info about Google Maps API JavaScript quotas in the developer docs. When using the Google Maps API Services in JavaScript (Directions, GeoCoding, etc.) and Places API quota restrictions also apply, please check this document for more info on Services usage limits.
    If you need more than 100,000 daily Map Loads you should switch to the Google Maps API Premium Plan.
    To use the Standard Plan you need to provide public accessibility to your Google Maps API implementation.
    Note: Quota exceptions may apply. Learn more here.

  2. The Google Maps API Premium Plan provides higher quotas, enhanced features, reporting and analytics and added support to organizations that wish to add maps to their fee-based websites, mobile apps, or to their internal websites. To learn more about this option, contact Google Maps API Premium Plan Sales.

Check out the showcase site to see examples of what is possible with the Google Maps APIs.

Customize your own map with the help of Google Maps APIs Styling Wizard!

The Google Maps JavaScript API v3 also provides support for Keyhole Mark-Up Language (KML) and Google also provides information about the v3 API's KML Support.

More detailed information is available at the Google Maps JavaScript API v3 Documentation page and includes:

24687 questions
2 answers

Avoid geocode limit on custom google map with multiple markers

I've created a custom map with around 150 markers. It only plots around 20 or so before it hits the geocode limit. What can I incorporate into my code to avoid hitting the limit? UPDATE: How can I add a time delay to each request say 0.25seconds (or…
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2 answers

Google Maps V3 Geometry Library - Interpolate does not return expected Lat/Lng

I have spent hours on a strange problem with the interpolate function of google maps' geometry library. (see: I use the following javascript code to illustrate the…
1 answer

How to Extract Transit Stop locations from Google Maps?

I'm building an application that requires the name, long, and lat for the transit stops in my area. Google Maps API displays this information, but in this scenario I can't use the API and need to extract this information to an XML format. I'm not…
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drag marker outside map to html element

Is there an easy way to drag a google maps marker outside the map area onto another html dom element. I have tried allot of things and looks like the only way is to hack through and create a duplicate marker in jquery and just have it hover over…
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1 answer

Google Maps geocode api inconsistencies

I'm trying to geocode this address "188th street & third avenue, bronx NY" If you run this geocode query through the maps api v3 geocoder, you get back 10 or so results, none of which are in new…
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1 answer

How to force Google Maps API v3 to discard touch support?

I'm using a Delphi component based on the Chromium Embedded project. While navigating in a test HTML with some Javascript code to access Google Maps API, it displays the controls for touch enabled devices. I've seen that this issue is already fixed…
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5 answers

google maps formatting text of a marker tooltip on multiple lines

How do I insert a newline into text of a marker tooltip. I am using \n which doesn't seem to be working. See code below: mark = new google.maps.Marker({ map: map, position: center, …
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3 answers

Detect waypoint click on DirectionsRenderer marker in Google Maps v3

In the Google Maps API v3, how can I get the waypoint markers from the DirectionsRenderer in order to add click events to them (such as a delete menu).
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3 answers

Close Infobox when clicking on the map

I'm using the Infobox plugin for Google Maps V3 API ( Is there anyway too close the infobox when the user clicks outside the infobox like on the map?
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Google Maps v3: need multiple draggable markers to update HTML input fields

I'm working on a project using Google Maps v3 that will allow users to drag and drop randomly placed markers (quantity, coordinates, and labels generated with php). I would like the latitude and longitude of moved markers to update html input fields…
1 answer

Difference between Google's Query and Place Autocomplete?

Whats the difference between these two services: Google Place Autocomplete and Google Query autocomplete Except theirs descriptions,…
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4 answers

Google Maps - How to locate a marker in a markers array?

How can I check if a google map marker is already inside an array of markers? Even after this markersArray.push(marker); the condition (marker in markersArray) is false.
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1 answer

Google maps api: Customising the MapTypeControl for separate map overlays

I have lots of slices of (non-geographical) data that I'm trying to view via google maps. It basically breaks down into N 'maps', each containing M 'layers'. This sample shows basically what I want to…
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How to get the list of waypoints of a route displayed on the Google maps, through their API V3?

The GDirections class of Google maps API helped me in "displaying" the route between two supplied coordinates. Now I want a list of ALL the coordinates on that route. Any hints on how to get this? EDIT Just now discovered…
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3 answers

Optimizing code for jQueryMobile: problems with selectively including external JS files only when they are needed

I am using jQueryMobile for a mobile application. Obviously I want the UI to load very quickly, but the application has more than one tool so I want to only load the relevant external JS libraries for the 'pages' when they are navigated to. For the…
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